Bhi Implants Ltd

Bhi Implants Ltd We believe implantology must be a discipline Accessible for all dentist. Products must be Affordable Why Choose Bhi Implants?

We understand the intricate demands of your practice. At Bhi Implants, we're driven to help you save where it counts. Our focus extends beyond just implants – our prosthetic parts, multi-unit system, and dental lab products are designed to maximize your cost-efficiency without compromising on quality. By sidestepping intermediaries, we bring you direct access to top-notch components at prices that

make sense for your practice. Bhi Implants empowers your practice's financial health while maintaining the high standards you demand. What Sets Us Apart:

Direct Purchasing: Say goodbye to middlemen. With Bhi Implants, you access products at their genuine value, supporting your practice's success. Lifetime Warranty: Every product is backed by a Lifetime Warranty, showcasing our confidence in quality. Expert Support: Our responsive customer excellence team is available via chat, email, and calls, empowering you to focus on what you do best. Our Vision:

Embrace the new era of dentistry. At Bhi Implants, we're ushering in a future where you have control over costs and quality. We're committed to transparency, genuine pricing, and a commitment to excellence. Regulatory Compliance:

Bhi Implants operates under the Schneider Group alongside MDT Micro Diamond Technologies Ltd., a leading dental rotary instruments manufacturer. All our dental implants hold FDA 510(k) clearance (No. K103280), a testament to their safety and efficacy. Our Afula, Israel facility adheres to ISO 13485 standards, further underscoring our dedication to the highest industry benchmarks. Connect with Us:

We value direct connections. Reach out to our customer excellence team via chat, email, or calls. Your insights and experiences drive our continuous improvement. Our CEO is eager to engage and exchange ideas with you. Elevate your practice with Bhi Implants. Join us in embracing a future defined by accessibility, affordability, and unparalleled support.


Another Karma Dental webinar is coming up in September. Dr. Martin Grobler shares "Intro to Oral Surgical Procedures". Dr. Grobler covers a frenulectomy, wisdom teeth removal, root resections & more. He will share the "ingredients" or essential instruments every surgeon needs on hand. Don't miss it:

5 No-Nonsense Tips to Make Your Dental Patients Love You (and Your Practice)Hey, Doc. We get it—keeping your patients ha...

5 No-Nonsense Tips to Make Your Dental Patients Love You (and Your Practice)

Hey, Doc. We get it—keeping your patients happy is harder than getting them to floss regularly. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. Here are five no-BS tips to take your patient satisfaction from “meh” to “wow” faster than you can say “open wide.”

1. Stop the Waiting Room Purgatory
Look, no one likes waiting. Not at the DMV, not for their Amazon package, and definitely not in your waiting room. Keep things moving like a well-oiled machine, and your patients will love you more than their Netflix subscription. Plus, less time wasted means more time for you to do what you do best—saving teeth.

2. Explain It Like They’re Five
Dental jargon might impress your colleagues, but it’ll just confuse your patients. When you’re explaining a procedure, keep it simple. Break it down into bite-sized pieces (pun intended) so they know exactly what’s happening. Trust us, an informed patient is a happy patient. Plus, they’ll think you’re some kind of genius who can speak human and dentist.

3. Embrace the Power of the Follow-Up
Ever had a restaurant check on you after your meal? Feels pretty good, right? The same goes for your patients. A quick follow-up call or email after a major procedure shows you care more about their well-being than just their wallet. It’s like giving your patients a virtual hug—except less awkward.

4. Keep the Surprise Parties for Birthdays, Not Bills
Nobody likes surprise bills. We’re talking about the kind of surprise that makes people say things they shouldn’t in public. Be upfront about costs, and your patients will be more likely to stay loyal. We’re talking “invite-you-to-their-kid’s-wedding” kind of loyal. And hey, that’s where we come in—our implants come with no surprises, just dealer prices. You’re welcome.

