Shai Tours - Ecological Tourism

Shai Tours - Ecological Tourism Israel is an amazing country with so much to see: Religions, Cultures, History, Archaeology, Minorit

Today is Tu B'Av!The 15th of Av is indicated in Judaism as a sign of reconciliation, comfort and love among the people o...

Today is Tu B'Av!
The 15th of Av is indicated in Judaism as a sign of reconciliation, comfort and love among the people of Israel. The holiday has several meanings: an agricultural holiday, Rosh Hashanah in halacha, a day for the inspiration of Shekinah, a day of repentance, and a day of love and comfort. Chazal listed various historical reasons for this holiday and some say that they all communicate For the love and unity of Israel and thus constitutes Tu B'Av a rectification of Tisha Bav, in which the Temple was destroyed because of gratuitous hatred.
Happy Tu B'Av to all our friends!
Photo Credit: ID 283450964 © Svetlana Leuto |

Today is Tisha B'av. This is the most severe of the four penances for the destruction of the Temple, and mourns in it di...

Today is Tisha B'av. This is the most severe of the four penances for the destruction of the Temple, and mourns in it disasters that have happened to the Jewish people over the years, especially those that happened near the day of Tisha B'Av. With the threat by Iran, it seemed only natural we would be attacked on this day once again.
Photo Credit: ID 329705263 © Kanison Charicha |

During these crazy times, as most in the tourism industry sit at home and wait for a change, we were fortunate enough to...

During these crazy times, as most in the tourism industry sit at home and wait for a change, we were fortunate enough to have old friends pop over.

The Messer family have been coming to Israel for years and we have been with them through out all these years.

The times are different and so was the tour. We had a great time volunteering and exploring the geopolitical nature of Israel in some of the most challenging locations:
From Temple Mount to Hebron and Gaza. A world of information in 4 days.

When is yours scheduled? Don't let the bullies scare you away, we are here to stay ;)

Masada is one of the most popular sites to visit while you're in Israel. The story itself is incredible and thought prov...

Masada is one of the most popular sites to visit while you're in Israel. The story itself is incredible and thought provoking and the archeology is impressive.

However, climbing up the Snake Trail in time to witness sunrise is something else completely.

It's very hot right not in Israel and in the Judean Desert even more so. When asked to guide Masada, Ein Gedi and the Dead Sea by this beautiful couple, I asked in turn if they're up for a very early wakeup.

We did it and it was sooooo worth it. When is yours scheduled?

A few days ago I was priviliged to be asked to guide Jennifer Jason Leigh and her friend:

A few days ago I was priviliged to be asked to guide Jennifer Jason Leigh and her friend:

At a time like this, when the world seems to be turning it's back on Israel and people are making decisions based on what is trendy and how they look on social media, the choice to come and stand here is not taken for granted.

This was a humbling experience and I have to say that these are truly wonderful human beings.
May all my guiding days be just like that one.

When is yours scheduled?Boat Pic Credit: Photo 218977132 | Boat Sea Galilee © Richie Chan | Dreamstime.comCrucifix Pic C...

When is yours scheduled?
Boat Pic Credit: Photo 218977132 | Boat Sea Galilee © Richie Chan |

Crucifix Pic Credit: Photo 47525431 | Crucifix Israel © Sean Pavone |

Thank you for your ongoing support, even during these troubled times. We appreciate your continued choice and promise to...

Thank you for your ongoing support, even during these troubled times.
We appreciate your continued choice and promise to maintain the same level of service you have grown accustomed to :)

This week, Shavuot was celebrated. Shavuot is a holiday in Judaism, the second of the three pilgrimages. It falls the da...

This week, Shavuot was celebrated. Shavuot is a holiday in Judaism, the second of the three pilgrimages. It falls the day after the completion of the seven-week Omer (hence its name). Another name for the holiday of Shavuot is the holiday of giving the Torah. According to tradition, on the day of Shavuot, Mount Sinai was held, where God revealed himself to the people of Israel in a one-time event and commanded them the commandments.
Happy Shavuot to all of our jewish friends.
Photo Credit: Photo 148770211 © Photovs |

It was so cool to wander through the Christian sites again with a believing family. The Christian faith is such a wide s...

