Greetings to all readers,
In this writing, I will invite you to look at the mistakes within human beings that lead to unhappiness. Many people tend to reinforce negative aspects in their daily lives without realizing it. As a result, their subconscious mind contains a lot of negative data that will be processed by the mind, causing them to view life negatively.
For the readers, I ask you to sit with your spine straight, regulate your breathing, and feel your body relax. Now, I ask you to think of 10 things that make you happy in your life. After that, think of 10 things you dislike in your life. Be aware of the time you spend achieving these 10 things. If you are quicker in finding the things that make you happy, continue to practice and remember the happy things in life because you already have enough happiness data to back yourself up from negative things. If the opposite is true, there is a practice you need to do. Sit comfortably, focus your mind on your breath, feel the breath coming in and out, and continue.