5. Make Your Office the Kind of Place You’d Actually Want to Visit
Fluorescent lights and sterile walls are so 1990s. Spice things up a bit! A little ambiance goes a long way. Think comfy chairs, soothing music, maybe even a fish tank if you’re feeling fancy. Turn your office into a place patients actually enjoy visiting, and they’ll keep coming back—just maybe not for a root canal.

Boost Satisfaction, Save Money
There you have it—five quick and easy tips to make your patients as happy as a kid in a candy store (but, you know, without all the cavities). And remember, when it comes to implants, stick with BHI. We’ve got no surprises, just dealer prices, so you can keep your patients happy and your wallet healthy.

Spot the Difference? Neither Can We. Bhi - No Surprises, Dealer Prices.

Spot the Difference? Neither Can We.
Bhi - No Surprises, Dealer Prices.

Dr. Sarah had always been loyal to the big implant brands. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," she'd say. But when her go...

Dr. Sarah had always been loyal to the big implant brands. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," she'd say. But when her go-to supplier hiked prices (again), she grudgingly decided to give Bhi Implants a shot.

Fast forward one year, and Dr. Sarah's practice is thriving like never before.
Not only did she save a small fortune, but she also discovered something unexpected - a distributor who actually picked up the phone when she called!

Impressed by the results and service, Dr. Sarah couldn't help but share:
"We have been using Bhi implants at our practices for over 1 year now, and I can say that the results have been excellent. Moreover, the direct doctor to distributor relationship is spot on. I would like to mention Mr Asaff and his excellent personal service for us, and thank him for being a wonderful partner in our implant platform."

At Bhi, we're about building relationships that last longer than our implants (and trust us, those last a long time).

Click here to discover why more dentists are saying goodbye to overpriced implants and hello to dealer prices at Bhi>>>

But Doc, Will It Hurt?" - Mastering the Art of Making your Patients Laugh while you Drill into their Jaw Explaining impl...

But Doc, Will It Hurt?" - Mastering the Art of Making your Patients Laugh while you Drill into their Jaw

Explaining implants to patients can feel like trying to floss a cat's teeth. Tricky, potentially painful, and likely to end with someone hiding under the couch.

But fear not! To help you cope with the endless questions, we've compiled the top patient questions and some witty ways to answer them that'll have your patients nodding along instead of nodding off.

"Is this gonna hurt?"

What they expect: "No, it's just a titanium screw in your jaw. Totally painless!"
What you should say: "It won't be the most pleasant thing you had to do, but the perfect smile you’ll end up having will be totally worth it!."

"How long will I be toothless?"
What they expect: "Months. Better stock up on smoothies!"
What you should say: "Shorter than your last relationship. We'll have you smiling again before you can say 'dental implant osseointegration'."

"Can I eat normally after?"
What they expect: "Sure, if by 'normally' you mean 'through a straw'."
What you should say: "Define 'normally'. If that means tackling corn on the cob, let's wait. If it means enjoying a nice pasta, you're golden."

"Will it look fake?"
What they expect: "Only to everyone with eyes."
What you should say: "It'll look so natural, even your mirror will be fooled. No more 'chiclet teeth' here!"

"How long will it last?"
What they expect: "Until next Tuesday, probably."
What you should say: "With proper care, longer than most Hollywood marriages. We're talking decades, not months."

"Why are implants so expensive?"
What they expect: "Because I need a new boat."
What you should say: "Quality doesn't come cheap, but neither does it have to break the bank.

Remember, the key to patient education is 90% confidence, 10% dad jokes, and 100% avoiding the phrase "drill into your jawbone" at all costs.

What's the most off-the-wall question a patient has asked you about implants?
Share below and let's all have a chuckle!

5 Implant Myths Even Experienced Dentists Fall For It's a typical Tuesday at your practice. You're about to start a comp...