It was so cool to wander through the Christian sites again with a believing family. The Christian faith is such a wide sphere and you never know who you get until you go out with them. Being stumped by a 19 year old is not something that happens to me often. That was really fun.

It's been a while and I dealt mostly with geopolitics as of late and this was a refreshing (while hot and humid) day :)

Israel is open. And safe. When are you coming?
The best way to show your support is simply to come and explore. Go to the sites, stay at the hotels, eat at the restaurants. Contribute to the economy and talk to the people. Your presence here will mean so much...

Jerusalem Day was celebrated yesterday! Jerusalem Day is a national holiday in Israel which marks the unification of the...

Jerusalem Day was celebrated yesterday!
Jerusalem Day is a national holiday in Israel which marks the unification of the city of Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty, after the battle for Jerusalem in the Six Day War.
On Jerusalem Day, there is also the Day of Remembrance for the Ethiopian Jews who perished on their way to Israel, in memory of about 4000 Beta Israel Jews who perished on the journey as a gift for their immigration to Israel from the refugee camps in Sudan during Operation Brothers.
Photo Credit: Photo 32934125 © Sean Pavone |

It was my distict pleasure to guide Ms. Shelley Greenspan - White House Liaison to the American Jewish community. I can'...

It was my distict pleasure to guide Ms. Shelley Greenspan - White House Liaison to the American Jewish community. I can't emphasise enough how meaningful visits of this nature are at a time like this one.

This beautiful family who came here despite (and perhaps because) of everything going on went with me on a special tour of less known sites in Jerusalem.

We learned of the Jewish past, the current situation and discussed possible future outcomes.

When are you headed over?

Lag B'Omer is a Jewish holiday - it is the thirty-third day of the counting of the Omer, and has been considered since t...

Lag B'Omer is a Jewish holiday - it is the thirty-third day of the counting of the Omer, and has been considered since the 12th century to be a day of normal joy, and as a landmark for the cessation of the mourning customs practiced on the days of the counting of the Omer.
One of the prominent customs in Lag B'Omer is the lighting of bonfires, but due to climate change this custom is becoming less and less common. In addition to this, it is customary to go up to Mount Meron for the Bar Yochai celebration and it is customary to study the Sefer Zohar associated with Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai.
Photo Credit: Photo 40843404 © Dnaveh |

Back on the road !!!It is indeed amazing to see that even despite everything going on, some groups will not give in and ...

Back on the road !!!

It is indeed amazing to see that even despite everything going on, some groups will not give in and actually come.

The Associated booked this over a year and a half ago and while most chose to wait and see what develops they decided to go ahead and launch the mission. We did everything just like any other group and this was indeed not a Solidarity Mission. The relationship with the Baltimore Federation has been growing for years now and I truly value the friendships generated through it.

We met with soldiers and understood the complexity of Oct 7 as well as the potential unfolding scenarios, but at the same time enjoyed the beauty, food and sites Israel has to offer. This would not be possible without the amazing work done by Tali and Nataly from Giant Leaps and as difficult as it may be to join forces with other companies, we do what we must in order to guarantee the clients are content.

This really was a breath of fresh air and it seems to be the first of many. We have a super VIP arriving next week as well as 3 other trips about to land in June. When is yours scheduled?

This Tuesday was Israel’s independence day,  happy independence day to all of our friends in Israel!Photo Credit: Photo ...

This Tuesday was Israel’s independence day, happy independence day to all of our friends in Israel!
Photo Credit: Photo 86271158 © Rusel1981 |

We bow our heads in memory of all the brave fallen, who sacrificed their lives, and fell in defense of the homeland and ...

