Samudera Shipping Line Ltd. menawarkan layanan pengiriman kontainer yang efisien dan andal di Timur Tengah, Sub-benua India, Asia Tenggara, Indo-Cina, dan pasar Timur Jauh. Bisnis pengiriman kontainer Perusahaan dapat ditelusuri kembali ke 1988 ketika perusahaan induknya memulai layanan feeder antara Jakarta dan Singapura. Sejak awal yang sederhana, Samudera telah mengembangkan jaringan layanan pengiriman kontainer
yang luas, dengan kantor-kantor yang saat ini berbasis di Dubai, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangkok, Ho Chi Minh, Klang, Jakarta, Shanghai, dan Singapura. Selain pengiriman kontainer, Grup juga terlibat dalam pengiriman industri untuk pengangkutan kargo curah - baik cair maupun kering. Samudera terdaftar di Bursa Singapura pada Oktober 1997, dan sejauh ini telah menetapkan untuk dirinya sendiri nama merek yang dihormati dan dikenal dengan baik.
PT Samudera Indonesia Ship Management (SISM) incorporated in 1991 to support shipping activities by providing professional, efficient and added value in a form of competitive advantage for the customers. SISM is a merger from the several ship management divisions in numerous shipping business units in Samudera Indonesia. SISM is also supported by highly competent people and a team of expertise to operate the ships safely and to meet national and international requirements according to market needs, as well as best practices in ship management.
The safety management system implemented by SISM has referred to regulation of International Safety Management Code for Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code), ISO 9000 Standard, The Standard of Training, Certification and Watch Keeping for Seafarer (STCW), SEEMP, MLC and ISO 14000. This system has been developed independently from concept to implementation and included implementation in both vessels and offices. SIMS developed an Integrated Ship Management System (ISMS) as the backbone of its information systems and technology to support the business daily operations and activities. Apart from ship management services, SISM also provides other services as independent services or integrate services detailed as follows:
Ship management service consisting of technical and crew management, purchasing, administration, accounting, and technical support
Legal and insurance assistance
Recruitment and placement services of certified SRPs (Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Service) crews are based on the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006 from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (Class NK) and SIUPPA K (Business License Crew Recruitment and Placement) from the Indonesian Government
Survey and inspection of ships’ condition
Site supervision during ship-building and repair
Dry-docking project management
Antartika Adisarana (ATA), headquartered in Indonesia, was incorporated in 24 Juni 1994 and commenced operations since 1st april 1995. ATA>ACL as a dedicated common feeder operator offers one of the widest coverage in West Asia (India and Bangladesh), and South East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Philippines) with regular frequencies connecting MLO mother vessels to/from hub ports particularly Singapore.
Headed by a professional management team, ATA>ACL operates ships with capacities ranging from 200 to 2000 Teus serving over 30 destinations in more than 10 countries in the region. ATA>ACL is committed to provide reliable schedule integrity and good connectivity with MLO sailing through deployment of an efficient fleet and backed by quality customer services.
The Company continues to seek growth opportunities, widen market coverage as well as enhancing services to the satisfaction of our customers.
'Carriage' means the whole or any part of the operations and services undertaken by the Carrier in respect of the Goods covered by this Bill of Lading.
'Carrier' means the party on whose behalf this Bill of Lading has been signed.
'Combined Transport' arises if the Place of Receipt and/or the Place of Delivery are indicated overleaf in the relevant spaces.
'Container' includes any container (including any open top container), trailer, transportable tank, flat or pallet or any similar article used to consolidate goods and any ancillary equipment.
'Freight' includes all charges payable to the Carrier in accordance with the Carrier's applicable tariff and under this Bill of Lading.
'Goods' means the whole or any part of the cargo accepted from the Shipper and includes any Container not supplied by or on behalf of the Carrier.
'Hague Rules' means the provisions of the International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading signed at Brussels on 25th August 1924 and includes the amendments by the Protocol signed at Brussels on 23rd February 1968, but only if such amendments are compulsorily applicable to this Bill of Lading. (It is expressly provided that nothing in this Bill of Lading shall be construed as contractually applying the said Rules as amended by the said Protocol.)
'Holder' means any Person for the time being lawfully in possession of this Bill of Lading or in whom rights of suit and/or liability under this Bill of Lading have been transferred or vested.
'Merchant' includes any Person who at any time has been or becomes the Shipper, Holder, Consignee, the receiver of the Goods, any Person owning or entitled to the possession of the Goods or this Bill of Lading and any Person acting on behalf of any such Person.
