One Fine Land

One Fine Land Israel. Tour it. Taste it. Trek it. Love it. Book your tour today! Email us at: [email protected] or call: +972-54-797-9596 Approximate end time: 4:00 pm

Creating exceptional experiences & personal encounters, Israel and beyond. Our experienced and dynamic licensed tour guides will accompany you on a journey, tailor-made and unforgettable. We design a full array of programs, focusing upon the richness of cultural experience that the many fine people of Israel have to offer, while handling every aspect of your trip, from accommodation to transportat

ion, museums to dining, attractions and more. To get started in Jerusalem, experience our classic 8 Gate-4 Quarters-3 Religions-2 Nations-One-Golden-City-Day-Tour: 9:00 meet at the Jaffa Gate, climb along the walls of the Western Ramparts, exit at the Zion Gate and tour so that you, too, may acquaint yourself with the length and breadth of the Land of Israel- and its many fine people. David's Tomb and the Room of the Last Supper. Re-enter the Old City and walk through the Jewish Quarter and the ancient Cardo, Climb to a breathtaking roof-top view of all four quarters. As you approach the Western Wall, enjoy a view of the Temple Mount/Harem e-Sharif, including the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aksa Mosque, with a view of the Mount of Olives in the far horizon. Put a prayer in the Western ("Wailing") Wall and then head through the Moslem Quarter and along the Via Dolorosa to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Return to the Jaffa Gate via the Arab shuk as you pause for our best in hokey shot glasses and other quintessential souveneirs.

For his bar mitzvah, Hersh read Parshat Noach.For months ahead, not only did he prepare his Torah portion, but he swam.A...

For his bar mitzvah, Hersh read Parshat Noach.
For months ahead, not only did he prepare his Torah portion, but he swam.
And for each kilometer that he swam, he collected sponsors.
He raised money to help others; to build a well in Africa.
Now it's our turn to swim to help Hersh.
So Ella and I have teamed up with Dasee Berkowitz and Ilana Nelson to swim for Team Hersh: Swimming to Bring Them Home.

Will you sponsor our swim?
And so so many others who need to come home.

Hersh, keep remembering that rainbow.

Rehabilitation Daycare Center

From the desk of a  :This document presents some Independence Day recipe suggestions from Israel's early days, proposed ...

From the desk of a :

This document presents some Independence Day recipe suggestions from Israel's early days, proposed by the young government.

Menu items include wild mallow leaf pancakes in memory of the food scarcity during the War of Independence, kreplach to represent pocket-foods that had come to symbolize an enemy strike (ref: Purim hamentashen), a stuffed meat dish to represent the blending of eastern and western Jewish traditions, and finally a seven-species cake to celebrate the renewed connection to the Land of the Bible.

Here is one beautiful sample of the early Israeli folklorization process activated to create one nation of the newly gathered Jewish diasporas.

Food in fact is a classic folk tool to manifest our hopes, dreams and deepest concerns.

In fact, just last week, the traditional "Schlissel" or key challah, baked the first shabbat following Passover to symbolically open the heavens to "parnassa" (income), was joined by a heart-shaped challah intended to offer to a neighbor in loving kindness, an act designed to honor the memory of the three Dee women who were recently lost in a tragic and brutal terror attack.

These days most people barbeque on Israel's Independence Day.
However, if you were to offer up a new menu to encapsulate 75 year old Israel's deepest challenges and loftiest visions, what might it include?

Please comment below!

When traditions converge in a rare, cosmic folkloric eclipse, perhaps we may offer a glimmer hope:This evening is a most...

When traditions converge in a rare, cosmic folkloric eclipse, perhaps we may offer a glimmer hope:

This evening is a most extraordinary one.
In various pockets of this land we at once celebrate Rosh Chodesh Nissan - the 1st of the Month of Kings, Lilat Al B'sisa - the North African Jewish Night of the Mixing, the month of Ramadan commences and the clocks in Israel spring forwards.

The North African Lilat Al B'sisa tradition brings together all members of the family under one roof; windows and doors are shut so that the blessing shall steep within the home as the father blends the mixture of toasted wheat, nuts and fragrant spices with a metal key - the key to the gates of "parnassa" - while the mother pours the oil that will allow the mixture to adhere and distributes it by hand, one by one, to the mouths of each of her children and grandchildren.