We bow our heads in memory of all the brave fallen, who sacrificed their lives, and fell in defense of the homeland and in hostilities.
Photo Credit: Photo 207026872 © Chernetskaya |

This Sunday was the Orthodox Easter. Both Easters celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, but there are several different t...

This Sunday was the Orthodox Easter. Both Easters celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, but there are several different traditions that are based on different calendars.
Orthodox Christians, who believe that the faith and the church cannot be separated, celebrate Easter according to the Julian calendar.
Orthodox Easter occurs after the first full moon after Passover. The Orthodox Easter always occurs after the Jewish Passover, since according to the New Testament, Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection happened after he entered Jerusalem for Passover celebrations. In 1582, the Gregorian calendar was instituted by Pope Gregory XIII to correct inaccuracies in the Julian calendar. According to the Gregorian calendar, churches set Easter to be on the first Sunday after the full moon that falls on or after the first day of spring.
Photo Credit: Photo 51216984 © Valya82 |


Tonight we begin the Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. This evening will mark its beginning.

Tomorrow at 10am (Israel time) we will have a 2 minute siren in which everything in Israel will stop. Yes, all work, conversations and even cars will stop and we will all (hopefully) stand in unity in remembrance of the millions lost during the Shoah (the Holocaust).

As I do every year, I will begin a 25 hour fast this evening as my personal way of connecting with the memory of the family members we lost as well as everyone else.

With the rise of Antisemitism all over the world, we are reminded of the social climate on campuses and streets in Germany before WWII officially started. Two sentences come to mind this year that are worth thinking of:
1. "He who accepts evil without fighting against it is cooperating with it".
2. "It's not enough to be not racist, you have to be anti-racist". Try switching "racist" with "antisemite" on this one...
Both, btw, are by MLK.

The video I've attached is one that I created on this subject and I'd like to invite you all to watch it (it's only 7.5 minutes long) as well as to share this post wherever and with whomever you wish.

During my trip to the USA I spoke about my perspective and personal experience of october 7th- the day of Hamas attacks ...

During my trip to the USA I spoke about my perspective and personal experience of october 7th- the day of Hamas attacks at Blanchard Hall and more than 40 students came to listen. link to the full article in the first comment.

The Last Supper is an event in the life of Jesus,  described in the books of the New Testament. This is a major event wh...

The Last Supper is an event in the life of Jesus, described in the books of the New Testament. This is a major event which is a founding event in Christianity that served as an inspiration for Christian rituals, folk legends and many works of faith.
The supper is called that because according to the New Testament it is the last supper of Jesus with his disciples before he was judged before the Sanhedrin and crucified.
According to the writers, the feast took place on the eve of Passover and was a Passover supper attended by Jesus and 12 of his disciples.
During the supper, Jesus announces to his disciples that one of them will betray him, but he does not tell them who. However, the description in the New Testament clearly points to Judas As-Keriot as the traitor.

As this happens on Passover Eve, which we just celebrated, we thought it's a worthy addition here. Next time you come, make sure to visit the actual site in Jerusalem.

Photo Credit: Photo 40370177 | Last Supper © Jozef Sedmak |

Passover, or in its biblical name the Feast of Unleavened Bread, is a Jewish holiday and the first of Three Pilgrimage F...

Passover, or in its biblical name the Feast of Unleavened Bread, is a Jewish holiday and the first of Three Pilgrimage Festivals. Passover is the holiday of freedom, and symbolizes the exodus of the people of Israel from slavery in Egypt to freedom, which according to the Bible took place on the night of the first day of the holiday after the plague of the firstborn. The seventh and last day of Passover, according to Sages, symbolizes the miracle of the splitting of the Red Sea.
May this holiday of Liberation from Slavery be just that once again.
Happy Passover

During the last 3.5 weeks, I wandered through the US and met with communities, churches, schools and universities. My fo...

During the last 3.5 weeks, I wandered through the US and met with communities, churches, schools and universities. My focus was to teach about Oct 7, what may have led up to it and where this is headed. The pics below do not do justice to this experience but they give a bit of insight into my experience.