5 Implant Myths Even Experienced Dentists Fall For

It's a typical Tuesday at your practice. You're about to start a complex implant case when your assistant mentions that a sales rep from BigName Implants™ is waiting to see you. Again.

As you sigh and prepare for another long-winded pitch about their "revolutionary" new system (which looks suspiciously like last year's model with a fresh coat of paint), you can't help but wonder: Is this really necessary? Are these premium implants truly worth the premium price tag? And why does this rep seem to visit more often than some of your regular patients?

Sound familiar? We've all been there. It's easy to get caught up in slick marketing and fancy brochures. But what if some of the things we've accepted as "implant gospel" are actually... myths?

Today, we're going to challenge some common beliefs that even the most experienced among us sometimes fall for (Yes, you too):

Myth: "Premium brands always mean better quality."

Truth: Many implant systems, including more affordable options like Bhi, use the same grade titanium and manufacturing processes as premium brands.
The difference often lies in marketing budgets, not material quality.

Myth: "Switching implant systems requires a different workflow protocol."

Truth: Most modern implant systems share similar design principles and work with the same surgical kit. With your experience, adapting to a new system is often more straightforward than you might think. It's about applying your skills, not relearning dentistry.

Myth: "Lower-priced implants lead to more complications."

Truth: Dealer prices are not inferior in quality at all. Moreover, clinical success depends far more on the dentist's skill and patient factors than on the implant brand. Studies show comparable success rates across various implant systems when placed correctly.

Myth: "You need a dedicated rep for technical support."

Truth: With your expertise, most technical questions can be resolved through online resources or peer networks. Companies like Bhi offer comprehensive online and phone support without the overhead of constant in-person visits.

Myth: "Patients always prefer well-known implant brands."

Truth: Patients trust your judgment. What they ARE looking for is a great result, maximum comfort, rapport with the dentist and an affordable price (which you can provide when you buy a dealer prices)

Remember, in implant dentistry, your skill is the most critical factor. The tools are important, but it's YOUR hand that makes the real difference.
Or as we like to say: No surprises- Dealer prices.

So You Got an Intraoral Scanner... Now What?Hurray! you’ve joined the future with an intraoral scanner! But having high-...

So You Got an Intraoral Scanner... Now What?

Hurray! you’ve joined the future with an intraoral scanner! But having high-tech gear is only half the battle — let's make sure you're getting the precision you need to keep those patient smiles perfect.

Accuracy Isn’t Optional: Sure, intraoral scanners are impressive, but even the best have built-in accuracy issues.

This is where photogrammetry steps in, turning "pretty good" into "perfect fit." Systems likePIC or Imetric iCam4D can achieve up to 0.1 micron accuracy. Think of it as adding a turbo boost to your scanner.

Nail the Workflow: Want to enjoy a Predictable outcomes on your full-arch impressions? Here’s what you should do:

Pair your scanner with photogrammetry for spot-on implant positions.
Combine intraoral, CBCT, and facial scans in your CAD software. This trio creates a detailed digital model, making treatment planning a breeze and ensuring your restorations fit like a glove​.

Digital workflows streamline the back-and-forth with your lab, cutting down chair time and upping patient comfort.

Overcoming Challenges: Got image stitching issues, especially with full-arch cases? Photogrammetry and techniques like splinted or elongated scan bodies have got your back. These innovations ensure you get reliable and precise results every time​.
For more deep dives and pro tips, follow our page and stay ahead of the curve.

Keep scanning and keep smiling!

It’s Not the Brand, It’s Your Hand: Why do Dentists Get Sued for and How to Fix it?Recently, a prominent dentist (who sh...

It’s Not the Brand, It’s Your Hand: Why do Dentists Get Sued for and How to Fix it?

Recently, a prominent dentist (who shall remain nameless) got sued despite using top-tier, premium brands. Yes, he used all “the best" products and still found himself in legal hot water.

How could this be???

