Skellig Coast

Skellig Coast Skellig Coast Tourism Network - Travel Guide website for exploring the Skellig Coast on the Iveragh

Oíche Chultúr - Culture Night 22 September is effectively the start of a Seachtain Chultúr! So many events!- check out C...

Oíche Chultúr - Culture Night 22 September is effectively the start of a Seachtain Chultúr!

So many events!- check out Culture Night events in Ballinskelligs which also hosts the festivals Aon Scéal (22-24 September) and the following weekend St Michael’s Pattern (the same weekend as Kerry’s Architecture Festival). Live music in St Michael’s Church Waterville 22 Sep and at Tech Amergin 24 Sep. More info below.

Starting with Special events for Culture Night Fri 22 September!

Bolus Head
2pm–5pm Súil le Muir. Performance Barr Cheann Bólais

Killoluaig, Portmagee
2pm–8pm Medieval Irish Handbells Demonstration from at Killoluaig, Portmagee V23 H337 with Holger Loenze

Valentia Heritage Centre
Open day and late opening Friday 22 September 10a,–5pm and 6.30pm–8pm

Baile ‘n Scelig/Ballinskelligs
Ballinskelligs Community Centre, Dungeagan V23 DT28
8pm-–10pm: Mic Oscailte/Open Mike le/with Séaghan Ó Súilleabháin (.cowboy)

Baile ‘n Scelig/Ballinskelligs
Trá Baile ‘n Sceilg/Ballinskelligs Beach ag brath ar an aimsir/weather permitting
(murach sin/otherwise Baillinskelligs Community Centre, Dungeagan V23 DT28)
10.30pm–1am: Ceol Beo/Live Music - Ardú: Peter and Rosaleen Mullarkey;
Realtaíocht/Astronomy: Caoimhín de Bhailís; amach sa tráthnóna/late in the evening: Bop Trá/Beach Bop! - electro / ambient & sean nós!

The Anchor Bar, Cahersiveen
9.00pm-11.00pm Tadhc Talks - Performance @ The Haven

The Old Barracks, Cahersiveen
Culture Night 2023 at The Old Barracks, Cahersiveen. The Legend of Sadhbh & tour of The Old Barracks. This event is sold out

More info on culture night events (see Kenmare Muncipal District:

Cathair Saidhbhín/Caherciveen
Fertha - Instgram:
oiche Dé hAoine/Friday night. Trad, 9-11pm, Ceol Beo
oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night: Ceol Beo
Mike Murts
oiche Dé Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday: Trad
oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night: Ceol Beo
The Anchor -
oíche Déardaoin/Thursday: Trad - Darragh lynch
oíche Aoine/Friday night: Trad - Ger Shea
oíche Dé Satharn/ Saturday night: Cameostate

The Ring Lyne -
The Royal, Knightstown -

Baile an Sceilg/Ballinskelligs
Tigh Rosie’s
oíche Mháirt gach Máirt/Tuesday nights: Trad

An Coireán/Waterville
The Villa -
oíche Aoine/Friday night: Ceol Beo
oíche Dé Satharn/ Saturday night: Ceol Beo
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: Ceol Beo
St Michael’s Church Waterville
oíche Aoine/Friday night: Rónán ó Snodaigh and Myles O'Reilly.
Tech Amergin
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: Niamh Dunne and Séan óg Graham.

Cathair Dónall/Caherdaniel
Blind Piper
gach Déadaoin/Thursday nights: Wally, Vinny & friends

Cillín Liath
The Inny Tavern -
gach Domhnach/Sunday nights:- ceol tíre agus rince/ Irish Country music and dancing

Waterville Men’s Shed
oíche Aoine/Friday night 5pm: Marie from KDYS will be attending to help set up a Youth Club

Ballinskelligs Community Centre
oíche Aoine/Friday night 6.30 pm:Public Consultation, BEAG (Ballinskelligs Enviromental Action Group) is organised a meeting to discuss the application to Kerry County Council for a Intergetrated Constructed Wetland System (ICW) - Norma Moriarty will be present as well as an engineer from Irish Water and a representative from the company who initiated the proposal.

