Explore Adventure

Explore Adventure Explore Adventure merupakan Fanspage Resmi Xplore Wisata dan merupakan penyedia Jasa Wisata dan Adventure dari Pendakian Gunung sampai Penelusuran Gua.

Xplore Wisata sangat erat kaitannya dengan SSBS Community karena Xplore Wisata merupakan salah satu usaha bentukan SSBS Community ^^


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Sebagian besar kawasan Dlingo dan sekitarnya ditumbuhi oleh Pohon Pinus sehingga banyak yang menyebutnya dengan Hutan Pinus. Karena luasnya Hutan Pinus di Dlingo maka ada beberapa tempat yang perlu disinggahi, salah satunya adalah Hutan Pinus Asri Dlingo. Keindahan Hutan Pinus Asri menjadikan banyak pengunjung dari Yogyakarta atau luar daerah untuk mengujungi Hutan Pinus ini. Selain mendapatkan keindahan di Hutan Pinus ini temen temen juga akan merasakan kesejukan sinar matahari yang menyelinap di sela sela daun.

Hutan Pinus Asri, Hutan Pinus Terkenal di Yogyakarta untuk hanimun - Xplore Wisata - Provider Pendaki-An Gunung Indonesia - Mountain Guide Dan Porter Gunung
Source: https://www.xplorewisata.com/2020/03/hutan-pinus-asri-hutan-pinus-terkenal.html

Dieng Lagi Gaes,,Sudah lama tidak ke Dieng ??

Dieng Lagi Gaes,,
Sudah lama tidak ke Dieng ??

Dieng Lagi Gaes,,
Sudah lama tidak ke Dieng ??
Atau malah belum pernah ??
Yuks agendakan moment berhargamu bersama kami.
Nara Hubung +62 85 643 455 685

STOP !!!Ada Promo Wisata ke Semarang.Maukah anda berwisata bersama keluarga besar dengan harga special ??

STOP !!!
Ada Promo Wisata ke Semarang.

Maukah anda berwisata bersama keluarga besar dengan harga special ??

Mari yang mau honey moon attau sekedar wisata dapat menjadi salah satu referensihttp://www.sobat-trip.com/2018/12/paket-...

Mari yang mau honey moon attau sekedar wisata dapat menjadi salah satu referensi


Paket Wisata Xplore Kepulauan Seribu - Open Trip, Private Trip Murah dan Termurah Paket Wisata Kepulauan Seribu, Xplore Pulau Tidung Paket Wisata Corporate, Family Gathering dan Bulan Madu Termurah DESKRIPSI SINGKAT KEPULAUAN SERIBU Kabupaten Administrasi Kepulauan Seribu Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indon...

Paket Merbabu - Paket Pendakian Gunung Merbabu 2H1M Jalur Suwantingsebelum kita memberikan Paket Wisata Pendakian Jalur ...

Paket Merbabu - Paket Pendakian Gunung Merbabu 2H1M Jalur Suwanting

sebelum kita memberikan Paket Wisata Pendakian Jalur Selo Turun Jalur Suwanting kami akan berbagi sedikit informasi tentang Sumber Mata Air di Gunung Merbabu.

Informasi Paket Pendakian ada di bawah postingan ini,
atau bisa langsung menghubungi 085 643 455 685 disarankan melaui WhatApp

Read more: http://www.xplorewisata.com/2018/02/paket-merbabu-sumber-air-di-gunung.html

Paket Pendakian Merbabu, Naik Selo Turun SuwantingHalo Sobat Xplore !!!Pada kesempatan kali ini tim Xplore Wisata akan m...

Paket Pendakian Merbabu, Naik Selo Turun Suwanting

Halo Sobat Xplore !!!
Pada kesempatan kali ini tim Xplore Wisata akan memberikan penawaran berupa trip lintas jalur Pendakian Gunung Merbabu, yakni Naik Jalur Pendakian Selo Turun Jalur Pendakian Suwanting.

