Estia Hoter Geuza Mc.D - RoCH Mentor

Estia Hoter Geuza Mc.D - RoCH Mentor The essence of the page is to introduce you to a method that once it applies on
babies it secure t At that time my name was Esti Shoshan.

I was born on a kibbutz and spend my first 18n years on such environment. I left Kibbutz Kiryat Anavim on August 1973 right after finishing high school. Leaving a kibbutz is somehow difficult when you leave your parents behind, mainly because you don't have any finance support and has to do every bit by yourself, this was the story that days. So, I've done my share of service and afterwards went t

o university. On 1976 I had two cornerstones for my future path: one – I took a Transcendental Meditation course, my first vie of conscious mystical world (if I'll leave behind the fact that I healed my mother since I was 9 years old and read people with playing cards since I was 12 years old – it seemed to me very natural at that time. The second turning point was a newspaper article about the Transcendental Meditation, it was written that there was no personal mantra rather each mantra is a name of India's goddess and the mantra is actually pray to that goddess. I looked at the list of the goddesses and there was my mantra. At that very moment I dropped myself from that organization. Stopped praying to that goddess and began to read Genesis book. I told myself that if I was praying to India's goddess I rather search knowledge of my own God – The Creator. My life has change dramatically from that very day and never could turn back. Shortly after I began my academy studies at Haifa University and used its Kabala books efficiently. On 1981 I had behind me in addition to the Academic studies, 4 years of search and experience in the fields of Numerology, Astrology, Jewish Mysticism, Gemstone Healing, Colors, and few types of readings (many were to come into my life in the coming 5 years. My studies in Jewish Mysticism were so deep that when I first took the book of I Cing and look for myself in regard to its wisdom, it told me that I was working with powers stronger than its own (such an honest method! I admired it since that day also I didn't touch it afterwards). God, I study so much that you'll fall asleep if I'll try to make you read it. I just want to tell you that I was lucky enough to have great teachers to mentor me in the fields of Spiritual Psychotherapeutics, Sound Therapy, Colors Healing, Bio Energy, Shiatsu, Silva Method, and Gemstones' Reading. My Dissertation for Metaphysical Counseling Doctor Degree was Psychic Reading through Colors, Crystals and Aura Soma.

חג שמח, מי יתן וכמו שישראל ניטעו על אדמת  אבות, ארץ ישראל, אליה אנו שבים בכל דור ודור מעל 4400 שנים, כי שלנו היא. בברכה ...

חג שמח,
מי יתן וכמו שישראל ניטעו על אדמת אבות, ארץ ישראל, אליה אנו שבים בכל דור ודור מעל 4400 שנים, כי שלנו היא.

בברכה ותפילה כי אנו, עץ החיים באנושי של עולמנו, נרבה בעצים הולכי 2 מכל הגדלים, הגבהים, הגילאים, הצבעים, והמינים
וכולם יהיו נותני פרי וצל: חומלים, יצרנים, יצירתיים, אוהבים, סובלניים, סבלניים ומיישמים את המטרות, שלשמן נולדנו בחיים אלו, מיישמים בהצלחה ובהרמוניה.

שנה אזרחית חדשה שופעת טוב לאוהבי שלום, דמוקרטיה אמיתית עם 3 רשויות נפרדות הפועלות לטובת אזרחי הארץ ובטחונם ומגינים ומכבד...

שנה אזרחית חדשה שופעת טוב לאוהבי שלום, דמוקרטיה אמיתית עם 3 רשויות נפרדות הפועלות לטובת אזרחי הארץ ובטחונם ומגינים ומכבדים את זכויות האזרחים והאזרחיות.

A good new civil year to those who love peace. A true democracy, with 3 separate authorities, acting for the benefit of the country's legal citizens and act to protect their security and protect and respect the individual rights of the legal citizens.

חג חנוכה שמח!חג של ניסים גלויים ונסתריםחג שישחרר את החטופים בלי הסכמים.חג שבעזרת ניסי הבורא יביא ניצחון מלא שלנו על הנלח...

חג חנוכה שמח!
חג של ניסים גלויים ונסתרים
חג שישחרר את החטופים בלי הסכמים.
חג שבעזרת ניסי הבורא יביא ניצחון מלא שלנו על הנלחמים בנו וימגר את שונאי ישראל.
חג חנוכה שבעזרת ניסי הבורא יעמיק וירחיב את השמירה על לוחמי ישראל ואזרחי ישראל האוהבים ממשל עברי שוויוני ונשאר כולנו חיים בריאים ושלמים.
חג שבעזרת הבורא יבריא מיידית את הלוחמים שנפצעו פיזית ונפשית.
חג שיביא מזור לכל מי שקבלו טראומה במהלך המלחמות של/ב שונאי ישראל.

כמובן חג חנוכה שמח לך ולמשפחתך המורחבת


Clear exact from Oxford Uni. UK…

Watch and share


The world's aid to Gaza kept by Hamas either to ssle it or for such activities.

