Brrrring Brrrring! Greenway's here :)
It’s the perfect weather for cycling and the perfect season for sipping summery Greenway Pale Ale.
Available in stores now- 500ml bottles and 440ml cans.
Find your nearest stockist here:
#SummertimeinIreland #dungarvanbrewingcompany #seasonalbrew #greenwaypaleale #GreenwaysIreland #BrewedinWaterford #IrishCraftBeer #paleale #localbusiness #localbrewery #Dungarvan #Waterford #drinkresponsibly
COMERAGH CHALLENGER is like the misunderstood middle child of our Core Ale family. She floats around in the background and gets overshadowed by her big sisters the popular Helvick Gold Blonde Ale and the much-anticipated Greenway Summer Seasonal. So, we think it’s due time we shine the light on her for a change…
She’s a Bitter but we like to call her AN ENGLISH STYLE PALE ALE to her face!
This Malty beauty is thirst quenching and light (only 3.8% alcohol). Her floral hops give her a delicate and understated ale character. Plus, she has a particularly attractive trait for some-
She is 100% GLUTEN-FREE*.
So next time you visit the off license, don’t overlook this tall, slender sister because apparently, she shines at a lunchtime get-together, a picnic party, or a summer barbeque 😊
*Comeragh Challenger is listed in the Coeliac Society of Ireland Food List as a coeliac-friendly beer.
For more info or food pairings see:
Music: She brought the Light
#comeraghchallenger #paleale #englishbitter #glutenfree #dungarvanbrewingcompany #corebeer #ChallengerHops #BrewedinWaterford #IrishCraftBeer #localbusiness #localbrewery #Dungarvan #Waterford #SummertimeinIreland #drinkresponsibly
Whether you bike, walk or jog the #WaterfordGreenway you get a great sense of achievement when you complete the 46km route, even in stages!
And one thing's for sure if you find a bottle of this liquid sunshine at the end of your journey that feeling is threefold.
Brrrring Brrrring- Greenway's here!!
Greenway by name, Greenway by nature :)
Read more about our Summer Seasonal here:
#SummertimeinIreland #dungarvanbrewingcompany #seasonalbrew #greenwaypaleale #BrewedinWaterford #IrishCraftBeer #paleale #WaterfordGreenway #GreenwaysIreland #localbusiness #localbrewery #Dungarvan #Waterford #pleasedrinkresponsibly
It got a little crowded in here earlier :)
1-2-3-4- CAN CRUSH!
Music: Chroma Crush
Musician: EnjoyMusic
TICK TOCK! Don’t forget to set your analogue clocks!
(& clock radios)
Just a little reminder that time is due to Spring Forward this Sunday 26th March at 1am for #daylightsavingstime
Let the 'grand stretch in the evenings' commence!
#ticktock #springforward #clockitup #springtime #forwardthinking #dungarvanbrewingcompany #irishcraftbeer #pleasedrinkresponsibly
This 'can of gold' at the end of the rainbow is our Spring brew 'Mahon Falls' Pale Ale, a fairly lively little number.
Guaranteed (Irish craft beer) to make your Patrick’s Day- sláinte mhaith!
Enjoy it and the fun & festivities with your favourite clan :)
Music: Swinging on a gate
#mahonfalls #springrelease #stpatricksday #stpatrick23 #SPF23 #StPatricksFestival #irishcraftbeer #localbusiness #localbrewery #Dungarvan #Waterford #pleasedrinkresponsibly
Rain, Hail or Snow! It's time to welcome our Springtime brew!
'Mahon Falls' named after the magical waterfall high in the Comeragh Mountains is being released rom this week and will be available in cans only. This is a Rye Pale Ale with a fruity richness which contrasts with a fresh earthiness from the underlying nutty rye malt.
It's an ale packed with punch and one to be enjoyed whatever the weather throws at you!
For more information on this Spring Seasonal and for fine food pairings see:
Music: Set you free
#SpringtimeIreland #dungarvanbrewingcompany #seasonalbrew #mahonfalls #ryeale #BrewedinWaterford #IrishCraftBeer #springhassprung #localbusiness #localbrewery #Dungarvan #Waterford #pleasedrinkresponsibly
This week is very chilly :\ So it's an ideal time to get in an order for our cosy branded sweatshirts and warm, woolly beanies from our online store.
Especially if you missed out on ordering during the Christmas shopping rush.
You can browse and purchase merchandise from our company website:
For woolly winter beanies see:
For cosy, soft sweatshirts and hoodies click here:
Music: right timing
#shoponline #onlinestore #staycosy #brandedbeanies #brandedsweatshirts #dungarvanbrewingcompany
Wishing all our customers and stockists a Very Merry Christmas!
Enjoy the festivities & Sláinte Mhaith to you all :)
(Music: Time for Christmas)
#craftbeer #brewedinwaterford #paleale #dungarvanbrewingcompany
#irishcraftbeer #christmascheer #merrychristmastoyou #Christmas2022
Dungarvan Brewing Company now starring in JD Wetherspoon nationwide ✨🍻
Our brewer Shamek, seen serving up a pint of our Copper Coast Red Ale from a Cask - pulled using a traditional hand pump. ✋🏽
Cask conditioned beer is described as tasting a live product, full of flavour and character and beer in its natural state. 🤩
Keep an eye out for us at your local Wetherspoons 👀 🍺
For the sunny Saturday that’s in it 🍻
What flavour would you like to see be our next can release?
Let us know in the comments 💭
#IrishCraftBeer #CansCansCans