Apa sih lintas jalur itu ?? Lintas jalur merupakan istilah yang biasa dipergunakan untuk memberikan informasi bahwa Naik dan Turun Pendakian Berbeda Jalur dengan tujuan mengoptimalkan view / pandangan / pengalaman dalam satu moment trip.

Ada beberapa Gunung di Indonesia yang melarang lintas jalur mengingat bahaya yang ditimbulkan lebih besar daripada pengalaman yang di dapat.

Nama Trip : Paket Pendakian Gunung Merbabu Lintas Jalur Selo - Suwanting
Lokasi : Gunung Merbabu Jawa Tengah
Durasi Trip : 2H1M 2 Hari 1 Malam
Pos Camp Rekomendasi : Pos 4 [ Sabana 1 ] / Pos 5 [ Sabana 2 ]
Meet Point : Yogyakarta, Solo, Semarang [ / sesuai kesepakatan ]
Ketersediaan Air : Tidak Ada Selama Pendakian

Read more: http://www.xplorewisata.com/2018/02/paket-merbabu-sumber-air-di-gunung.html

Semeru Buka Bulan April 2018Informasi selengkapnya bisa dibaca dalam kutipan di alamat https://goo.gl/DPFXtLBagikan,Seba...

Semeru Buka Bulan April 2018
Informasi selengkapnya bisa dibaca dalam kutipan di alamat https://goo.gl/DPFXtL

Agar Yang Rindu Segera Terobati

Semeru Buka Bulan April 2018
Informasi selengkapnya bisa dibaca dalam kutipan di alamat https://goo.gl/DPFXtL

Agar Yang Rindu Segera Terobati

Tour Package Mount Bromo Open Trip Midnight MalangOpen Trip Bromo Midnight Fasilitas Lengkap Xplore Tours / XploreNesia ...

Tour Package Mount Bromo Open Trip Midnight Malang
Open Trip Bromo Midnight Fasilitas Lengkap

Xplore Tours / XploreNesia - Cheap holidays to Bromo? Free where to go and what to do in Bromo. Only Rp. 350.000 / Pax, Already went to Bromo with complete facilities and comfortable. Want to Bromo but no friends yet? There is already a mature planning to go to Bromo but do not know where to go and what to do when in Bromo? or want to go to Bromo but do not have much time? Bromo Open Trip Package is perfect for those of you who want to vacation to Bromo with a small number of entourage and also do not have much time also during the holidays to Malang or Bromo with complete facilities and tourist destinations in Bromo is complete guaranteed your holiday in Bromo will not be in vain - although only one night in Bromo.

Read more: http://www.xplorewisata.com/2017/12/tour-package-mount-bromo-open-trip.html

Paket Tangkuban Perahu + Kawah Putihhttp://www.xplorenesia.co.id/2017/11/paket-wisata-tangkuban-perahu-dan-kawah.html

Paket Tangkuban Perahu + Kawah Putih


Paket Wisata Tangkuban Perahu dan Kawah Putih Paket Pangandaran start Yogyakarta, Solo, Boyolali, Magelang dan sekitarnya Tangkuban Parahu atau Gunung Tangkuban Perahu adalah salah satu gunung yang terletak di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Sekitar 20 km ke arah utara Kota Bandung, dengan rimbun po...

Paket Pendakian Gunung Merbabu 2 Hari 1 Malam 2D1N Gunung Merbabu merupakan salah satu diantara 12 gunung di Pulau Jawa ...

Paket Pendakian Gunung Merbabu 2 Hari 1 Malam 2D1N

Gunung Merbabu merupakan salah satu diantara 12 gunung di Pulau Jawa yang memiliki diatas ketinggian 3.000 MDPL. Gunung Merbabu bertype stratovulcano dengan ketinggian 3.142 MDPL ini sudah tidak aktif lagi. Banyak jalur menuju puncaknya yang resmi, yakni Jalur Selo, Jalur Suwanting, Jalur Wekas, Jalur Chuntel dan Jalur Thekelan. Sedangkan Jalur yang lain belum resmi dikelola oleh TNGM dan kami tidak merekomendasikan untuk naik melalui jalur yang belum resmi.