The video shot by Hamas terrorist.
Please share.


If the vellages inhabitants in Lebanon were not happy to get rent to keep Hezbohla arms, this could never happen!

Please share.

Since Israel is The Center of The World and all the leaders, and those that want to be leaders, want to govern The Israe...

Since Israel is The Center of The World and all the leaders, and those that want to be leaders, want to govern The Israelian Land, the proportion of our land and population regarding other sovereign countries seems to be neglected,
There is nothing we can sat to convince those that hate Israel and those that hate the people of Israel to change their mind, I do however want to put things in proportion – a word that other love to use to reduce our abilities to save our life from being slaughter.

The UN created special organization to act against the wellbeing of Israel – UNRWA & UNIFIL – and maintain the people who left Israel through their own decision on 1948 to make them look as if they are refugees.
It was also the policy of Jorden (west bunk) and Egypt (Gaza) to maintain it to both get Int'l funds and to keep them away and well under control.

I consider only the Muslim countries that could free Israel from every Muslim that don't want to live Democrat Hebrew government's Israel.

Name of a country / No of Citizens / Sq Km / No inhabitant Sq Km:
Israel / 9,600,000/20,770 Sq Km/469 inhabitants Sq Km
Lebanon / 5,400,000/10,400 Sq Km/514 inhabitants Sq Km
Qatar / 2,700,000/11,437 Sq Km/237 inhabitants Sq Km
Kuwait / 4,300,000/17,820 Sq Km/241 inhabitants Sq Km
Syria / 23,000,000/185,180 Sq Km/125 inhabitants Sq Km
Jordan / 11,000,000/92,300 Sq Km/122 inhabitants Sq Km
United Arab Emirates / 8,5000,000/82,880 Sq Km/114 inhabitants Sq Km
Egypt / 113,000,000/1,000,000 Sq Km/112 inhabitants Sq Km

Yemen / 34,000,000/527,970 Sq Km/65 inhabitants Sq Km
Iraq /46,000,000/437,072 Sq Km/60 inhabitants Sq Km
Iran / 89,000,000/1,600,00Sq Km/54 inhabitants Sq Km
Oman / 4,600,000/212,460 Sq Km/21 inhabitants Sq Km
Saudia Arabia/ 37,000,000/2,000,000 Sq Km/18 inhabitants Sq Km

In The Promised Land there are more that 2 million Muslims that want to live in a place that they can call their own and be productive – But they cannot do it in the land of the Hebrew people, therefore the Muslim countries with Huge free space and specially those that invest so much money in those un happy people, and can turn their investment into productive economy for their own country this is what I suggest:

I suggest that each of the countries that have so few inhabitants per Sq Km will consider creating two cities by a river or sea with Water desalination stations and either solar or electric stations.

Each city will have about 2,000,000 acres for 1,500,000 people.
Each city has one million acres.
You'll give one acre to build a family home
Half acer for agriculture purposes
Half acre for community purposes and industrial zone
The host country will supply the Electric and water desalination stations and the basis roads, water and sewerage pipes
And will create a contract for building contractors to build the houses (one floor 100 Sq M) with flat roof for each family to build more floors.
In exchange the contractors will be able to build the public areas and either get rent from business or sale it.
Including hospitals, City Halls, Entertainment Halls etc.
You may invest few years for the agriculture support but in short time the cities will supply their needs and start to sale/export for other populations.
At the same time they will be separated from your citizens as long as you want it to continue this way with/without paying taxes.

You will receive only those that need to call themselves Palestinian because they feel lost
After all, according to their family names they reached Israel from all the Arabic countries in the west east south and northern Israel.

Who is taking this challenge to improve their economy production and answer the need of those lost people?


During 2022/23 WHO tried to create panics in Israel because of 5 types of pandemics.
Government members Health Authority & Media helped to create panic.
Nevertheless, folloeing the covis19 mRNA shots' side effect they failed to gain a public trust,
Almost no one got their mRNA vaccines.
Perhaps that was the reasons that the so call pandemics disappeared.
Whatever happen in the meantime you still are able to choose your action, only in the meantime. order to get ...

In order to get control over the world, to manifest WEF policy to reduce about 90% of the world population, its executor - World Health Organization - need to create a steady on going situation of pandemics risks to govern the world and manifest Worlds Economy Forum's Big Restart Policy, to seemingly reduce the world population in 90%.…

It shows us that they continue to work toward convincing WEF's regional members to agree to the 2023 draft of the annual assembly May 2023 that cancel Human rights and plan a tyrannic ONE WORLD Ruller - the WHO general manager.

The world's most professional expert about the WHO is jamesroguski - look for his you tube info or his web sites' up in google

He may have no time to tweet while he's all in to save our lives and our states' sovereignty it is imperative to hear the comments, he represents of the huge transformation that the WHO management planed towards the States Clubs Members

In the face of a potentially industry-ending slew of patent cliffs, Big Pharma has begun acquiring biotechnology companies to stave off collapse. To get these drugs to market, the industry is pursuing the only solution left for their dying model: a full takeover of the WHO to capture the global regu...