Turns out, no matter the brand's support and promises, it's the quality of your work that really counts (surprising, we know).

Now, many dentists fear that switching to less branded products might increase their risk of lawsuits.

But, here's the kicker: that's not really the case.

Let's review some stats about the main reasons dentists get sued in the US:
Improper Tooth Extractions (25%): Leading to infections, severed nerves, and sinus perforations.

Endodontic Procedures (20%): Issues include instruments left in canals and severe infections.

Crown and Bridge Treatments (15%): Problems like open margins and poor occlusion.

Implant Complications (10%): Such as infections and inadequate follow-up care.

Failure to Diagnose (15%): Missing serious conditions like oral cancer.

Anesthesia Complications (10%) Issues arising from sedation or general anesthesia.

Adverse Drug Reactions (5%): Due to neglecting to check patient medical histories before prescribing​​.

Notice something interesting? There's no mention of people suing because you picked Brand A over Brand B for implants. Why? Because all approved brands are high quality and pretty much generic.

What makes the difference between a big smile and a huge frown that drags you to court is your skills. So, why pay more?

One hectic afternoon, a patient came in with a unique emergency—he had swallowed his healing cap!Dr. Rob's usual high-en...

One hectic afternoon, a patient came in with a unique emergency—he had swallowed his healing cap!

Dr. Rob's usual high-end supplier couldn't deliver fast enough to address the situation. Desperate to help his patient FAST, Dr. Rob turned to our company, intrigued by our promise of quick delivery.

To his relief, the products arrived swiftly, allowing him to treat his patient without delay. Impressed, he shared:

"The service was good. I had a client come in where he had swallowed his healing cap. I will definitely order more products from your company."

At Bhi Implants, we’re all about delivering a super-fast service for the same great products at a fraction of the price.

Because why pay more?
Click here to find out more about our implants>>>

Implants Without the Sugar CoatingEvery month, Dr. Jane gets a familiar visitor at her clinic—a sales rep from a top imp...

Implants Without the Sugar Coating

Every month, Dr. Jane gets a familiar visitor at her clinic—a sales rep from a top implant brand. Like clockwork, the rep appears, armed with a dazzling smile and promises of revolutionary dental implants that will practically insert themselves
(Not really).

Dr. Jane, loyal to the brand, believed she was getting the crème de la crème of implants and VIP treatment. But was she also unknowingly funding her own perks?

Let's see if you really need that sales rep. Take this totally-not-biased quiz:

1. Are you capable of choosing an implant diameter without a PowerPoint presentation?

2. Do you rely on a sales rep to tell you which prosthetic part is which?

3. Is your idea of a wild night out a professional gala party with dentist pals over quality time with family and friends? (Don't answer that!)

4. Do you need someone in a suit to explain how the premium price of your implants subsidizes an "exclusive" event in Vegas?

If you answered 'no' to 3 or more questions, congratulations! Your sales person is doing a great job convincing you to pay extra fluff instead of what really matters.

The thing is: Bhi’s quality and design are the same, minus the smooth talk and fancy brochures! At Bhi, we offer the same implants with predictable outcomes without...
the unnecessary razzle-dazzle.

Because why pay more for the privilege of being sold to?

Here's our groundbreaking approach:

1. We sell all that you need for your next implant case. Just implants & prosthetic parts. No complementary foot massages or personalized poker chips.

2. Our products are delivered straight to your office. No middleman, no fuss, no awkward small talk.

3. You save money. Revolutionary, right?

Remember, every time you buy an overpriced implant, somewhere a sales rep is investing the money coming from your sales into technical support for younger, less experienced dentists in your area because you don't really need technical support anymore. (Did anyone say competition??)

Choose Bhi instead, and you might be able to book your own beach vacation with the savings.

Because at the end of the day, your patients come for your experience and great work, not the implant brand you’re using.

Make the smart choice.
Why pay more?