Súil le Muir is ainm don ócáid, toisc go bhfuil sé dírithe ar cheann dosna sean stáisiún cósta (ar Cheann Bhólais) a tógadh timpeall ar 1805 nuair a bhí eagla ar Rialtas Shasana go dtiocfadh fórsaí Napoleon go hÉirinn. Tá radharc leathan ar an bhfarraige, agus ar an gcósta ó thuaidh...


Ceo Beo/Live music - Cósta na Sceilge/Skellig Coast 31ú Lúnasa/August 2023

Cathair Saidhbhín/Caherciveen:
Mike Murts
oiche Dé Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday: Trad
oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night: Ceol Beo
The Anchor Bar
oíche Aoine/Friday night: Dave Birmingham
oíche Dé Satharn/ Saturday night: Cameo State
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: The Iveragh Vintage club annual tractor run - presentation after in The Anchor with a barbeque and music with Nellie O’Donnell

Fertha Bar and restaurant
oiche Dé hAoine/Friday night. Trad, 9-11pm, Ceol Beo
oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night: Ceol Beo
Dé Céadaoin/Wednesday 30 Lúnasa/August: Ger Shea (last night of the season)


The Ring Lyne - Bar and Restaurant

Royal Valentia Hotel Knightstown

An Caladh/Portmagee:

Fisherman's Bar
oíche Déardaoin gach Déadoin/every Thursday: Ceol Beo, 9pm

The Moorings at The Bridge Bar Portmagee

Baile an Sceilg/Ballinskelligs:

Tig Rosie - Sigerson's Bar
oíche Mháirt gach Máirt/Tuesday nights: Trad

Cable O'leary's, Ballinskelligs
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: Ceol Beo

An Coireán/Waterville:

The Villa Waterville
oíche Aoine/Friday night: Maddie Courtney
oíche Dé Satharn/ Saturday night: Guitar Box 9
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: Justin
gach Máirt/every Tuesday night: Mic Oscailte/Open Mic Night

Butler Arms Hotel
oíche Dé Céadaoin/Wednesday night (every second week): Maddie Courtney
oíche Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday: Jazzisst, 6-8pm

The Lobster Bar, Waterville , Co. Kerry
oíche Aoine/Friday night: Salmac
oíche Dé Satharn/ Saturday night: Mo Chushla
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: Ardu & Friends

Cathair Dónall/Caherdaniel:

Blind Piper Pub
gach Déadaoin/Thursday nights: Wally, Vinny & friends

O Carrolls Cove


An Siopa Dubh, Castlecove, Co. Kerry

Staigue Fort House

Cillín Liath:

The Inny Tavern
gach Domhnach/Sunday nights:- ceol tíre agus rince/ Irish Country music and dancing

Discover Kerry Visit Waterville


Ceo Beo/Live music - Cósta na Sceilge/Skellig Coast 17ú Lúnasa/August 2023

Na Cealla/Kells:

Caitins Pub & Accommodation
oíche Mháirt gach Máirt/Tuesday nights: trad

Cathair Saidhbhín/Caherciveen:

Fertha Bar and restaurant
oiche Dé hAoine/Friday night. Trad, 9-11pm, Ceol Beo
oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night: Emmet Sugrue
gach Dé Céadaoin/Wednesdays, Ger Shea

Mike Murts
oiche Dé Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday: Trad
oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night: Ceol Beo

The Anchor Bar
Oíche Dé Céadaoin gach Céadaoin: Thursday nights: Trad
oíche Dé hAoine/Friday night: Heat Wave
oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night: Ger O’Shea


The Ring Lyne - Bar and Restaurant
oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night: Mike McKenna
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: Justin Flynn

Royal Valentia Hotel Knightstown
Oíche Céadaoin gach Céadaoin/Wednesday nights: Trad with Darragh & guests

Chamber Music on Valentia
17–20 Lúnasa/August. 10th anniversary features Bach’s Brandenburg Concerti, works by Brahms and Schubert and songs by Irish composers Ina Boyle and Ailís Ní Ríain.

