Israel, Tel Aviv, Jaffa, the Judean Desert, the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, Banias, Caesarea, Capernaum and much more can be seen in our new fourth music album - Music of Israel 1. Dear friends, we continue to introduce you to our musical creativity, showing and commenting on the semantic load of each musical composition. A little over two weeks ago, we published our fifth music album on the Israel channel with Pavel and Larisa, called Music of Israel 3. Then we had a little more than 25 thousand subscribers on our main channel. Just recently, the number of our regular viewers has crossed the 27 thousand mark. This is a very good trend. We invite you to subscribe to the channel if it is close to you in spirit, those who can, we ask you to issue a sponsorship subscription. You can also leave a one-time help in the form of paid comments in the form of a heart - super thank you. We thank you for watching our films, listening to our music, putting likes and writing good wishes. We really appreciate it. And this video with music accompanying the journey through Israel is our thank you and a new gift to all regular viewers.
In it, we will introduce you to our fourth instrumental album - Music of Israel 1. The album contains 12 musical compositions! Let us remind you that at first our creative duet was called "West and East", but recently we decided that the name "Melodies of the Holy Land" more accurately reflects our musical ideas inspired by the landscapes of the Holy Land. The album Music of Israel 1 contains instrumental compositions created from May to October 2022.
The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov creates their own original music in Jerusalem. The accompanying music videos are dedicated to the Holy Land.
Израиль, Тель Авив, Яффо, Иудейская пустыня, Мертвое море, Средиземное море, Баниас, Кесария, Капернаум и многое другое можно увидеть в нашем новом четвертом...