Behind the Mold: How Digital Dentistry Redefines your CraftWe've all been there: the tedious process of taking impressio...

Behind the Mold: How Digital Dentistry Redefines your Craft

We've all been there: the tedious process of taking impressions with gooey molds, waiting for them to set, and the manual crafting of implants which are rarely all a perfect fit. Arrr…The mess. The struggle.

The painful waste of chair time!

Well, those days are mostly behind us.
Digital dentistry is here, and switching to it, changes everything.

With digital impressions and CAD/CAM technology, we achieve consistent and precise results, significantly reducing the margin of error and leading to better-fitting restorations and happier patients.

But what’s next for digital dentistry in the US?

Advancing Technologies: Even as digital dentistry becomes the norm, innovations continue to emerge. AI-driven diagnostics, real-time treatment planning, and machine learning algorithms are pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve. These technologies are not just enhancing precision but also expanding our capabilities in preventive care and early diagnosis.

Integration and Workflow: Integrating digital tools seamlessly into our practice workflows is the next big challenge. How can we optimize our software and hardware to ensure maximum efficiency and minimal disruption? Sharing insights and best practices with fellow practitioners can help us all make the most of our digital investments.

Patient-Centric Care: As technology evolves, so do patient expectations. Educating our patients about the benefits of digital dentistry and involving them in their treatment plans can enhance their overall experience. Personalized care plans, visual aids, and interactive tools can make a significant difference in patient engagement and satisfaction.

Sustainability and Green Practices: With the growing emphasis on environmental responsibility, digital dentistry offers a more sustainable approach. From reducing waste to cutting down on the carbon footprint of our practices, we can lead the way in promoting green dentistry. Exploring eco-friendly materials and processes is an ongoing journey that can set us apart as responsible healthcare providers.

Collaboration and Community: The digital dentistry community in the US is vibrant and rapidly growing. Participating in forums, attending conferences, and engaging in continuous education are crucial to staying updated with the latest advancements. Sharing our experiences and learning from each other helps us collectively push the envelope of what’s possible in dental care.

Digital dentistry isn’t just a trend; it’s the future. By embracing ongoing innovations and focusing on integration, patient care, sustainability, and community, we can continue to elevate our practices and provide unparalleled care to our patients.

What’s the most exciting digital dentistry innovation you’ve integrated into your practice, and how has it transformed your workflow?

Why are more and more experienced dentists ditching the “big brands” for our products?Ever notice how dental schools alw...

Why are more and more experienced dentists ditching the “big brands” for our products?

Ever notice how dental schools always push the same big-name brands? It’s like they’re the cool kids in high school, but sticking with them means you might be missing out on the real gems.

Those “safe” choices can keep you from discovering better options that not only maintain top quality but also boost your profit margins, allow you to invest in what really matters, like retention of employees, marketing, etc. and improve the patient’s experience

We've chatted with our dentist clients to uncover what made them break up with the mainstream brands and choose us instead:

Short answer: They’re experienced enough to understand most implants are made with the same technology, same quality and achieve predictable results.

Long answer: They understand these are generic products and by switching to Bhi dental implants, they’re paying for what really matters - the product itself. Not for massive marketing budgets, flashy salespeople, and the whole big operation that needs to sustain itself.

Because let’s be real - the product itself is just a tiny part of the cost of the big brands. Our products offer the same predictable results and ease of use as the “big names”, at a VALUE PRICE.

So why pay more?

Ready to chat with us about your dental clinic needs? Drop a comment below!

Save Those Implants! How to Effectively Battle Peri-Implantitis?Dealing with peri-implantitis can feel like navigating a...

Save Those Implants! How to Effectively Battle Peri-Implantitis?

Dealing with peri-implantitis can feel like navigating a minefield. The frustration of seeing a well-placed implant fail is immense, especially knowing the impact on your patient’s health and confidence. But there is hope. By deeply understanding the solutions on the market and their pros and cons, we can tackle this issue effectively.