I am glad for the various encounters I had and am truly grateful for all those who actively assisted in making this happen. I am choosing not to mark you all by name as you know who you are and you have my gratitude. I can only hope these conversations and talks will make an impact.

During this time, I also met with groups who wish to come to Israel despite everything (or maybe because of it) that has happened and is happening and I am glad to be able to say that starting May 2024, we are resuming tours in Israel and launching our new Greece option.

Thank you again, see you in Israel soon :)

עברית בהמשך… Jewish poem in the Haggadah of Passover Seder that mention's God's promise of ending the exile of the Jews ...

עברית בהמשך…

Jewish poem in the Haggadah of Passover Seder that mention's God's promise of ending the exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel:

“And it is this (the Torah) that has stood by our ancestors and for us.
For not only one (enemy) has risen up against us to destroy us,
but in every generation they rise up to destroy us.
But the Holy One, Blessed be He, delivers us from their hands”.

Iran revealed its true face and showed the moderate countries in the Middle East that it is the main threat on this generation. We found ourselves fighting in the broadest coalition that Israel has ever been a part of, only together can we face the threat. One can only see this attack as a continuation of that Saturday of October 7, 23. The threat to Sunni Islam, a threat to Israel, a threat to the entire world in the face of extreme Islam.

The threat to those who chose life over death.

וְהִיא שֶׁעָמְדָה לַאֲבוֹתֵינוּ וְלָנוּ
שֶׁלֹּא אֶחָד בִּלְבָד עָמַד עָלֵינוּ לְכַלּוֹתֵנוּ
אֶלָּא שֶׁבְּכָל דּוֹר וָדוֹר עוֹמְדִים עָלֵינוּ לְכַלּוֹתֵנוּ
וְהַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא מַצִּילֵנוּ מִיָּדָם

איראן חשפה את פרצופה האמיתי והראתה למדינות המתונות במזרח התיכון, שהיא האיום המרכזי על הדור הזה. מצאנו עצמנו נלחמים בקואליציה הרחבה ביותר שישראל הייתה חלק ממנה אי פעם, רק יחדיו נוכל לאיום. אין אלא לראות התקפה זו כהמשכה של אותה השבת של ה 7 באוקטובר 23. האיום על האסלאם הסוני, איום על ישראל, איום על העולם כולו אל מול האסלאם הקיצוני.

קרדיט על התמונה לצבי יחזקאלי היקר

The Montfort fortress is the most beautiful of the northern fortresses, and is an archaeological site from the Middle Ag...

The Montfort fortress is the most beautiful of the northern fortresses, and is an archaeological site from the Middle Ages, where there are remains of a Crusader fortress from the time of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The fortress is a national park within the Nahal Akziv nature reserve. The fort has received the attention of many researchers since it has many unique characteristics. The fort is isolated and distant from major roads, making it of little strategic importance. The fortress is one of the most prominent examples of medieval fortified construction in Israel.
photo Credit: Photo 76961797 | Montfort © Shimon Bar |

Once again we flew to Hawai'i to learn about Israel :)Trust me, I know just how crazy that sounds. During Covid I develo...

Once again we flew to Hawai'i to learn about Israel :)

Trust me, I know just how crazy that sounds. During Covid I developed an online curriculum with the Brandeis Marin Jewish school. During the 2nd year of Covid we launched it in Hawai'i. Due to the unsure climate in Israel and parental concerns now we did it again.

So, the class (with 3 chaperones) flew from California to Hawai'i and spent 10 days with me. I taught 4 hours every morning (Temple history, Judaism develops, Zionism, Holocaust, Israel's borders, Minorities, Palestinians and even Oct 7). The sessions were engaging and serious and we all learned a lot together. In the afternoons we went Kayaking, swimming, surfing, hiking and much more.

This has been, again, a great experience and I am very grateful to the school. I want to extend a warm thank you to Peg Sandel, Zane Wiley and Stephanie Stavsky. Without you, it would not be possible.