Jalur termudah, jalur terindah, jalur terfavorit untuk pemula auapun senior adalah Pendakian Gunung Merbabu melalui jalur Selo. Didominasi track yang landai dan panjang, sehingga bisa untuk istirahat dan sangat cocok untuk reuni atau familyi gathering.

Jalur Selo ini memiliki keindahan Sabana yang luas dengaan durasi normal pendakian dari basecamp menuju puncak Kenteng Songo 3.142 mdpl + 8 jam perjalanan.

Jalur Selo terletak disisi Timur - Selatan Gunung Merbabu sehingga dapat mengamati kemegahan Gunung Merapi dari dekat dan keindahan sunrise yang luar biasa.

Bersama Xplore WisataGunung Pesona Indonesia, kami akan membantu bapak / ibu untuk mempersiapkan perjalanan WisataGunung Merbabu 3.142 mdpl dengan fasilitas yang dapat disesuaikan dengan budget bapak / ibu.

Sumber : http://www.xplorewisata.com/2017/11/paket-pendakian-gunung-merbabu-2-hari-1.html

Paket Pendakian Gunung Merbabu 2 Hari 1 Malam 2D1N [Porter Merbabu, Porter Merapi, Guide Slamet, Guide Semeru] Gunung Merbabu merupakan salah satu diantara 12 gunung di Pulau Jawa yang memiliki diatas ketinggian 3.000 MDPL. Gunung Merbabu bertype stratovulcano dengan ketinggian 3.142 MDPL ini sudah…


Hidup Adalah,

Perjuangan :D

Guide and Porter Semeru,Package Ascent Mahameru 4 H 3 M Mount Semeru Puncak Mahameru Climbing Packages Guide and Porter ...

Guide and Porter Semeru,
Package Ascent Mahameru 4 H 3 M

Mount Semeru Puncak Mahameru Climbing Packages Guide and Porter Semeru, Mahameru Climbing Packages

Sumber: http://www.xplorewisata.com/2017/08/guide-and-porter-semeru-package-ascent.html

Guide and Porter Semeru, Package Ascent Mahameru 4 H 3 M Mount Semeru Puncak Mahameru Climbing Packages Guide and Porter Semeru, Mahameru Climbing Packages Package Information Climbing, Guide and Porter Ascent Ranu Kumbolo, Mount Semeru, Puncak Mahameru Immediately Call 085.643.455.685 # 7A722B86 Te...


Special tips for those of you outside the Greater Jakarta:

Secure online booking on the website http://booking.gedepangrango.org/ 1 month before you climb. The mountain is always crowded when hiking in the holidays kayak weekend or other major holidays. The rest follow the procedures that are in it, until the guys in data validation by officers TNGPP, the sign you're entitled to a SIMAKSI.

After SIMAKSI data in validation, you must change the data in the Office TNGPP residing in exchange for SIMAKSI Cibodas. Ga bother you more than cibodas, mountain bride, or Ristori, you must first convert the data that has been validated to work TNGPP in cibodas maximal H climbing day.

If you're turning data already validated the official SIMAKSI late daughter but wanted more, you can Kiematubu of cibodas or bring your vehicle up the mountain basecamp daughter. The path to Mount daughter cried loudly good, nice work ngebuat bent rim.

If you want to climb the mountain / Kenya's public transport, from Kampung Rambutan bus terminal Rambutan / Jakarta - Cianjur Cibodas down in front of the alley, the alley entrance cibodas to ride public transportation. If more commuter station down in Bogor, riding public transportation to the terminal Operations, later there are many transportation / elf towards Lima. The rest follow the same as above.

