The Seven Heads Peninsula Walks consist of 42km of coastal trails and quiet, rural roadways. It is one of the most utilised amenities in the locality and it is one of the most important tourism offerings on the Peninsula. The popularity of the walks extend across Cork county and beyond and the last 12 months has shown the importance of outdoor recreation.
Up to 2020, the Seven Heads Peninsula Walks Committee held an annual church gate collection to defray the costs of renewing the insurance on the walks. This collection, combined with the year round sale of walk booklets used be sufficient to pay the insurance bill. However, since the onset of the pandemic, those methods of fundraising are not feasible anymore. The insurance for the Seven Heads Walks is due for renewal at the end of April and the committee have started an online fundraising drive to ensure that the insurance is renewed for this very popular and much loved amenity.
We kindly seek the support of the many people in the Seven Heads Peninsula, across West Cork and beyond who use and appreciate this wonderful local amenity. The committee has a fundraising target of €1,200 and hopes to raise this money before the end of April.
Your generosity in supporting this amenity, which is open to all, 24/7, 365 days a year would be greatly appreciated.
John O’Brien
Seven Heads Peninsula Walks Committee
The Seven Heads Peninsula Walks consist of 42km of coastal tr… Seven Heads Peninsula Walks Committee needs your support for Seven Heads Peninsula Walks Fundraiser