This "mixing" in the Arabic is the very "basis" of the world in the Aramaic. Thus, in that very mixture that we bury the key to our success in the future. On this night, "the dew of goodwill, blessing and generosity from the upper worlds is showered upon the lower worlds."

There is so much to learn from folk traditions.
At this profoundly complex moment in Israel, wishing this one fine land and her many fine folks the wisdom of our forefolks to savor the blend and make it our blessing.

In the words of the ancient Libyan tradition: "He who mixes shall lick his fingers."

Photo credit:

After a rare week spent away from my kids exploring Israel's desert and sharing her frigid winter glory with one remarka...

After a rare week spent away from my kids exploring Israel's desert and sharing her frigid winter glory with one remarkable three-generation family, replete with extreme elements, extraordinary encounters and new challenges at once foreign, fascinating and fabulous, as we parted ways I was told the following: "Rishona, you have obliterated my comfort zone - in a good way."

And at once I knew it was all worthwhile.

Decorating the Sukkah has always been a highlight for me.  Although I am not building a Sukkah of my own this year for t...

Decorating the Sukkah has always been a highlight for me. Although I am not building a Sukkah of my own this year for the first time in some 15 yrs, I have enjoyed a rare privilege to hang a decoration in .
A beautiful Indian Jewish tradition holds the belief that the Ushpizin (saintly guests) who visit each eve of the festival bestow their blessing upon the space and upon the fruit hung from within.
At the close of the festival the fruit are brought down, and people who have brought their true heart's desire will eat an apple in it's entirety and the blessing is taken in, the wish will come true.

What are your own family's folk traditions surrounding the holiday?
What special foods do you enjoy and why?
What do you do with your lulav and etrog at the holiday's close?
Please share in the comments below!

Along with our people, and in the spirit of the Sukkot festival, I am looking forward to leaving my home for the next seven days to explore and share the enchanting and ephemeral beauty that lies just beyond our doorstep.


The Ein Gedi wildlife has never been wilder...

It is always a blast to   - but a special treat when you get to host old high school and camp friends - *and* their gorg...

It is always a blast to - but a special treat when you get to host old high school and camp friends - *and* their gorgeous kiddies!

Today we spent discovering some of the most beautiful hidden treasures that The Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Givat R...

Today we spent discovering some of the most beautiful hidden treasures that The Hebrew University of Jerusalem's Givat Ram campus had to boast.
We were blown away by the National Library of Israel 's ancient manuscripts to personal archives of reknowned musicians, composers and scholars, evocative sculptures by Henry Moore, Sigalit Landau, Yigal Tomarkin and beyond.
However, what may well have thrilled me the most was the vintage college classroom, that we wandered into, sliding chalkboard, colored chalk and all, still in use.
Clapping those erasers was an absolutely thrilling trip back in time.


While running my fifth consecutive tour today for the Birthright Experts module, one of the frat boys I was guiding said the following:
"Wow - I never knew Judaism was so cool!"
And all at once I remembered why I do what I do and .

Thrilled to launch my baby with the Birthright Israel's experts module -   is live.DM me for details.But  : not for the ...

Thrilled to launch my baby with the Birthright Israel's experts module -
is live.

DM me for details.

But : not for the faint-hearted.

Across cultures and faiths, bread is sacred.  Myriad rituals attend its very production, whether it be a cross set into ...

Across cultures and faiths, bread is sacred. Myriad rituals attend its very production, whether it be a cross set into the floured board with the swipe of a finger, the recitation of the Bismala mantra while kneading the dough, or the Jewish ritual "hafrashat challah" the magical designation of a portion in the name of Gd, we each have our ways of recognizing the most basic miracle and Divine gift of extracting that holy staple from the Land.

The first shabbat after Pesach, once the seas have parted and we have embarked on our new destiny as a people, is known as the "Schlissel Shabbat." The tradition of baking a ritual challah bread shaped as a key, while echoing a northern European Catholic tradition, is celebrated in the Ashkenazi Jewish tradition as a recognition of Gd's exclusive holding the keys to our destiny, while an opportunity to actively partner with him to bring blessing into our lives.

Shabbat shalom from one Jerusalemite folklorista!

Did this whet your appetite for challah and beyond??
To learn more and to taste of the magic, I invite you to join me on a fabulous foray into the folk of the food on my Sacred Hearth culinary tours of Jerusalem's markets.

What does "kol dichfin" mean to you?During the Passover Seder we traditionally welcome all those in need to come and joi...