An Caladh/Portmagee:

Fisherman's Bar
oíche Déardaoin gach Déadoin/every Thursday: Ceol Beo, 9pm
oíche Luan gach Luan/Monday nights: Ceol Beo

The Moorings at The Bridge Bar Portmagee

Baile an Sceilg/Ballinskelligs:

Cafe Cois Trá
gach tráthnóna Dé Domhnaigh/Sunday afternoons: Ashling Wharton & O’Shea brothers 12–3

Tig Rosie - Sigerson's Bar
oíche Mháirt gach Máirt/Tuesday nights: Trad

Cable O'leary's, Ballinskelligs
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: Ceol Beo

An Coireán/Waterville:

The Villa Waterville
oíche Déardaoin/Thursday night (17 Lúnasa): Liam
oíche Aoine/Friday night: Paddy and Ger
oíche Dé Satharn/ Saturday night: Justin
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: Dominic & Joe
oíche Máirt gach Máirt/every Tuesday night: Mic Oscailte/Open Mic Night

Butler Arms Hotel
oíche Dé Céadaoin/Wednesday night (every second week): Maddie Courtney
oíche Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday: Jazzisst, 6-8pm

The Lobster Bar, Waterville , Co. Kerry
oíche Déardaoin/Thursday night (17 Lúnasa): Ukranian night
oíche Aoine/Friday night: Ger O’Shea 9.30pm
oíche Dé Satharn/ Saturday night: Maddie & Friends
oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night: Ardu & Friends

Tech Amergin Arts & Education Centre
oíche Aoine/Friday night 25ú Lúnasa/August: Zeropunkt

Cathair Dónall/Caherdaniel:

Keating’s Bar Derrynane /Bridie’s
gach Máirt/Tuesdays nights: Pat Waters & Sarah Stein

Blind Piper Pub
gach Déadaoin/Thursday nights: Wally, Vinny & friends
oíche Aoine/Friday night: Martin Larkin

O Carrolls Cove
Oíche Dé Satharn/Saturday night: Sullark


An Siopa Dubh, Castlecove, Co. Kerry

Staigue Fort House

Cillín Liath:

The Inny Tavern
gach Domhnach/Sunday nights:- ceol tíre agus rince/ Irish Country music and dancing

Discover Kerry Visit Waterville


Ceo Beo/Live music - Cósta na Sceilge/Skellig Coast

Cathair Saidhbhín/Caherciveen

Fertha: Trad, 9-11pm oiche Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday, Rebecca Alan Adrian, oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night; Ger Shea, oiche Chéadaoin gach Céadaoin/this Wednesday and every Wednesday

Mike Murts:Trad, 9.30-11.30 oiche Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday; Aoife agus Shannon, oíche Dé Satharn/ Saturday night; Heatwave, oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night


The Ring Lyne: Guitar Box 11, 10pm Oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night;Justin Flynn, 8.30pm oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night

The Royal, Knightstown: Jack Fitzgerald, 9.30pm oíche Dé Satharn/ Saturday night

An Caladh/Portmagee

The Fishermans: Trad, 9pm gach Déadoin/every Thursday

The Moorings: Aoife & Shannon, Dé Domhnach/Sunday night

Baile an Sceilg/Ballinskelligs

Cafe Cois Trá: gach tráthnóna Dé Domhnaigh/Sunday afternoons

Tigh Rosie’s:Trad oíche Mháirt gach Máirt/Tuesday nights

An Coireán/Waterville

The Villa: Dominic and Joe oíche Déardaoin/Thursday night, Cameo State, oíche Aoine/Friday night; Ger O’Shea oíche Dé Domhnach/Sunday night. Mic Oscailte/Open Mic NIght. gach Máirt/every Tuesday night

The Butler Arms: Jazzisst, 6-8pm oiche Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday

Cathair Dónall/Caherdaniel

Keatings Bar/Bridies:Pat Waters, gach Máirt/Tuesdays nights

Blind Piper: Wally, Vinny & friends, gach Déadaoin/Thursday nights

Carroll’s Cove: Strange Fruit, oíche Dé hAoine/Friday night; Shannon, oíche Dé Sathairn/Saturday night


An Siopa Dubh/The Black Shop: Robin Turner, Bernard, Ben McGrane, Sarah - & mic oscailte/open mic

Cillín Liath

The Inny Tavern - ceol tíre agus rince/ Irish Country music and dancing - gach Domhnach/Sunday nights


Lots of great activities happening on the Skellig Coast for  Kingdom Pride in Kerry today in Cahersiveen with a closing ...

Lots of great activities happening on the Skellig Coast for Kingdom Pride in Kerry today in Cahersiveen with a closing party happening at Cill Rialaig, Ballinskelligs on Sunday afternoon. Be sure to check it out.