'Person' includes an individual, company, group or other entity.
'Port of Discharge' means any port at which the Goods are discharged from any Vessel (which may either be a feeder Vessel or an ocean Vessel and is not necessarily the Vessel named overleaf) after Carriage under this Bill of Lading.
'Port of Loading' means any port at which the Goods are loaded on board any Vessel (which may either be a feeder Vessel or an ocean Vessel and is not necessarily the Vessel named overleaf) for Carriage under this Bill of Lading.
'Port-to-Port' carriage arises if the Carriage is not Combined Transport.
'Sub-Contractor' includes (but is not limited to) owners and operators of any Vessels (other than the Carrier), stevedores, warehousemen, Container terminal or depot operators, road, rail and air transport operators and any independent contractor employed by the Carrier in the performance of the Carriage or any part thereof and any of their sub-sub-contractors, agents and servants.
'Vessel' means any water borne craft used in the carriage under this Bill of Lading which may be a feeder vessel or an ocean vessel.
In commercial terms, container includes "any vessel or enclosure for holding a product used in packaging and shipping”. Things kept inside of a container are protected by being inside of its edifice. The term is most frequently used for devices made from materials that are durable and rigid.
One type of container frequently referred to in operations is a shipping container. A shipping container is a container with strength appropriate to withstand shipment, storage, and handling. They vary from giant reusable steel cases used for intermodal shipments to the grooved boxes. In international shipping trade, "container" or "shipping container" is practically synonymous with "intermodal freight container". An intermodal shipping container is a container that can be moved from one mode of transport to another without the need for unloading and reloading.
Containerization is a system of intermodal freight transport using intermodal containers made of weathering steel. It is is an important cargo-moving technique.
As one of the Company’s biggest subsidiaries, Samudera Shipping Line Ltd (SSL) was established as an extension of international container shipping activities of Feeder Division in Samudera Indonesia which is began in 1988.
The division was then founded as an independent entity in Singapore on December 22, 1993. Along with its growth, SSL decided to go public as a listed company in Singapore Stock Exchange under the name of Samudera Shipping Line Ltd on September 13, 1997.
SSL’s main services in the regional container shipping business are as follows:
Transport Shipper Owned Container (SOC) between “hub” and “spoke”. SSL also provides feeder services for Main Line Operators, Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier (NVOCC) and Container Operator.
Using Carrier Owned Container (COC), cargo delivery between “spoke” ports can be done in accordance with the marketing coverage. SSL provides liner services to direct shipper, traders and freight forwarders.
Currently, SSL main focus is to provide services with area coverage including INA (ports of Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Jambi, Semarang, Palembang, Pontianak, Pekanbaru, Panjang, Batam, Belawan); SMTV (Singapore as “port” harbor for Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar and Philippines); India Sub-Continent (India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh); and Far East (Hong Kong and China).
Video appeared in social nets showing collision
between FESCO and PIL container ships, FESCO
VOYAGER and HAPPY LUCKY, with comments in
Russian. According to comments, the ships collided in
Vietnamese port, date unknown. A woman
commenting the clip didn’t add any more details.
She’s a witness who filmed accident, she’s
obviously, a cook or a steward, hence total absence
of important details, of any details, actually, except
emotions and yells.
UPDATE: According to FESCO management, collision
took place on Apr 29 in Hai Phong port. Damaged
containers onboard of PIL’s ship can be seen. FESCO
VOYAGER reported damaged, in need of repairs.
Container ship FESCO VOYAGER, IMO 9168245, dwt
14000, capacity 790 TEU, built 1998, flag Cyprus,
owner FESCO Vladivostok.
Container ship HAPPY LUCKY, IMO 9363405, dwt
33406, capacity 2483 TEU, built 2008, flag Liberia,
manager operation PIL.
Advance Container Lines (ACL), headquartered in Singapore, was incorporated in September 1994 and commenced operations since 1st January 1995. ACL as a dedicated common feeder operator offers one of the widest coverage in West Asia (India and Bangladesh), and South East Asia (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Philippines) with regular frequencies connecting MLO mother vessels to/from hub ports particularly Singapore.
Headed by a professional management team, ACL operates ships with capacities ranging from 200 to 2000 Teus serving over 30 destinations in more than 10 countries in the region. ACL is committed to provide reliable schedule integrity and good connectivity with MLO sailing through deployment of an efficient fleet and backed by quality customer services.
The Company continues to seek growth opportunities, widen market coverage as well as enhancing services to the satisfaction of our customers.