Until next time ;)

In recent years, the Timna area has been very developed in terms of tourism. In the area you can find the archaeological...

In recent years, the Timna area has been very developed in terms of tourism. In the area you can find the archaeological sites, many hiking trails of different levels, attractions, night trips, spectacular views, desert animals and a beautiful lake. Today, the park is declared a nature reserve and is very much worth a visit on your way to Eilat or Jordan.
Photo Credit: Photo 68799372 © Oleksajewicz |

Purim is a Jewish holiday, which is set as a day of thanksgiving to God, since according to Jewish tradition on this day...

Purim is a Jewish holiday, which is set as a day of thanksgiving to God, since according to Jewish tradition on this day the Jews were saved from genocide perpetrated by Haman.
The source of this tradition is in the Book of Esther.
One of the prominent customs of the holiday is the delivery of mishloach manot and in addition the holiday is full of customs of joy, such as wearing costumes, holding feasts and making noise with rattles.

Happy Purim to all of our Jewish friends!
Photo Credit: Photo 87331671 © Maglara |

Haifa is a city in the Carmel region, the capital of the Northern District and is an important and largest urban center ...

Haifa is a city in the Carmel region, the capital of the Northern District and is an important and largest urban center in northern Israel. Haifa is an important and significant industrial, transportation and cultural center in Israel. It is also a port city, and one of the symbols of the city is its port.

Haifa is home to the Baha’i world center and has become a center for many religious institutes as Mt. Carmel is associated with prophet Elijah which is a significant character in all monotheistic traditions.

This is also one of the most accepting and tolerant cities in Israel. The “Holiday of holidays” is a celebration of Hanukkah, Christmas and (sometimes) a Muslim holiday that takes place at the same time.
Photo Credit: Photo 27191609 © Jan Wachala |

Many of you have traveled with us in Israel. Some even went with us to Jordana and/or Egypt. Now, your next great advent...

Many of you have traveled with us in Israel. Some even went with us to Jordana and/or Egypt. Now, your next great adventure with us awaits - "Following in the footsteps of Apostle Paul in Greece".
Review the itineraries and let us know when you'd like to schedule yours, we are waiting for you.

Nahal Hermon, also called Nahal HaBanias, is a steady stream in the Golan region of Israel that flows into the Jordan Ri...

Nahal Hermon, also called Nahal HaBanias, is a steady stream in the Golan region of Israel that flows into the Jordan River and makes up about a quarter of the total water of the Jordan River. The source of most of the water in the stream is in the springs that are located under the Banias Cave that were created by rains and snows that seeped into Mount Hermon. The vegetation along the stream is diverse and rich and you can even find fruit trees along it. The views of the river are among the most beautiful natural views in Israel and it is a source of much tourism both from Israel and abroad.

This is also the location associated with Caearea Phillipi, where Jesus asks the disciples “Who do the people say that the Son of Man is?” found in Matthew 16:13-20. This is one of the most significant Chrstian sites in Israel and well worth a visit.
Photo Credit: Photo 7879690 © Hitmans |




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About Us

In recent years we have planned and executed numerous varied tours. The tours have all been customized to the customer's demands and were built with great care after consulting them in regards to the content delivered, the sights chosen, guiding style and more. We pride ourselves today on being able to plan and execute almost any style of tour you can imagine in the land of Israel and we would love to do it with you.

We can plan the Itinerary, reserve Hotels, Restaurants, Caterers, Transportation (Helicopter, Bus, Minibus or VIP vehicle), Security if necessary and naturally the Guiding itself. If you do not wish to receive the full package from us but rather get only some of the services that is absolutely possible as well.

Whether this is a Business Visit, extended family Bar Mitzvah trip or a small and intimate tour with friends, we would be happy to be at your service and execute your plan in the best way possible.

Curios? Confused? Excited? I would be happy to lead you on a tour that will be custom built to suit your taste, style and interests in Jerusalem or anywhere else in Israel.