Karimunjawa Heaven in the Earth
Since March 2001, Karimunjawa has been designated by the Jepara government as a National Park. Karimunjawa is home to coral reefs, mangroves, coastal forests and nearly 400 species of marine fauna, including 242 species of ornamental fish. Some of the rare fauna that habitats here are the White Chest Sea Eagle, hawksbill, and green turtle. If you want to go to Karimunjawa you can use a passenger boat or plane. You can also use our indojavaholiday service, we will take you to many attractions in Karimunjawa.
Plants that characterize the Karimunjawa National Park are dewadaru (Crystocalyx macrophyla) found in lowland rainforest. The waves in Karimunjawa are relatively low, bordered by beaches which are mostly fine white sand beaches.
There are at least 27 islands in the Karimunjawa cluster. Therefore, if you only explore one island, you might regret it. Starting from Karimunjawa, Kemoja Island, Bird Island, Bengkoang Island to Katang Island, everything has a uniqueness that you must explore to be able to find out. You can rent a boat, which usually has a passenger capacity of up to 15 people. You can share the costs with other travelers who are also interested in doing exciting activities in Karimunjawa.
Some activities that can be done is snorkeling, which is an exciting activity in Karimunjawa that you have to do. Because, the beauty of the underwater world and the wealth of the Karimunjawa biota are among the best in Indonesia.
Exploring shipwrecks is another way to travel in Karimunjawa. There is a wreck near Kemojan Island. This ship was a coal carrier during the Dutch East Indies government. So, there is the oldies side of the ship, and also the historical value contained therein. Underwater panorama and underwater life around the shipwreck also contribute to the beauty of this one destination.
Swimming with sharks on Menjangan Besar Island In captivity of Menjangan Besar Island sharks, you can prove that the assumption that sharks are fierce is a big mistake. The way to prove it is to swim with them. In captivity, captive sharks are a type of blacktip reef shark, a shark that is normally in shallow water. This shark is known to be docile, even quite friendly with other creatures around it, including humans.
Very exciting right to travel in Karimunjawa? You can contact us at www.indojavaholiday.com