A full set of maps and the myriad detailed studies and reports prepared for the new greenway devedevelopment have been submitted by Wicklow County Council to An Bord Pleanala. Copies of all of these can be inspected at the Library or in the Council Offices in Blessington. Individuals or organisations can submit their observations to An Bord Pleanala not later than 4 March 2022. Council officials have said that comments or submissions to An Bord can be considered and the detailed design can be ‘tweaked’ if necessary.
To help with your consideration of the proposed development
the following are some GREENWAY FACTS to bear in mind:
1. This €15million investment in the new greenway - with more to follow - will give a huge boost to the economy of Blessington and the villages around the lakes and throughout West Wicklow.
2. Economic studies on the experience elsewhere shows that greenways bring significant opportunities for existing businesses to expand and for the creation of new ones. This will mean more sustainable jobs for local families throughout the lakeside area.
3. This development has been over 10 years in the making and is a prime example of a community-led, ‘ground-up’ initiative.
4. It aims to enhance health, social/community interaction and mental well-being.
5. It has been designed to the highest safety and universally accessible standards.
6. In full compliance with all ecological, cultural and heritage requirements, with no detrimental effects.
7. An additional 300 car parking spaces will be provided.
8. Traffic lights with modern sensor systems will be installed on 3 main bridges to provide safe crossing for both greenway users and all types of road vehicles. Stop on red for vehicles will be no longer than 90 seconds. Detailed studies carried out by traffic experts show that these will not cause congestion.
9. During construction 7,265 trees will be removed - the vast majority of which are conifers which would be harvested by ESB as part of their normal process in coming years. The good news is that these will now be replaced by a similar number of native broadleaf species which will result in much improved biodiversity areas rich in flora and fauna.
10. Apart from the bridges, virtually all of the route is off-road and on ESB-owned land adjacent to the lakeshore.
11. Since the existing 6.5kms greenway - created by Blessington & District Community Forum - was opened over 8 years ago there hasn’t been any complaint from adjoining landowners.
12. A new greenway visitor hub will be created in Blessington at the former Health Board building on the Manor Kilbride road.
Thank you for taking the time to read this longer than usual posting.