What does "kol dichfin" mean to you?

During the Passover Seder we traditionally welcome all those in need to come and join us at the table.
This ancient invitation hearkens back to Rav Huna of Babylonia, a wealthy and generous sage who was known for his warm hospitality to all those in need and would swing open his front door and call out the invitation.

In a recent conversation with some Polish Catholic travelers who came to visit the holy city towards Christmas, they told of their Christmas vigil dinner.
They first spoke of an empty place set at the table for "the wandering traveler", immediately throwing me to the "Wandering Jew" or "Wandering Jerusalemite" trope, and
who they promptly explained might very well be Jesus himself, or perhaps Elijah the Prophet.

That was when I choked on my coffee.

They spoke of Gwiazdor - "Star Man" - the local, Polish Father Christmas who knocks at the door during the feast. And of their father opens the door, holds a conversation with the honored guest (whose voice, they share, is surprisingly similar to dad's), and regales him with the good deeds of each family member.

"Yeah," one said. "My dad always used to say that this probably came from the Jewish Elijah tradition - afterall, we were all neighbors and friends in Poland."

The hallmark of folklore is its multiplicity of versions of a given tale.
The reframing and recreation of the tale - even of this Polish-Jewish relationship - is fascinating.
And the telling is telling.

So when you - or your dad - go and open the door this evening and set that cup of wine at the center of the seder table, remember, it's "Kol dichfin" - so many wonderful possibilities to open our homes - and our hearts - to others.
May we be zocheh to positive friendships with all of our neighbors and embody the hospitality of Abraham, Sarah, and so many others.

Folklore is a fabulous thing.

Happy Passover, from this Jerusalemite .

Along the hike back up the steep ascent from the City of David, past the Dung Gate and to the Mount Zion car park, a pat...

Along the hike back up the steep ascent from the City of David, past the Dung Gate and to the Mount Zion car park, a path facing south and west, with precious little shade throughout the day, the sun reflecting off of the bright colored Jerusalem-stone walk, at the edge of a lot belonging to a local Arab neighbor, sits a shining, new, *refreshing* installation: a water cooler.
Upon it, in Arabic an invitation to read the Fatha of the Quran in Abu Majid's blessed memory, and to drink of this fountain of eternal charity.
For each one who drinks, whose body is cooled and refreshed, brings merit to the soul of the deceased in Heaven.

And in simple Hebrew the sign reads:
"Hi. All who are thirsty may drink water, cool and kosher.
In memory of my father, RIP, Abu Majid, who in his lifetime gave to the other with no distinction of race: Jews, Christians and Muslims.
And I, Majid, his son, join his will:
Love of man as man!"

Because we just thought you should know *everything* that's happening in Jerusalem.

, Abu Majid.


Last week I got to celebrate a very special birthday and International Womens' Day with two of the most inspiring women ...

Last week I got to celebrate a very special birthday and International Womens' Day with two of the most inspiring women from my childhood, new olot to Israel. Together we explored the Negev desert, encountered Negev women, touched upon their feminine folk culture, and engaged with their manifest bloom, vitality, vision and reality: Complex, beautiful and inspiring - as the desert itself.

What a tremendous privilege it was to share Jerusalem's energy with  the Kellogg-Recanati Executive MBA Program at the C...

What a tremendous privilege it was to share Jerusalem's energy with the Kellogg-Recanati Executive MBA Program at the Coller School of Management.

One fabulous spring day with one fantastic family.  Because when they come back for more, we roll out that red carpet fo...

One fabulous spring day with one fantastic family.
Because when they come back for more, we roll out that red carpet for our faves! ๐Ÿฅฐ


Celebrating World Tour Guide Day with my new trainees.

If this amazing mom and dad hadn't shown up to surprise her with a shuk tour, this young lady may never have even made i...

If this amazing mom and dad hadn't shown up to surprise her with a shuk tour, this young lady may never have even made it to the shuk!

And then she may never have tasted of the tales, of all the magic and mysticism that the Jewish folk - and our food - have to offer!

Thank goodness for (and vaccines)!

A glorious day indeed as this gorgeous family managed to slip in between lockdowns, raindrops and snowflakes just to tas...

A glorious day indeed as this gorgeous family managed to slip in between lockdowns, raindrops and snowflakes just to taste of Jerusalem's beauty and bring one young man into his people. ๐Ÿฅฐ

In midrashic text of Beresh*t Rabbah dated between the 4th and 6th centuries CE, Jerusalem is the light of "Olam".  The ...