Let’s break down the most common treatments and get those implants back on track!

Solutions to Consider:

1. Mechanical Debridement
Pros: Non-surgical, straightforward, removes biofilm and plaque effectively.
Cons: May not reach deeper pockets, sometimes inadequate for advanced cases.

2. Antiseptics and Antibiotics
Pros: Helps control infection, easy to administer, reduces bacterial load.
Cons: Risk of resistance, might not be effective alone for severe cases.

3. Flap Surgery
Pros: Direct access to affected areas, thorough cleaning, allows for regenerative procedures. Cons: More invasive, longer recovery time, higher patient discomfort.

4. Laser Therapy
Pros: Minimally invasive, promotes healing, reduces bacteria.
Cons: Requires specialized equipment, can be costly, not always accessible.

5. Regenerative Procedures
Pros: Encourages bone growth, restores lost tissues, long-term solution.
Cons: Complex procedure, higher cost, requires patient compliance.

What’s Your Go-To Solution?
Share your experiences with these treatments. What’s worked best for you? Let’s pool our knowledge and keep those implants secure!

Celebrate freedom and savings this 4th of July! Bhi Implants is offering a special 35% discount on all orders above 30 p...

Celebrate freedom and savings this 4th of July!

Bhi Implants is offering a special 35% discount on all orders above 30 products. Visit our website to learn more!

Peri-Implantitis: Are Your Patients in the Danger Zone? (Probably)Did your patient's perfectly placed implant start to f...

Peri-Implantitis: Are Your Patients in the Danger Zone? (Probably)

Did your patient's perfectly placed implant start to fail without warning? If you’ve been in the game long enough, we’d bet the answer is unfortunately YES. Peri-implantitis is a sneaky menace, affecting approx 20% of implant patients.

But here’s the thing—we might be able to lower those staggering numbers. Let’s dive into who’s at risk and what we can do to protect our patients.

Who’s in the Danger Zone?

Smokers 🚬: Smoking can increase peri-implantitis risk by up to 4.7 times. The toxins in to***co affect healing and immune response, leading to higher susceptibility.

History of Periodontitis 🦠: Previous gum disease makes the tissues around implants more vulnerable. These patients often harbor residual bacteria that can trigger peri-implantitis.

Systemic Conditions 🩺: Diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and conditions that weaken the immune system can significantly elevate risk. These diseases affect the body’s ability to heal and fight infections.

Poor Oral Hygiene 🪥: Inadequate oral care leads to plaque buildup, which is a breeding ground for bacteria that cause peri-implantitis. Consistent oral hygiene is non-negotiable.

Soft Tissue Quality: Lack of sufficient keratinized gingiva around the implant site can contribute to increased inflammation and infection.

What Can We Do?

Patient Education: Inform your patients about their specific risk factors and the importance of meticulous oral hygiene (Yes, Adults also need a reminder)

Regular Monitoring: Be the Sherlock Holmes of dentistry. Suggest more frequent check-ups, probing, and radiographs to catch the culprits early.

Personalized Care Plans: Customize strategies for each patient according to the rist in question and Integrate oral health tips with their overall wellness plan.

Got tips or tricks of your own for managing high-risk patients and preventing peri-implantitis? Share your wisdom below.

Bhi is committed to bringing the latest advancements to our customers!We recently partnered with Dr. Dan Rosen, founder ...

Bhi is committed to bringing the latest advancements to our customers!

We recently partnered with Dr. Dan Rosen, founder of Rosen Implant Solutions, for an exclusive private event in Cancún focused on digital workflow innovations in dental implants.

Explore our website to learn more about how Bhi Implants can empower your practice!

We are more than thrilled to have participated in this fantastic event!From start to finish we met, connected, and were ...

We are more than thrilled to have participated in this fantastic event!

From start to finish we met, connected, and were able to keep building a better horizon for Implantology in Mexico. Time to keep going in the USA now!

