Paul - Israel Tour Guide

Paul - Israel Tour Guide My name is Paul Platonov, I am a licensed Tour Guide in Israel, from Jerusalem. Welcome to Israel It offers over 30 private tours throughout Israel.

Paul is a professional guide who really loves Israel, its deep history and culture. The geography of routes extends from the Upper Galilee from the source of the Jordan River to the Red Sea - the southernmost point of modern Israel. These are national natural and archaeological parks, these are holy places, ancient and modern cities, deserts, rivers, seas, as well as resorts for recreation., Tel Aviv, Jaffa, the Judean Desert, the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, Banias, Cae...

Israel, Tel Aviv, Jaffa, the Judean Desert, the Dead Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, Banias, Caesarea, Capernaum and much more can be seen in our new fourth music album - Music of Israel 1. Dear friends, we continue to introduce you to our musical creativity, showing and commenting on the semantic load of each musical composition. A little over two weeks ago, we published our fifth music album on the Israel channel with Pavel and Larisa, called Music of Israel 3. Then we had a little more than 25 thousand subscribers on our main channel. Just recently, the number of our regular viewers has crossed the 27 thousand mark. This is a very good trend. We invite you to subscribe to the channel if it is close to you in spirit, those who can, we ask you to issue a sponsorship subscription. You can also leave a one-time help in the form of paid comments in the form of a heart - super thank you. We thank you for watching our films, listening to our music, putting likes and writing good wishes. We really appreciate it. And this video with music accompanying the journey through Israel is our thank you and a new gift to all regular viewers.
In it, we will introduce you to our fourth instrumental album - Music of Israel 1. The album contains 12 musical compositions! Let us remind you that at first our creative duet was called "West and East", but recently we decided that the name "Melodies of the Holy Land" more accurately reflects our musical ideas inspired by the landscapes of the Holy Land. The album Music of Israel 1 contains instrumental compositions created from May to October 2022.

The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov creates their own original music in Jerusalem. The accompanying music videos are dedicated to the Holy Land.

Израиль, Тель Авив, Яффо, Иудейская пустыня, Мертвое море, Средиземное море, Баниас, Кесария, Капернаум и многое другое можно увидеть в нашем новом четвертом..., Jerusalem, the Holy Land, the Bibles mentioned so often are important to millions of...

Israel, Jerusalem, the Holy Land, the Bibles mentioned so often are important to millions of viewers around the world. In this film, we have combined completely different Jerusalem: inside the walls of the old city, outside the walls, and even walked on top of the fortress walls. But that's not all. New Jerusalem also has its beautiful places and sights. Watch our new story about all this. As always, the film is accompanied by our original music group - Melodies of the Holy Land. Sincerely yours, with love from Jerusalem, Pavel and Larisa Platonov.

The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov creates their own original music in Jerusalem. The accompanying music videos are dedicated to the Holy Land.

Video, music and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Melodies of the Holy Land
Israel, Jerusalem

Израиль, Иерусалим, Святая Земля, так часто упоминаемые Библии важны миллионам зрителей по всему миру. В это фильме мы соединили совершенно разный Иерусалим:... friends, greetings from Jerusalem. We are in a hurry to pre...

Dear friends, greetings from Jerusalem. We are in a hurry to prepare a new film about this city and its unique atmosphere for you. As always, the story will be accompanied by our original music. You will see both the new and the old city. Thank you for watching our stories. Subscribe to our channel, like, write comments. Big greetings to everyone from the Holy Land of Israel!

Дорогие друзья приветствуем вас из Иерусалима. Мы очень торопимся подготовить для вас новый фильм об этом городе и его уникальной атмосфере. Как всегда сюжет..., Jerusalem and its surroundings, the Judean Desert, dawn, flowers, cats, all this fit...

Israel, Jerusalem and its surroundings, the Judean Desert, dawn, flowers, cats, all this fits into a short story about our everyday life in the picturesque places of the Judean Desert in the vicinity of Jerusalem.