העתקתי משהו, כמסתמן מ0וכן לאזרחי ישראל, הרץ ברשת ואני מגיבה לו:בשורות טובות הבוקר הדרוזים בסוריה מציעים לישראל שיתוף פעו...

העתקתי משהו, כמסתמן מ0וכן
לאזרחי ישראל, הרץ ברשת
ואני מגיבה לו:

בשורות טובות הבוקר
הדרוזים בסוריה מציעים לישראל
שיתוף פעולה מפתיע!
יוצאים נגד איראן וחיזבאללה ומציעים
לישראל ליצור אזור חיץ של הגנה!

מאחר ובין כפרי הדרוזים בסוריה
לבין הגבול עם ישראל ישנם
מחנות צבא רוסיים אליהם
העבירו הרוסים, מרוסיה, חיילים
מעת פתיחת המלחמה,
ומאחר ובפקודות קצונה גבוהה
נוקו שדות המוקשים בגולן מהמוקשים,

אז כמסתמן מדובר בסוס טרויאני
ואולי בעוד אירוע דמוי 7.10.23
בהכוינה של אלו שמתחמקים
מחקירות חיצוניות שאינן קצונה גבוהה,
ז"א שלא מומנו לימודיהם על ידי קרן וקסלר -
ז"א להקים ועדת חקירה המורכבת
מקצונה במילואים ממגזרי דתיים ודרוזים -
שלהם יש אינטרס הישרדות לאומי מושרש מאד.

עד אז כל נטיה להסכמה בכיוון של הצעת
הדרוזים הסורים ניתן לחשוד בה
כמסתמן בכוונת בגי*ה נוספת או חדשה.

הועתק מהוועסאפ ומודבק כלשונו:"באבוד רשעים רינה"-ניתן גם לפרש לפי הפנימיות כמו שאומר רבי נחמן מברסלב על "וְעוֹד מְעַט וְא...

הועתק מהוועסאפ ומודבק כלשונו:
"באבוד רשעים רינה"-
ניתן גם לפרש לפי הפנימיות כמו שאומר רבי נחמן מברסלב על "וְעוֹד מְעַט וְאֵין רָשָׁע וְהִתְבּוֹנַנְתָּ עַל מְקוֹמוֹ וְאֵינֶנּוּ".
*והתבוננת על מקומו ואיננו*- כשאדם עושה תשובה ולא נחשב יותר רשע, הוא נמצא כבר במקום אחר, בדרגה אחרת, ואיננו מצוי יותר בדרגת רשע.
רבי נחמן מלמד אותנו בפירוש הזה גם *להתבונן על עצמנו ועל הזולת בעין טובה.*
לשים את עצמך במקומו, במקום הקודם שהיית בו, בנעליו, ולשפוט את עצמך ואותו לכף זכות.

ניתן אם כן לפרש "באבוד רשעים רינה", כאשר אנחנו כבר לא נהיה בחזקת רשעים, לפי הגדרת התורה, ונתגבר על היצר הרע והמחשבות הרעות, אז תהיה השמחה שלמה.

Simple as that.

Simple as that.

live - free tommy robinson now' ker it pass silencely

live - free tommy robinson now
Don' ker it pass silencely

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A person that supported Israel during this time, The former USA President D, Trump, The Creator blessed him with a mirac...

A person that supported Israel during this time, The former USA President D, Trump, The Creator blessed him with a miracle.

July 13n 2024, The Number 13='Bar Mitzva'

i.e. The Holly Number for the people of Israel seemingly been a Lucky Number for Donald Trump.

Yet 13n seemingly been A Karma Lesson Number for Obama and Biden.

No matter how you consider the love of the Creator to the people of Israel there is a correlation to our supporters.

Those that mean well are blessed
Those that seemingly support Hamas Murderers are in the other end state of being JULY 13N 2024 =19
(YET - יט)
Moses pointed his hand (YET) the sea been splinted & the wars on the way back to our promised land been won.

It seems as if The Creator’s hand moved Trump's head at that exact second and he been saved.

BRight girl on the Gaza state of being sight understanding and evaluation

BRight girl on the Gaza state of being

Clear sight understanding and evaluation

‏33.2K לייקים, 4907 תגובות. ״ ״

ציפיתם ממנו למשהו אחר?

ציפיתם ממנו למשהו אחר?



קישור לזום מפגש "אזרחים כותבים חוקה" -

"אתר החקיקה האזרחי" יוצא לדרך. מתחיל הפיילוט האזרחי.

🎤הזום ייפתח ב 20:15 להתארגנות. שידור יצא ב 20:30 בדיוק.

העבירו והזמינו את החברים.ות.

Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...


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