Be Unique Be You
The choices we have made have given us the life we are living, my question to you is is are you living your best life?
My name is Ciara and I live and breath travel, I always have since the earliest memories i have are sitting in the boot of the car (business class back then lots of leg room) and my dad bringing the whole family well myself my mam and two younger brothers all over the county. These adventures where great the people we met the places we visited it was different it was away from the street where we lived. That street where the scenery never changed as there was no nature around us. But out on the road and travelling through the country side in my dads Daihatsu with its rusty roof and see through floor in places it fascinated me. looking out the window it was like the fields were patch work quilts laid out in front of us. The winding roads brought us through small towns and villages which are now unfortunately bypassed by the big motorways. My point is looking back the sense of adventure i had back then has never left me its part of me and its why since i have left school i have been involved in the most exciting industry i can be in the travel industry.
Its funny i get told a lot how lucky i am and how i always get to go away and yes its true and Iβve never taken that for granted but it is because of decisions that I have made that have allowed me to do this. I was in a relationship the first time I decided to travel solo my partner at the time did not share my love for travelling and was happy to stay at home. Me on the other hand had a burning desire to see more to experience more to feel more alive and to meet new people this is what travelling solo gave me the opportunity to do. I wont lie i was scared to death the churning feeling in my stomach would not subside i remember being told the same endorphins get released when you feel both scared and excited so i tried to convince myself i was the latter. Anyway i had to write something here and im not to sure where its going to appear as i am still coming to grips with Facebook but there are an awful lot more stories of all the adventures i had while travelling.