Mungkin video ini bisa membantu kita menjadi lebih sehat....
Budaya leluhur Indonesia ajarkan Bakti pada Orangtua....
Video ini menjelaskan ada fungsi usus buntu. Ada berapa banyak dokter yg dg gampang operasi buang usus buntu dan diinformasikan bahwa usus buntu tidak ada manfaatnya?
Setuju bahwa makanan adalah sumber kebaikan bagi tubuh. Kita perlu mengatur dan mempelajari cara kerja tubuh kita.
Jangan mudah percaya dan jangan biarkan pihak2 tertentu mengambil keputusan atas tubuh anda. Bijaklah. Jangan mudah percaya meski gelar keilmuannya selangit. Percayalah pada tubuh anda sendiri. Tuhan Penciptanya gitu loh.... π
*Jack Ma advises on how we teach our kids.*
Teach them EQ, IQ, and also LQ. The Q of Love. Care the others.
First Tech Revolution release Human Muscle. Machine is more power in helping than human muscle.
Second Technology Revolution release Human Distance. Train airplane helping shorten distance.
This Third Technology Revolution release Human Brain. Information, knowledge is helped by machine.
People should start compete by wisdom, knowledge, not muscle. Which machine cannot do.
Open minded, learn from others, and make progress.
Teach children not to compete with computers in technology nor knowledge. Computers can do better.
Train and educate our kids in 20 or 30 years from now, doing things that computer likely cannot do, such us: *creativity, innovative, team support, culture,* etc creative things that machines cannot do better.
People have souls, values, beliefs, which machines dont have.
Humor adalah obat awet muda.
Berikut ini humor Tipe2 Pelamar Kerja.
Yang terakhir paling lucu... :-D