In midrashic text of Beresh*t Rabbah dated between the 4th and 6th centuries CE, Jerusalem is the light of "Olam".
The light of the world.
And eternity.
What a beautiful privilege to walk with Isaiah among the nations to your light, O Jerusalem!

So last night we prepared for Christmas and together explored folk motifs such as light and bread, hospitality and more as they present on Christmas.
There was magic.
And music.
Mulled wine and warmth;
Blessing and birth.

Merry Christmas and Shabbat Shalom from Jerusalem of light.

Once a yearOn a very special dayAll the monks come out to play.Their caves are aglimmerWith candles burning brightAs the...

Once a year
On a very special day
All the monks come out to play.
Their caves are aglimmer
With candles burning bright
As the souls of Mar Saba
Bring a twinkle to the night.
No road will lead you
To spirits of the past;
No electricity or plumbing,
Just a desert, dark and vast.
So you join your favorite guide
And hop in a jeep,
Then trek through the canyon,
Rocky and steep.
And once you have climbed
Centuries back in time,
You discover a magic
So uniquely Byzantine.

When your tour guide is folklorista, you know she'll hook you up with an intro to the local spring genia, throw in a tea...

When your tour guide is folklorista, you know she'll hook you up with an intro to the local spring genia, throw in a tea tale with Sitty's samovar, and obviously a mythical white donkey (for Messiah or a backup if the jeep breaks down) and before you know it, your ordinary desert jeep tour becomes an extraordinary folkloric event on a glorious winter's day.

This evening was a dream come true; an incredible night of light in Jerusalem's Old City.  Together we explored Christia...

This evening was a dream come true; an incredible night of light in Jerusalem's Old City.
Together we explored Christian, Moslem and Jewish traditions of holiday magic and warmth, light and love.
We met Jerusalem Santa and baked cookies with an extraordinary local momma.
The city beams as our light joined so many others.
All in one night of light on my "Yerushalayim Oro Shel Olam" tour.

Sorry you missed it?
Join me on Sunday!
5 pm at the Jaffa Gate!
And don't forget to bring your light๐Ÿฅฐ.
PM for details๐Ÿ’“.

Life is about collaboration.So when one of your oldest, closest college friends calls you up to plan a post-con day trip...

Life is about collaboration.
So when one of your oldest, closest college friends calls you up to plan a post-con day trip for her DevOps presenters, you show up and show off some ancient, Herodian DevOps.
And a good time.
And food.
Delicious, homemade food.
Made with love, just for us, by another extraordinary woman and sister.
Who takes us on a path from cultural clash to collaboration through culinary.
And then you head home for a .

Upon returning after nearly two years of Covid to guide at Yad Vashem Jerusalem , Israel's national Holocaust memorial, ...

Upon returning after nearly two years of Covid to guide at Yad Vashem Jerusalem , Israel's national Holocaust memorial, it has been fascinating to reconsider the meanings inherent in the discourse on matters such as other and blame, demonization and germ theory in light of the current crisis from which we currently only begin to emerge.

Join me and dig deep to discern renewed significance and meaning.
See the sights again for the first.

Having just received these warm reviews following a recent tour to Nachlaot with the management team of ื˜ืจื ืจืฉืช ืžืจื›ื–ื™ื ืœ...

Having just received these warm reviews following a recent tour to Nachlaot with the management team of ื˜ืจื ืจืฉืช ืžืจื›ื–ื™ื ืœืจืคื•ืื” ื“ื—ื•ืคื” - Terem, shabbat is going to be that much sweeter๐Ÿฅฐ.

So thrilled to be back doing what I love most, and what a privilege and a treat to   with the board and research team of...

So thrilled to be back doing what I love most, and what a privilege and a treat to with the board and research team of the Taub Center - ืžืจื›ื– ื˜ืื•ื‘ as we connected to their annual conference on 'Distance by Design' and together we explored - and tasted - food as an age-old agent of the near and far, from ancient times and until today.

The skies are open anew & we are here like we never were before with all new, exciting tours, and fab, fresh angles on a...

The skies are open anew & we are here like we never were before with all new, exciting tours, and fab, fresh angles on all the classics.
So what are you waiting for??
We can't wait to share Israel with you again!




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