We would like to thank all the people that made this event possible, see you in the next one.

We had the opportunity to award some fantastic Implantologists in Cancun this year. And, since today is the National Imp...

We had the opportunity to award some fantastic Implantologists in Cancun this year.

And, since today is the National Implantologist Day in Mexico, we wanted to celebrate them from USA too!

We're dedicated to help our customers achieve their maximum potential.

We're working hard to bring the very best to all of our clients in the WORLD!Right now we're in sunny Cancun with our gr...

We're working hard to bring the very best to all of our clients in the WORLD!

Right now we're in sunny Cancun with our great friend Dr. Dan Rosen, inventor of the Rosen Screws.

He's been kind enough to help us with some conferences for our Mexican market.

Thank you Dr. Rosen!

This Memorial Day, we honor and remember those who have served and sacrificed for our freedom. As a company, we extend o...

This Memorial Day, we honor and remember those who have served and sacrificed for our freedom.

As a company, we extend our gratitude and respect. Let's take a moment to reflect and appreciate their bravery.

🚨 Attention Customers! 🚨 Our warehouse will be closed from May 23rd to May 27th in observance of Memorial Day. We'll be ...

🚨 Attention Customers! 🚨 Our warehouse will be closed from May 23rd to May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.

We'll be back to serve you on May 28th. Thank you for your understanding!

On this Mother's Day, we want to extend our best wishes to all the mother dentists who are an inspiration to us. Thank y...

On this Mother's Day, we want to extend our best wishes to all the mother dentists who are an inspiration to us. Thank you for your dedication and for everything you do for your patients and communities! 🌷✨

Dive into dental innovation with Rosen Screws! No need for Ti-Bases means a stable connection to your prosthesis. Seamle...

Dive into dental innovation with Rosen Screws! No need for Ti-Bases means a stable connection to your prosthesis. Seamless integration with digital libraries ensures reliability. Plus, they're affordable without compromising quality. 50 items per pack for your convenience!

For a brighter, better future. We stand with you today and every day!

For a brighter, better future. We stand with you today and every day!

Happy Valentine's Day to all our incredible oral implantologists! Your dedication to restoring smiles is truly heartwarm...

Happy Valentine's Day to all our incredible oral implantologists! Your dedication to restoring smiles is truly heartwarming. Keep spreading love and confidence with every implant. 💕

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." 🌟 In ho...

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." 🌟

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr., we stand united for positive change, equality, and love.

🕊️ In Honor of MLK Day: Our warehouse will be closed on Monday, January 15th, as we commemorate the legacy of Martin Lut...

🕊️ In Honor of MLK Day: Our warehouse will be closed on Monday, January 15th, as we commemorate the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. 🌟 We'll be back bright and early on Tuesday, January 16th, ready to serve you! Thank you for your understanding.

🎉 We're back in action! Your orders are our top priority. Place them now and let's keep those smiles shining bright! 😁✨ ...

🎉 We're back in action! Your orders are our top priority. Place them now and let's keep those smiles shining bright! 😁✨

The year came to a close, but we're very happy to be here with you. We extend heartfelt thanks for your trust and suppor...

The year came to a close, but we're very happy to be here with you. We extend heartfelt thanks for your trust and support. Here's to a New Year filled with health, happiness, and success! 🎉🥂

Wishing you a joyous Christmas filled with laughter, warmth, and smiles. Thank you for being a part of our dental family...

Wishing you a joyous Christmas filled with laughter, warmth, and smiles. Thank you for being a part of our dental family! 🎄✨


העמל 2

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00


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Our Story

Affordable. Accessible. Simple

We believe implantology must be a discipline Accessible for all dentist.

Products must be Affordable; purchase must be Simple; delivery must be Quick. Knowledge must be reachable; training should be easy; questions should be answered google wise.

That is why Bhi is changing the rules.