Please Note: O'Brien's Tower will be closed due to essential maintenance from the 25th to the 28th of March 2024.
In early 2019, O’Brien’s Tower was closed for refurbishment as the exposed stone walls were allowing wind driven rain to seep into the tower causing damage to the fabric of the building. Although the stone was exposed at the time, originally, the tower would have been rendered with a lime and sand render and then lime-washed. This finish would protect the building from water ingress while allowing it to breathe. The full refurbishment of the tower at the time saw the re-introduction of this render as well as full replacement of the roof, floors, stairs, windows, and doors along with all other associated works.
It is necessary to ensure the render and lime wash applied to the tower is maintained to protect the structure, so it is now required to close O’Brien’s tower to re-apply a protective coating to the lime and sand render to the exterior of the tower. This work is being carried out by Mid-West Lime, a heritage restoration and conservation company, based in Newmarket-on-Fergus, County Clare.
O’Brien’s Tower will remain closed for this work from Monday March 25th to Thursday March 28th, 2024.