Video, music and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Duet Melodies of the Holy Land

Израиль, Иерусалим и его окрестности, Иудейская пустыня, рассвет, цветы, коты, всё это уместилось в небольшой сюжет о наших буднях в живописных местах Иудейс..., Epiphany, the Jordan River and its sacred waters excite many millions of people around the ...
Baptism, Epiphany, the Jordan River and its sacred waters excite many millions of people around the world. Today, on the holiday of Epiphany Eve, January 18, 2025, we present to your attention a new film about this holy place. We congratulate with all our hearts everyone who celebrates the holiday of Epiphany and Baptism on January 19. Big greetings to everyone from the Holy Land of Israel!!!

The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov creates their own original music in Jerusalem. The accompanying music videos are dedicated to the Holy Land.

Video, music and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Melodies of the Holy Land
Israel, Jerusalem

Крещение, Богоявление, Река Иордан и его священные воды волнуют многие миллионы людей по всему миру. Сегодня в праздник Крещенского сочельника 18 января 2025... Today | Jerusalem | Biblical ZooIsrael is amazing with wa...

Israel Today | Jerusalem | Biblical Zoo
Israel is amazing with warm sunny days this winter. Especially Jerusalem, it's hard to believe that it's mid-January. I was lucky enough to visit the wonderful Jerusalem Bible Zoo again, where both its inhabitants and visitors enjoyed the warm weather. Greetings to everyone from the Holy Land of Israel!!!
Video and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov

Израиль этой зимой поражает теплыми солнечными дням. Особенно Иерусалим, сложно поверить что это середина января. Мне посчастливилось снова побывать в замеча..., Jerusalem, the Holy Land, the Bible - all these topics excite many people around the...

Israel, Jerusalem, the Holy Land, the Bible - all these topics excite many people around the world. Dear friends, in this video we will continue to introduce you to our musical compositions, which are accompanied by video filming. A little over a year ago, we published our first musical album on the Israel channel with Pavel and Larisa, called - Melodies of Jerusalem. Then we had a little more than 20 thousand subscribers on our main channel. Just recently, the number of our regular viewers crossed the 25 thousand mark. We thank you for watching our stories, listening to our music, putting likes and writing good wishes. We really appreciate it. And this video with music accompanying the journey through Israel is our thank you and a gift to all regular viewers. In it, we will introduce you to our new instrumental album - Music of Israel 3. The album has 14 musical compositions! Please note that we have renamed our creative duet "West and East". Despite the fact that the name West and East emphasizes the diversity of our music, it still does not fully reveal it. And it seemed to us that the name - Melodies of the Holy Land much more accurately reflects our musical creativity. After all, music for us is not work or business, it is a lifestyle, creative inspiration and a reflection of the beauty and harmony that we manage to see in the Holy Land of Israel. It is the Holy Land that is the main source of our creative inspiration. The album contains music created over a period of almost a year and a half.
The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov creates their own original music in Jerusalem. The accompanying music videos are dedicated to the Holy Land.
Video, music and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Melodies of the Holy Land
Album: Music of Israel 3
Israel, Jerusalem

Израиль, Иерусалим, Святая Земля, Библия - все эти темы волнуют многих людей по всему миру. Дорогие друзья, в этом видео мы продолжим знакомить вас с нашими ... | Jordan River TodayToday is January 4th on the Jordan. T...

Israel | Jordan River Today
Today is January 4th on the Jordan. The river is in place, the current flows down, as in biblical times, from north to south to the Dead Sea. After heavy rain, the water has increased. On the Jordanian side, nothing has changed. Everything is as usual. And here? In Israel... Wow, what is this? And this is the future development of the complex. The war will end, the flow of tourists and pilgrims will start flowing again, and here everything is ready: convenient access to the river, closed changing rooms, and a souvenir shop. In the meantime, we wait. Greetings to everyone from the Holy Land of Israel!

Video, music and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Duet Melodies of the Holy Land

Сегодня 4 января на Иордане. Река на месте, течение ниспадает, как и в библейские времена, с севера на юг к Мертвому морю. После обильного дождя воды прибав... | Happy New Year | JerusalemDear friends, the very diffic...