Happy anniversary to the the Valentia ferry service - what a wonderful service it is.    

Happy anniversary to the the Valentia ferry service - what a wonderful service it is.


Ceo Beo/Live music - Cósta na Sceilge/Skellig Coast

Cathair Saidhbhín/Caherciveen

Fertha: Trad 9-11pm oiche Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday, Aoife and Shannon 8 Iúil/July, Ger Shea oiche Chéadaoin gach Céadaoin/this Wednesday and every Wednesday

Mike Murts:Trad 9.30-11.30 oiche Aoine gach Aoine/this Friday and every Friday, ceol beo gach Satharn agus Domhnach/live music every Saturday and Sunday

The Anchor: Dave Bermingham 7 Iúil/July, Ger O shea front bar,Kamio State Haven bar Saturday 8 Iúil/July


The Ring Lyne: Nelly O’Connell 10pm 8 Iúil/July, Daragh and Jono 7-9pm 9 Iúil/July

The Royal, Knightstown: Catz Duo 8 Iúil/July, Cameo State 9 Iúil/July

An Caladh/Portmagee

The Fishermans: Trad 9pm gach Déadoin/every Thursday

The Moorings: Eddie Lee Saturday 8 Iúil/July

Baile an Sceilg/Ballinskelligs

Cafe Cois Trá: gach tráthnóna Dé Domhnaigh/Sunday afternoons

Tigh Rosie’s:Trad oíche Mháirt gach MáirtTuesday nights

An Coireán/Waterville

The Villa: Dominic and Joe 7 Iúil/July, Justin Flynn 8 Iil/July, Aoife and Shannon 9 Iúil.July. Open Mic NIght gach Máirt/every Tuesday night

The Lobster: Ger O’Shea 9.30pm 7 Iúil/July, Paul Ardus and Friends 9.30 8 Iúil/July and 6pm 9 Iúil/July

Cathair Dónall/Caherdaniel

Keatings Bar/Bridies: Pat Waters, gach Máirt/Tuesdays nights

Blind Piper: Wally, Vinny & friends, gach Déadaoin/Thursday nights

An Siopa Dubh/Castlecove

Staigue Fort House: Pat O’Brien agus a chairde 8 Iúil/July

An Chillín Liath

The Inny Tavern - Ceol tíre agus rince/ Irish Country music and dancing - gach Domhnach/Sunday nights

Don’t miss out on the annual celebration of the Cable Station story ……… book your tickets now on eventbrite             ...

Don’t miss out on the annual celebration of the Cable Station story ……… book your tickets now on eventbrite

The 8th Annual Valentia Lecture explores “A vision for Ireland, and its place in a Digital World “. Lecture is followed by Gala Dinner


The Skellig Coast Live music:


The Fertha: Trad music 9-11pm this Friday and every Friday, David Bermingham Sat 1 July

Mike Murts: Trad music 9.30-11.30 this Friday and every Friday, rock music with Heatwave Sat 1 July

The Anchor: Mick McKenna Thursday 39 June, Guitar box Friday 30 June, Jeff Quirke Saturday 1 July


The Ring Lyne, Chapeltown, Justin Sat 1 July

The Royal Valentia Hotel, Knightstown: Darragh and Jono Sat 1 July


The Fishermans: Trad music this Thursday and every Thursday at 9pm

The Bridge Bar: Trad music Ger O’Shea 9.30pm Fri 30 June,


Cafe Cois Trá: Sunday afternoons

Tigh Rosie’s:Trad music Tuesday nights

Cill Rialaig Saturday Night Supper Club with music by Lemoncello 1 July 2023 (€59.50 - booking essential : [email protected])


The Villa: Kerry and Liam Thursday 29 June, Justin Flynn Friday 30 June, Guitar Box 9 + 1 Saturday 1 July, Daragh and Jono Sunday 2. Open Mic NIght every Tuesday night

The Lobster: Maddie Courtney 9pm Saturday 1 July, Trad music 6pm Sunday 2 July

St Michael’s Church: Free Concert 7-8pm Thursday 29 June


Keatings Bar/Bridies:Pat Waters, Tuesdays nights

Blind Piper: Wally, Vinny & friends, Thursday nights

O’Carrolls Cove: Sullark, Sat 1 July


The Black Shop: Live Music 9.30 Saturday 1 July


No shortage of live music on the Skellig Coast this weekend

Friday June 16th
Butler Arms Hotel 6-8pm Jazzisss
The Villa CameoState

Saturday June 17th

Sunday June 18th
The Villa Ger shea

Friday June 16th
The Fertha Trad Music
Mike Murts Trad Music
The Anchor

Saturday June 17th
The Anchor

Saturday June 17th
The Royal Hotel Ultan Conlon Live

Saturday June 17th
O’Carrolls Cove Trad Music Session

It’s this weekend - The Ark song writing festival on Valentia Island and what a fantastic schedule of events and perform...

