Next Wim Hof Method Fundamentals workshop date 8th January.
If we always choose comfort, we will never learn our deepest capabilities.
Learn to go deep within our inner nature. Learn to love the cold.
Dm for more details or book online:
#happy #healthy #stong #coldshower #icebath #consciousbreathing #breathwork #youarestrongerthanyouthink #mindset #powerofnature #powerofthemind #comfortinthediscomfort #whm #wimhofmethod #breathwork #deepbreath #mindfulness #breathe #heal
#loveadventure #loveautumn #embracethecold #womenwholovesports #menwholovenature #discoverireland #discoverloughderg #irelandshiddenheartlands
Join us if you dare!
We are running halloween camp for kids 8+.
Sunday 30th and Tuesday 1st.
Lots of canoeing / kayaking as well as spooky story time by the fire, spooky land games and treats.. wear a costume too!!
Contact Becky to book 0864114822 or use the website
#halloween #kidscamps #kidsentertainment #nature #loughdergblueway #loughderg #getyourkidsoutdoors
Summer has ended but my favourite part of winter is arriving!
If you want to experience the magic surrounding you, you can book a tour, all equipmentis supplied:
#nature #discoverloughderg #naturelovers #barrystea #irelandshiddenheartlands #kayakireland #thesimplethings #discoverireland @discoverloughderg #womenwholovesports #menwholovenature @palmequipment #palmequipment @watershed_drybags @titankayaks #loughdergblueway #Loughderg @greatoutdoors76 #autumninireland
Summer has ended but my favourite part of winter is arriving!
If you want to experience the magic surrounding you, you can book a tour, all equipmentis supplied:
#nature #discoverloughderg #naturelovers #barrystea #irelandshiddenheartlands #kayakireland #thesimplethings #discoverireland @discoverloughderg #womenwholovesports #menwholovenature @palmequipment #palmequipment @watershed_drybags @titankayaks #loughdergblueway #Loughderg @greatoutdoors76 #autumninireland
Still beautiful days out there. 🌞
Book now:
086 411 4823
[email protected]
#nature #discoverloughderg #naturelovers #barrystea #irelandshiddenheartlands #kayakireland #thesimplethings #discoverireland @discoverloughderg #womenwholovesports #meninskirts @palmequipment #palmequipment @watershed_drybags @titankayaks #loughdergblueway #Loughderg @greatoutdoors76 #autumninireland
You are stronger than you think you are! 💥🙏❄️
This weekend we, Brice and Becky will be your hosts and instructors for the Wim Hof Method Fundamentals workshops.
The workshops will take place just outside Nenagh, Co Tipperary. We would like to invite you to our beautiful facilitation space.
For bookings and information go to -
We wish you a happy, healthy and strong life!
#wimhofmethod #wimhofmethodfundamentals #whm #coldexposure #coldtherapy #icebath #icebathing #sauna #breathwork #buteyko #tummo #powerofthemind #happy #health #healthy #strong #wellness #tipperary #midlands #ireland #innerfire #hormesis #feelingisunderstanding #takethechallange #conciousness #awareness #irelandhidddenheartlands