Reposted from @wellhouse.collective Why we need to use the well room and stretch after class:
🌟RUNNERS - proper blood circulation is the number one way to reduce muscle fatigue. The compression boots should be added to your fitness routine.
👉🏻 Compression therapy - some of the benefits from compression boots:
⭐️ Warm up before exercise
⭐️ Recovery from strenuous exercise, and injuries such as plantar fasciitis, tendonitis, varicose veins, and even leg ulcers.
⭐️ Very effective for the overall recovery of fatigued, sore, legs
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#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar
Here's an effective way to recover faster from workouts or injuries!
Air Relax uses auto sensor air pressure to provide the right amount of compression for your limbs. This allows you to bounce back to your old self faster, cutting recovery time.
3 Compression modes to choose from. This is how they work on your legs:
"A'' mode inflates and deflates the chambers from the bottom up, one at a time.
"B" mode also inflates the chambers from the bottom up but maintains the pressure in the lowers chambers as it works its way to the top.
"C" mode maintains pressure in all chambers at once and then releases.
Visit for more information
#airrelaxeurope #airrelax #athlete #strava #garmin #marathon #compressionboots #recoveryboots #massageboots #triathlon #triathlete #swimbikerun #cycling #cyclinglife #motivation #running #run #sport #gym #weights #training #physiotherapy #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #recoveryroom #recoveryclinic #pressotherapie
#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar
“I knew that compression technology would enhance my recovery, but I couldn’t justify the crazy price tag that went along with the system. Air Relax was the clear solution! At half the price of the other system, Air Relax offers the same technology, convenience, and sleek design. These boots have been vital in my recovery and marathon training!”
- Megan C., Runner
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Just some of the many benefits of implementing Air Relax Boots into your routine!
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#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar
Repost @stephanie.runs: It be like that sometimes especially after a long run a race but I still love the run ❤️.
6 DAYS UNTIL @chimarathon!!!
#airrelaxeurope #airrelax #athlete #strava #garmin #marathon #compressionboots #recoveryboots #massageboots #triathlon #triathlete #swimbikerun #cycling #cyclinglife #motivation #running #run #sport #gym #weights #training #physiotherapy #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #recoveryroom #recoveryclinic #pressotherapie
#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar
🤣 Repost @indianarunnergirl: Run HARD. Recover HARDER. 💪🏼💪🏼
I can recover with the best of them. Foam rolling, compression boots, lots of snacky snacks. It’s called balance 😂.
What’s your favorite thing to do post long run?
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#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar
Reposted from @lattes2lunges air relax leg sleeves have been my saving grace through this training cycle!
I dream about them while I’m out running, I love how they make my legs feel, almost like it brings them back to life! 🤣
Have you tried them?
#airrelaxeurope #airrelax #athlete #strava #garmin #marathon #compressionboots #recoveryboots #massageboots #triathlon #triathlete #swimbikerun #cycling #cyclinglife #motivation #running #run #sport #gym #weights #training #physiotherapy #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #recoveryroom #recoveryclinic #pressotherapie
#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar
Repost @kerrywayultra: @tinytracksntrails chatting with @the_run_hub telling us her experiences with @airrelaxeurope using thier compression boots
#airrelaxeurope #airrelax #athlete #strava #garmin #marathon #compressionboots #recoveryboots #massageboots #triathlon #triathlete #swimbikerun #cycling #cyclinglife #motivation #running #run #sport #gym #weights #training #physiotherapy #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #recoveryroom #recoveryclinic #pressotherapie
#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar
Repost @runningformfitness: Take advantage of the 20% off coupon code CARINA_LABOR and get this amazing air relax recovery system!
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#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar
Repost @cleyton_pda: Thanks @chrisfroome on behalf of the entire Team Airrelax Brasil , Thanks @gjvevans you “re da man bro. @teamrodofficial @airrelax_br @airrelaxflorida @rapha_m1ami @goprobr
#airrelaxeurope #airrelax #athlete #strava #garmin #marathon #compressionboots #recoveryboots #massageboots #triathlon #triathlete #swimbikerun #cycling #cyclinglife #motivation #running #run #sport #gym #weights #training #physiotherapy #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #recoveryroom #recoveryclinic #pressotherapie
#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar
Repost from @tuna.the.van Van camping after a 4 stage 200+ mile stage race . @nelscass brings home the cat 1/2 GC and stage 4 win .
#airrelaxeurope #airrelax #athlete #strava #garmin #marathon #compressionboots #recoveryboots #massageboots #triathlon #triathlete #swimbikerun #cycling #cyclinglife #motivation #running #run #sport #gym #weights #training #physiotherapy #massagetherapy #sportsmassage #recoveryroom #recoveryclinic #pressotherapie
#pressotherapy #wahooligan #polar