Cork County Council allocates €982,650 for south and west projects. As illustrated by the recent storms and subsequent flooding damage protecting our infrastructure, homes, and livelihoods is a critical step in Climate Change Adaptation.
L4913: Kilmackowen Bridge, - Remedial works where roads have been significantly damaged by recent severe weather events. €9,000
R603: Road Retaining Wall along the Bridewell River, - Remedial works where roads have been significantly damaged by recent severe weather events. €28,000
L8364 & L8365: - Construct drainage to prevent flooding of property. €40,000
L3215: Ringnanean Land Slipage, - Remedial works where roads have been significantly damaged by recent severe weather events. €35,000
R575: Drehidawillaun Bridge, - Works at bridges to take account of increased hydraulic loads causing scour damage and undermining the bridge structure. €9,000
R584-436: Pearson's Bridge, , - Raise the level of the road to reduce the incidents of the road being flooded. €236,600
L4403-123: Dunmanus Pier, - Protection of setion of coastal road to prevent erosion/slippage that could be caused by severe weather event. €9,800
R-572-385: Gour, - Replace and increase capacity of road drainage, including repairs to road side retaining wall, which occured following recent high intensity rainfall events within the past month. €16,000
L 8363: Ceim Hill, - Design and Repair of section of retaining wall which collapsed during flood event of October 2019. €75,000
R-600: Clooncalla More Td., - Improve/provide additional drainage to properly dispose of storm water to prevent flooding of road. €15,000
R597: Rosscarbery to Road - Drainage and raising road level to precent flooding as occurred on 13/08/2020. €60,500
L-8925-0: Eyeries - Altering level of road to reduce road closure frequency and raise sea wall. €22,750
L--95753-1: Fuhur, - Repairs to recent damage and works to prevent further damage by slippage or road. €30,000
L86351-0: Inchafune, - Design and repair of Sheet pile structure along the collapsed section of Riverbank along the Bandon River arising out of flood in March 2020. €70,000
L 4032: Fourcil road, - Replacement of two collapsed culverts on road. €20,000
L-2020: Knockaveale Td., - Raise road level by approx 300mm over 60m and enhance drainage to prevent flooding of road. €20,000
L-7227: Belgooly - Scour damage Agafauntaun Bridge . The are works required to the upstream channel to improve the hydraulic capacity of the bridge. €15,000
L-6034: Tullumurrihy, - Pipe existing deep roadside drains which have been eroded and become dangerous as a result of past flood events. €45,000
R613: - Riverbank Strengthening to prevent further Erosion leading to Flooding. €8,000
L-4704: Sheep's Head Peninsula, Coast Road. / - Design for repairing/strengthing the retaining structure supporting the road at the four locations on the L-4704. €40,000
L-3215: Ringnanean, - Remedial action to road embankment damaged by flooding (pluvial downpours). €48,000
L-49078-0: Travarra, - Repairs and altering road level and raising seawall. €10,000
L-4909-0: Ballycrovane, - Alter road level and raise seawall. €10,000
L-4903-0: Ballydonegan, - Replacement of seawall. €10,000
L-8363, L-4248-0 (and various): Ceim Hill and Millcove Road and other roads - Drainage and raising road level to prevent flooding as occurred on 13/08/2020. €100,000