It’s this weekend - The Ark song writing festival on Valentia Island and what a fantastic schedule of events and performances it has line up.

Best of luck to the Ark Festival organisers from the Skellig Coast Network 🍀

JUNE 16-18th on the beautiful Poetry, Songwriting, Yoga, Literary Salon, Live Music…Royal Valentia Hotel Knightstown
All tickets:

Great News!  Sea Synergy Water Activities are now available from Cahersiveen Marina  - to celebrate, check out their ope...

Great News! Sea Synergy Water Activities are now available from Cahersiveen Marina - to celebrate, check out their open day offers this Saturday June 17th

We are delighted to announce Sea Synergy's Grand Opening 🎉at Cahersiveen Marina
Saturday 17th & 24th June 09:00 - 18:00

To book a spot:
Call: 087 455 4034
Email: info@seasynergy


Fine job by Cahersiveen Tidy Towns on new signage welcoming visitors to the Skellig Coast 

Fine job by Cahersiveen Tidy Towns on new signage welcoming visitors to the Skellig Coast

She's up!

For the curious mind and the lovers of craic & fun, Derrynane is the place to be this weekend June 9th to 11th.  The won...

For the curious mind and the lovers of craic & fun, Derrynane is the place to be this weekend June 9th to 11th.
The wonderful schedule of activities is included in the post below.

Worried about fluffing your modh coinníollach?  Not when your practicing your Irish in the relaxed setting of a walk thr...

Worried about fluffing your modh coinníollach? Not when your practicing your Irish in the relaxed setting of a walk through beautiful Dromid on Tuesday June 6th.
See post for details.

Siúl & Gaeilge
Dé Máirt 6 Meitheamh
Tuar an Chladáin sa Dromaid
Tús ag 7 pm anseo

Dine in style this June Bank Holiday weekend at the Smugglers Inn outside Waterville with beautiful views over Ballinske...

Dine in style this June Bank Holiday weekend at the Smugglers Inn outside Waterville with beautiful views over Ballinskelligs Bay

Open for lunch! The Smugglers Inn will be serving lunch on Wednesday and Saturday, with a set menu lunch on Sunday also!

The weather is looking fabulous for the week so why not get out and enjoy while you can! To book, call us on 066 947 4330

On June 19th join a guided walk on the Pilgrim path to the top of Cnoc na dTobar outside Cahersiveen on the Skellig Coas...

On June 19th join a guided walk on the Pilgrim path to the top of Cnoc na dTobar outside Cahersiveen on the Skellig Coast.

Book your spot with the group through the link below.

As part of the Pilgrim Paths, you now have the possibility of a memorable time walking the pilgrim paths of Southwest Ireland.

Our Dark Sky reserve on the Skellig Coast now listed by Lonely Planet as one on the top 5 places  in the world to starga...

Our Dark Sky reserve on the Skellig Coast now listed by Lonely Planet as one on the top 5 places in the world to stargaze

Ireland, known for its breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage, has recently added another feather to its cap. Lonely Planet's guide to the top five places for stargazing in the world features not one, but two destinations in Ireland. This recognition is a testament to the dedication and....

Music sessions on the Skellig Coast this weekend May 26th, 27th & 28thCahersiveen- Fertha Bar, Friday night Mike Murts F...

Music sessions on the Skellig Coast this weekend May 26th, 27th & 28th

Fertha Bar, Friday night
Mike Murts Friday night

The Villa
Ger Healy, Friday night
Guitar Box, Saturday night
Justin, Sunday night

The Moorings, Saturday night

Get the most, from the Skellig Coast.Home to Ireland’s most exciting holiday experiences, in the Kingdom of Kerry. From Kells to Castlecove, on the Wild Atlantic Way! There are lots of great events taking place in 2023, plan your visit now!Click on the links below to see the events for each area!S...