Israel | Happy New Year | Jerusalem
Dear friends, the very difficult year 2024 has come to an end. Let all the worst go away with it, and in the new 2025 all our bright plans and hopes will come true. Somewhere there is already snow, and here in Israel, the first heavy rain with thunder and lightning has just passed. It seemed to us that an artificial decorated Christmas tree was not enough, so we decorated a ficus. So what? Not bad at all. Flowers and cats are Larisa's hobby. Happy New Year 2025 to everyone! We wish everyone happiness, health, prosperity and a good mood! A huge hello to everyone from the Holy Land of Israel! Happy New Year, friends!

The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov creates their own original music in Jerusalem. The accompanying music videos are dedicated to the Holy Land of Israel.

Дорогие друзья, вот и подошел к концу очень непростой 2024 год. Пусть все самое плохое уйдет вместе с ним, и в новом 2025 году оправдаются все наши светлые ... Christmas Eve, December 24, a considerable number of Israelis and tourists come to the wa...

On Christmas Eve, December 24, a considerable number of Israelis and tourists come to the walls of the old city in the center of Jerusalem - all those who want (and for many families this is already a tradition) to immerse themselves in the Christmas atmosphere of this day.

The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov creates their own original music in Jerusalem. The accompanying music videos are dedicated to the Holy Land.

Video, music and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Melodies of the Holy Land
Israel, Jerusalem

В сочельник католического Рождества 24 декабря в центр Иерусалима к стенам старого города приходит немалое количество и израильтян и туристов - всех тех, к... dawn in the Judean Desert near Jerusalem. To see this div...

Winter dawn in the Judean Desert near Jerusalem. To see this divine palette, you just need to be outside early in the morning. A little before six. And you don't even have to work - it's all on the screen. Greetings from the Holy Land of Israel.

Зимний рассвет в Иудейской пустыне в окрестностях Иерусалима. Чтобы увидеть эту божественную палитру надо всего лишь оказаться рано утром на улице. Чуть ран...

Winter Dreams in Jerusalem is the fourteenth and final musical composition from our new album - Music of Israel 3. The m...

Winter Dreams in Jerusalem is the fourteenth and final musical composition from our new album - Music of Israel 3. The music is accompanied by a video from the international festival of light sculptures, which took place in the Jerusalem Botanical Garden.

Musical composition | Winter Dreams in Jerusalem
Album | Music of Israel 3

The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov creates their own original music in Jerusalem. The accompanying videos are dedicated to the Holy Land.

Video, music and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Melodies of the Holy Land
Israel, Jerusalem

Зимние мечты в Иерусалиме - четырнадцатая и завершающая музыкальная композиция из нашего нового альбома - Музыка Израиля 3. Музыка сопровождается видео с м..., our dear friends and viewers of our channel. This is an announcement of our new film ...
Hello, our dear friends and viewers of our channel. This is an announcement of our new film about the most beautiful exhibition in the Jerusalem Botanical Garden called Winter Dreams. The exhibition has already visited many countries around the world and will be in Israel for two months. Light sculptures consisting of a million LED bulbs, up to 5 meters high and 8 meters long, will illuminate our Botanical Garden. The figures are placed along a kilometer-long alley. Colored backlighting creates a unique fairy-tale atmosphere. I would like to note that the exhibition is made of environmentally friendly materials. Winter dreams await Israelis in the evenings every day except Friday until February 1, 2025, and will soon appear on our channel.

The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Paul and Laura Platonov creates their own music in Jerusalem. The accompanying music videos are dedicated to the Holy Land.

Hello, our dear friends and viewers of our channel. This is an announcement of our new film about the most beautiful exhibition in the Jerusalem Botanical Ga... friends, greetings from Jerusalem to everyone. Today we are in fabulous Jerusalem. And ...