If you are more of cibodas, then will you reach the top first. If the bride, then the square solar east gold, and if the Salabintana the square solar western gold which you reach first.

Sumber: http://www.xplorewisata.com/2017/08/guide-and-porter-via-mount-gede-cibodas.html

Lake Ranu Kumbolo - Peak Sentence After breakfast and packing proceed to Kalimati Peak. Trekking (Travel) to Kalimati ap...

Lake Ranu Kumbolo - Peak Sentence After breakfast and packing proceed to Kalimati Peak. Trekking (Travel) to Kalimati approximately 3 hours through Tanjakan Cinta and Cemoro Kandang.

After arriving at Apex Kalimati set up tents, dinner and Overnight.

Note: we suggest you should be forced to Arcopodo because if in Puncak Kalimati for the size of local tourists we can not guarantee can be up on time at Puncak Mahameru Gunung Semeru and enjoy the sunrise at Puncak Semeru.

Sumber: http://www.xplorewisata.com/2017/08/guide-and-porter-semeru-package-ascent.html
Follow us: on Twitter | dakwatunacom on Facebook

Guide and Porter Semeru, Package Ascent Mahameru 4 H 3 M Mount Semeru Puncak Mahameru Climbing Packages Guide and Porter Semeru, Mahameru Climbing Packages Package Information Climbing, Guide and Porter Ascent Ranu Kumbolo, Mount Semeru, Puncak Mahameru Immediately Call 085.643.455.685 # 7A722B86 Te...


All three of the main campsite areas offer wonderful views eastwards to Gunung Lawu, northwards to Telomoyo and Ungaran and south to Gunung Merapi, but the highest peak is definitely the best for watching Merapi. On your second day, return on a northern route or follow the steep but well-used track down to Selo (the village nestling between Merbabu and Merapi) which leads down from both Triangulasi and Kenteng Songo. This will take at least 4 hours and is hard on the knees. It passes through Jemblongan, Savana 2, Pos 3, Savana 1, Pos 2 and Pos 1, and the higher areas are very popular with campers. After the steepest part of descent along the eroded trail you reach a fairly flat grassy area where the trail gives you two choices; take the left (more easterly) option and drop down through some open forest that becomes a denser as you descend further. Another hour or two and you’ll reach some pine plantation and suddenly see the village that marks your exit from Merbabu National Park, and the end of a fantastic hike.

Sumber: http://www.xplorewisata.com/…/climbing-package-mount-merbab…
Follow us: on Twitter | dakwatunacom on Facebook

Guide Pemandu Ndaki Gunung, Pemandu Wisata, www.explorewisata.com, www.xploreadventure.com, Gua Pindol

segar :D

segar :D

Danau Ranamese, Flores, NTT

Danau Ranamese terletak di Kabupaten Manggarai Timur, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, termasuk danau vulkanik. Danau Ranamese berada di ketinggian 1.200 meter di atas permukaan laut dengan luas areal danau sekitar 11,5 hektar dan kedalaman 43 meter pada bagian cekung. Hawa di sekitar danau ini sangat sejuk karena di sekitarnya terdapat banyak pepohonan yang sangat asri, selain itu air yang ditampilkan danau ini sangat jernih dan tentu memikat para wisatawan untuk berkunjung.

Photo Credit by:

RaungFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaRaung (Indonesian: Gunung Raung) is one of the most active volcanoes on the is...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Raung (Indonesian: Gunung Raung) is one of the most active volcanoes on the island of Java in Indonesia.

