East Kalimantan (Kalimantan Timur) or Kaltim is indeed the real exotic destination for travelers and adventurers to explore the numbers of attractions, breathtaking activities, and spectacular events and celebrations of East Indonesian Borneo. DESTINATIONS KALTIM
Kaltim offers you 10 destinations to visit, 3 cities and 7 regencies. Samarinda City (the capital of Kaltim), Balikpapan City, Bontang C
ity, Berau Regency, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Kutai Timur Regency, Kutai Barat Regency, Mahakam Ulu Regency, Paser Regency, and Penajam Paser Utara Regency. ATTRACTIONS KALTIM
Enjoy the fantastic natural attractions where the world’s oldest tropical rainforest of Borneo lies, the home of the second longest river in Indonesia, Mahakam River which flows 980 km from Muller Mountain in the highlands of Borneo (upper stream) passes traditional villages of Kalimantan’s indigenous inhabitant, the Dayak and Kutai (middle stream) to its mouth at the Makassar Strait in the delta of Eastern Borneo’s coast (lower stream), the trace of the oldest kingdom in Indonesia and its great change to sultanate of phenomenal heritage and myth of 'Lembuswana', the spot of the largest lake in East Kalimantan, Jempang Lake where freshwater dolphins (Irrawaddy dolphins) or Pesut can be found, the carpet of national parks and nature reserves, Kutai National Park, Wehea Conservation Forest, Sungai Wain Conservation Forest, Kersik Luway Areas, Sangkulirang Karst Site, to protect its flora and fauna with conservation of the very rare black orchid, orang utan, proboscis monkeys and hornbills, the home of hundred scenic and unexplored waterfalls and caves, the terrace of mangrove ecosystem, and the paradise of sea turtle and jellyfish around the most popular islands in Berau seas, Derawan Island, Maratua Island, Nabucco Island, Kakaban Island and Sangalaki Island. BREATHTAKING ACTIVITIES IN KALTIM