Dear friends, greetings from Jerusalem to everyone. Today we are in fabulous Jerusalem. And the place for this has been chosen, perhaps, in the most correct corner of the capital of Israel. The doors to the evening botanical garden are open from five to ten in the evening until November 30, 2024 and until February 2, 2025. It has become a tradition that every year during Hanukkah, on the eve of the New Year and Christmas, the Botanical Garden is decorated with multi-colored lights. This year, the exhibition of light sculptures Winter Dreams has arrived in Jerusalem, which has already visited many countries, and now it is here in Israel. Let's go for impressions.

The musical duet - "Melodies of the Holy Land" consisting of Pavel and Larisa Platonov creates their own original music in Jerusalem. The accompanying music videos are dedicated to the Holy Land.

Video, music and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Melodies of the Holy Land
Israel, Jerusalem

Дорогие наши друзья, всем огромный привет из Иерусалима. Сегодня мы в Иерусалиме сказочном. И место для этого выбрано, пожалуй, в самом правильном уголке ст... friends. We present to your attention a video that was filmed exactly two years ago. In...
Dear friends. We present to your attention a video that was filmed exactly two years ago. In December 2022. And in December 24, by chance, the video caught our eye. And we, having watched it, decided that it was not at all by chance. During the whole year of war, we, with a great desire, were not able to get to the north of Israel. Hezbollah launched almost 23 thousand rockets at Israel in a year. The cities and agricultural villages of the north of our country found themselves under this barrage of destructive force. Fires destroyed a large number of forest areas.
A whole year later, now in December, with the onset of the truce, the reserves and archaeological parks of the north of Israel reopened. And we already have a finished video. And we decided to give it a second life. We invite you to watch.

Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Art group West and East

Дорогие друзья. Мы представляем вашему вниманию видео, которое снимали ровно два года назад. В декабре 2022 года. А в декабре 24 года, случайно, видео поп... City of David is the site of the foundation of Holy Jerusale...
The City of David is the site of the foundation of Holy Jerusalem. Mentioned many times in the Bible, the City of David has greatly influenced the development of civilizations in the East and West. The city has experienced ups and downs, destructions and restorations, as a result of which its deep history was hidden in many archaeological layers. A new impetus to its life arose thanks to the work of numerous archaeologists of the 19th-21st centuries, who revealed the secret of this amazing place. Now there is a huge national archaeological and cultural park, open to all comers. For those who have not yet seen our previous stories, we invite you to our channel - Israel with Pavel and Larisa, here are published more than 200 films from various places in Israel, accompanied by our original music. Video, music and performance
Paul and Laura Platonov
Art group West and East

Город Давида - место основания святого Иерусалима. Неоднократно упоминаемый в Библии, город Давида во многом повлиял на ход развития цивилизаций Востока и За... this story we will find ourselves in the outskirts of Jerusalem, in a very beautiful city...

In this story we will find ourselves in the outskirts of Jerusalem, in a very beautiful city called Maale Adumim. As is known, the olive tree is a symbol of peace, repeatedly mentioned in the Bible. We will talk about this amazing biblical tree, and also touch on the topic of the release of hostages. At the end of the story, our musical composition in support of Israel sounds - Israel, we love and support you!

Video, music and performance,
Paul and Laura Platonov,
Art group West and East,

В этом сюжете мы окажемся с вами в окрестностях Иерусалима, в очень красивом городе пол названием - Маале Адумим. Как известно - оливковое дерево - это симво... in Jaffa is the twelfth musical composition from our new album - Music of Israel 3. Th...

Blues in Jaffa is the twelfth musical composition from our new album - Music of Israel 3. The music is accompanied by a video of the streets of the old railway station of the city of Tel Aviv Jaffa.

Musical composition | Blues in Jaffa
Album | Music of Israel 3

Music video and performance
Pavel and Larisa Platonov
Art group West and East

Our main channel
with Pavel and Larisa

Блюз в Яффо - двенадцатая музыкальная композиция из нашего нового альбома - Музыка Израиля 3. Музыка сопровождается видео улиц старой железнодорожной станции...




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