Sometimes, the hair does be standing on the back of your neck!
'There was once a man living in Errismore.
He had a boat and he used to bring goods from the mainland to Slyne Head for the light house keepers. The place where he used to load the boat was near high water mark and there would need to be a very high tide before she would float.
The tides used not come fair sometimes, once the food was getting scarce in the island. And on one dark night, this man had to load his boat and go with food.
His cousin was with him and they were going along as fast as the two paddles could bring them.
It was so dark that if you stretched out your hand you could not see it. But when they were about midway across, a kind of red light appeared in the water and they got very much afraid.
Then a splatter came in the water and they saw the devil with two big horns swimming in the water.
He was coming towards them in great haste until the man said "In the name of God leave us alone and take who you like but don't take us.' He left them alone then.
When they landed on the island, they took the food and luggage to the lighthouse.
When they went home in the morning the house was filled with people and the woman of the house laid out in the room.
The men were very put out about it but they had to take with it. When they were about half an hour at home, the man went out to milk the cow to make some tea.
When he went into the stable he saw the cow stretched back dead. He got half bewildered with the fright.
Then he heard someone saying: 'You said take who you like, but do not take you or your cousin.'
A scary story from the Schools' Collection from the school at Roundstone.
For more stories of the history of Galway, see my book 'The Little History of Galway.' In all good bookshops or at: https://www.etsy.com/ie/listing/1867494645/little-history-galway-ireland-colm
Pictured are two men and a currach, taken from the UCD Archives.