It is located in the province of East Java and has a 2-kilometre-wide (1.2 mi) and 500-metre-deep (1,600 ft) caldera surrounded by a grayish rim. The difference in color of the rim and the flanks of the volcanoes is caused by the rim’s lack of vegetation compared with the healthy and extensive vegetation on the flanks. Raung, standing almost 3,332 metres (10,932 ft) above sea level, is the tallest volcano of this cluster. Although the valleys between the major volcanoes boast fertile, ash-enriched soil for agriculture, available land is very limited. Raung contains centres constructed along a NE to SW line, with Gunung Suket and Gunung Gadung stratovolcanoes being located to the northeast and west, respectively. Mount Raung can be seen from Lovina Beach, Singaraja, North Bali. The normal route climbing is through Bondowoso and Sumber Wringin.[4]

Its earliest recorded eruption was in 1586 which resulted in fatalities; between 1586 and 1817 five more deadly eruptions were recorded.[5]

Mount RinjaniFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMount Rinjani or Gunung Rinjani is an active volcano in Indonesia on t...

Mount Rinjani
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mount Rinjani or Gunung Rinjani is an active volcano in Indonesia on the island of Lombok. Administratively the mountain is in the Regency of North Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (Indonesian: Nusa Tenggara Barat, NTB). It rises to 3,726 metres (12,224 ft), making it the second highest volcano in Indonesia.[2]

On the top of the volcano is a 6-by-8.5-kilometre (3.7 by 5.3 mi) caldera, which is filled partially by the crater lake known as Segara Anak or Anak Laut (Child of the Sea), due to the color of its water, as blue as the sea (laut).[3] This lake is approximately 2,000 metres (6,600 ft) above sea level and estimated to be about 200 metres (660 ft) deep;[4] the caldera also contains hot springs. Sasak tribe and Hindu people assume the lake and the mount are sacred and some religious activities are occasionally done in the two areas.[3] On 27 September 2016 14:45 WITA Rinjani erupted.[5][6][7]

Mount St. HelensFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaMount St. Helens or Louwala-Clough (known as Lawetlat'la to the ind...

Mount St. Helens
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mount St. Helens or Louwala-Clough (known as Lawetlat'la to the indigenous Cowlitz people, and Loowit to the Klickitat) is an active stratovolcano located in Skamania County, Washington, in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is 96 miles (154 km) south of Seattle, Washington, and 50 miles (80 km) northeast of Portland, Oregon. Mount St. Helens takes its English name from the British diplomat Lord St Helens, a friend of explorer George Vancouver who made a survey of the area in the late 18th century.[1] The volcano is located in the Cascade Range and is part of the Cascade Volcanic Arc, a segment of the Pacific Ring of Fire that includes over 160 active volcanoes. This volcano is well known for its ash explosions and pyroclastic flows.

Mount St. Helens is most notorious for its major 1980 eruption, the deadliest and most economically destructive volcanic event in the history of the United States.[2] Fifty-seven people were killed; 250 homes, 47 bridges, 15 miles (24 km) of railways, and 185 miles (298 km) of highway were destroyed. A massive debris avalanche triggered by an earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale caused an eruption[3] that reduced the elevation of the mountain's summit from 9,677 ft (2,950 m) to 8,363 ft (2,549 m), leaving a 1 mile (1.6 km) wide horseshoe-shaped crater.[4] The debris avalanche was up to 0.7 cubic miles (2.9 km3) in volume. The Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument was created to preserve the volcano and allow for its aftermath to be scientifically studied.

As with most other volcanoes in the Cascade Range, Mount St. Helens is a large eruptive cone consisting of lava rock interlayered with ash, pumice, and other deposits. The mountain includes layers of basalt and andesite through which several domes of dacite lava have erupted. The largest of the dacite domes formed the previous summit, and off its northern flank sat the smaller Goat Rocks dome. Both were destroyed in the 1980 eruption.


Desa Sembalun Lawang ketinggian 1200 meter
Taman Nasional Gunung Rinjani

Minat ke Gunung Rinjani ?? ^)^
ayo tag dan share kan keindahan Gunung Rinjani ke karib kerabat ^)^

Sumber :


Jalan Tambakbayan 6


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