Skellig Coast


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Our Story

The Skellig Coast website is a Free travel guide, full of tourist information for the Skellig Coast region of the world famous 'Ring of Kerry' in the south west of Ireland. 1500 years ago, when the Monks reached the Skellig Coast they discovered heaven on earth, and you will too. Located in the far west tip of the Iveragh Peninsula, The Skellig Coast encompasses the area between Kells and Castlecove, including Dromid and the Skellig Ring drive: the most beautiful part of the ‘Ring of Kerry’.

The region boasts the spectacular UNESCO World Heritage Early Christian site on Skellig Michael, rich cultural landscapes steeped in history, the Iveragh Gaeltacht where the Irish language is still spoken and the only Gold Tier Dark Sky Reserve in the Northern Hemisphere - all set against the stunning backdrop of the Wild Atlantic Way.

Come and visit to experience the friendliness and hospitality of the local people, share in our history, folklore and music. Magic holiday memories are made here! FEATURES The Skellig Coast website can help you plan your holiday to the Skellig Coast. With the touch of the screen, you can use it to find a place to Stay or find Things to See and Do and get directions with our Maps and GPS. With the touch of a button, you can also share your holiday experiences with family & friends on social media and leave reviews on site for each of the listings. Best of all, you can call, email or go to the website of each tourism business directly from the App to save you time and make that booking fast and on the go !!!! ATTRACTIONS including - Archaeological & Historical Sites - Skellig Michael, UNESCO World Heritage Site - Derrynane House and National Park - Tetrapod Tracks – 350 million years old - Valentia Island Heritage Centre - Geokaun Mountain and Fogher Cliffs, Valentia Island - Atlantic Telegraph Cable - The Skellig Experience - Valentia Slate Quarry & Grotto - Old Barracks Heritage Centre, Cahersiveen - Daniel O’Connell Memorial Church - Ballycarbery Castle - Cahergal , Leacanabuaile and Loher Ring Forts - Eightercua Stone Row, Waterville WALKING ROUTES - Beentee Loop Walk, Cahersiveen - Knocknadobar Mountain & Stations of the Cross - The Kerry Way - Bolus Head Loop Walk, Ballinskelligs DRIVING AND CYCLING - The Skellig Ring - Bealach Oisin - Ring of Kerry GOLF - Dooks Golf Course - Hogs Head Golf Club and Waterville Golf Links - Ring of Kerry & Killorglin Golf Courses WATERSPORTS Courses available from beginner to experienced for Surfing, Diving, Swimming, Kayaking, Sailing & Coasteering. ANGLING - FISHING - Some of the best sea angling & game fishing in Europe. - Bass, Salmon & Trout in abundance. OTHER - Boat Trips - Horse Riding & Pony Trekking - Bird Watching Walks - Gardens & Farms - Sub-Tropical Gardens at Kells and Glanleam, Valentia Island - Sheep Dog Trials at Kells Sheep Centre - Pet Farm - Valentia Ice-cream & Dairy Farm EVENTS happening all year round including - Celtic Festival of Music & The Arts, Cahersiveen - Charlie Chaplin Film Festival, Waterville - Sea Shanty Festival, Portmagee - New Year’s Eve Festival, Portmagee - King Scallop Festival, Valentia - Traditional Regattas during the Summer - Ballinskelligs Country Market, Café Cois Trá ARTS AND CRAFT The Skellig Coast is a haven for many local, creative arts & crafts producers, potters, ceramicists, artists, sculptors, weavers & photographers, all with their own studios, retail outlets and workshops. - from Chocolate Making at Skellig Chocolate, St Finian’s Bay - to Candle Making on Valentia Island - to Tech Amergin Arts Centre in Waterville PUBS, RESTAURANTS, ACCOMODATION and ENTERTAINMENT The Skellig Coast has a wide range of award winning accommodation, restaurants, cafes, pubs & hotels, to suit all budgets & tastes. From camp sites to hotels and from bed and breakfasts to hostels, the Skellig Coast has it all. Entertainment is available locally and nightly including Bands, Concerts, Dancing, Traditional Music Sessions and more. Come visit us - and remember: one day just isn’t enough!

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