Explore and Expose a truly, deeply and madly of Bali a family and kids friendly journey on a time machine.#ElClasico #vwebat
Is VW e-BaT safe and kids friendly? Yes the kids.will.love.the breeze. Wind that.flow their face and hair
A smell that will memoriesed their Bali first trip forever. The taste.of local.Bali cuisine.will spoil their taste bud. Try something new...dont just follow others mainstream tourist do.
Trough @vwebat you contribute to support many locals and also a sustain tourism of Bali new era.
VW e-BaT by Adimelali Bali Explore out the Truly Deeply and Madly of Bali with your family. Find the authenticity of Bali...smell...taste and feel out from.hustle bustle Bali touristy southern are and Ubud.
And all is real...no artificial rice field and or rice terrace. Its custom and tailor made.to.full.fill.your.need.
VW e-BaT by Adimelali Bali we are family and kids friendly customised Day Trip.pr Multiple.day trip on a classic convertible Volkswagen 181/182 type or known as The Thing or The Trekker or Safari.
Get the f**k out of hustle bustle southern side of Bali and Ubud
Explore a Truly Deeply and Madlt of Bali other side. With VW e-BaT by Adimelali Bali
Wishing you all our Muslim Families and friends a Happy Ramadan, Ramadan Mubarak 1 Ramadhan 1445 H ( March-April 2024)Have a blessed month..... Atamanaa lakum shahr mubarak. Taqabbal Allah Siamak — May your fasts be accepted.Selamat menunaikan Ibadah Puasa.#ramadanmubarak #ramadankareem🌙 #happyramadan #selamatmenunaikanibadahpuasa #puasaramadhan2024 #1445h #adimelali #adimelali👣
Let The Mother Earth Breathe, Let The Island Refresh... Let the local Rule their island for just oneday !!Rahajeng ngemargiang Catur Bharata Penyepian. Rahajeng Warsa Icaka Anyar 1946.Have a blessed and peacefull Nyepi Day, wishing you all our Balinese family and friends a Happy Icaka Bali New Year 1946 ( 11-12 March 2024)Rahajeng, Rahayu 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼#respect #localowntheirislandoneday#nyepi #nyepi2024 #isaka1946 #balinewyear #bali #silentday #balisilentday #dayofsilence2024 #balinesenewyear #icaka #adimelali #adimelali👣 #family #Balibalibali #balibagus #nyepisipeng #sipeng