This year for my birthday I choose to celebrate my life. To clebrate possibly for the first time ever this beautiful, big hearted, 'overly sensitive', painfully shy, goofy, misunderstood little boy.
Born into a world he could never fit into. His gentle naivety and goofy way, teased and goaded, his attention seeking actively ignored and belittled.
This year I chose to celebrate this plucky little survivor, this gentle dreamer this little warrior that fought the bullies and sometimes won sometimes lost but never gave up though he came close at times alone, abandoned in the dark.
This year I chose to love this beautiful innocent soul; to celebrate the father he became, as vilified, misunderstood, abused, ostracised and mischaracterized as his own father was before he died. A good, gentle, kind, sensitive, warm, affectionate, bright, adventurous little thinker, dreamer, lover of blowing out candles.
Who laughs with all his goofy little heart.
Today and forever I choose to love this little soul with all my heart and to tell him "Everything will be okay little guy coz..
I love you and I support you, I'll hold you through your heartbreaks, see you for who you are and forgive all your sorry mistakes"
This little boy is Sam junior: a wonderful warmhearted brother, a kind, gentle and adoring father, a supportive and loving son and a loyal and caring friend.
I Love you Sam
Have a wonderful birthday, and remember you are and always will be enough.
#loveyourself #forgiveyourself #freeyourself #yourlifematters #youmatter #fatherslivesmatter
#youareenough #menslivesmatter #supportfathers
Shanakee performing at the EU Green research conference at the Claytonhotel in Sligo.
With The Moytura trio
A Templar is born part 2
A true story from the Brett family history which took place over 800 years ago.
#shanakeeadventures #storytellingadventures #knightstemplar #shanakee #pilgrimage
A Templar is born, part 1
The story of a thousand year karmic cycle and holy pilgrimage.
Sequel to the critically acclaimed documentary
"32 Counties" Join Shanakee on a mission to save humanity, return the heart of the mountain and peace to the world
Check out the link below for more details:
Temple House storytelling retreats 2024
Looking to escape this dimension in 2024!?
Why not join me for a week in Tír na n'Óg on a spiritual retreat into magic, story and song at the Temple House estate. A place outside of space and time.
It is and has been my great honour and privilege to walk with these men and have been a part of this story. In a time of darkness when I felt the story had come to an end, little did I know, that it was only just beginning
Please Like Subscribe share and enjoy the full documentary below
I recently completed some research into a friend's family from Florida.
I discovered that their great great grandparents lived and died on the banks of the beautiful Unshin River in South Sligo over 150 years ago.
"Have you also learned that secret from the river; that there is no such thing as time?" That the river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the ferry, at the current, in the ocean and in the mountains, everywhere and that the present only exists for it, not the shadow of the past nor the shadow of the future".
Hermann Hesse