Tour VIP Israel Fredi Wiesner

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Licensed Tour Guide for Israel 11550
by the Israeli Ministry of Tourism
English, German, Hebrew

Als geborener Wiener, der seit den vierzehnten Lebensjahr meistens in Israel wohnt und 25 Jahre lang als Executive Manager für Planung und Logistik und in einer internationalen deutschen Firma tätig war, spreche ich fließend Deutsch, Hebräisch und Englisch. Als Reiseleiter bin ich vom israelischen Mini

sterium für Tourismus lizenziert und Absolvent der Schule für Touristik und Reiseleiter der Universität Haifa. Außerdem bin auch Absolvent der Bibelhochschule (Yeshiva), der Akademie für Bildende Kunst “Bezalel” Jerusalem für Grafisches Design, und letztlich auch Coaching Trainer mit internationaler Lizenz für NLP. Ich bin für private und Business VIP Tours in Jerusalem und im ganzen Heiligen Land besonders ansprechend. Zusätzlich haben auch Sie die Möglichkeit eine Tour im Land inklusive meines neuen Ford Explorer Limited zu mieten. In diesen vielfältigsten Crossover seiner Art haben, im höchsten Niveau, 6 Passagiere ausreichend Platz, eine hervorragende Klimaanlage, bequeme Ledersitze und volle Aussicht durch große getönte Fenster. Dahinaus bringe ich meine Liebe zum Heiligen Land und zu Menschen überhaupt, welche jeden Ausflug oder Reise zu einen unvergesslichen Erlebnis transformieren.

What a beautiful day in Israel 🇮🇱

What a beautiful day in Israel 🇮🇱

The new economic center at the entrance to Jerusalem.

The new economic center at the entrance to Jerusalem.

The interesting feature about the disputation which took place in front of the royal court of King James of Aragon (1263...

The interesting feature about the disputation which took place in front of the royal court of King James of Aragon (1263), who guaranteed and asserted freedom of speech for the Jewish Rabbi Nachmanides (הרמב״ן).

The arguments elaborate the principles of Judaism and Christianity - foremost about their differences in their view about the divinity, the Messiah, sins etc.

The disputation is seen by many historians as the trigger for the persecution of the Jews by the inquisition and the subsequent expulsion of the Jews of Spain in 1492.

ויכוח ברצלונה. סרט מ-ר-ת-ק על ויכוח הרמב"ן שנערך בברצלונה בשנת 1263, מול הכנסייה הקתולית הדומניקנית. הסרט נערך על ידי ההיסטוריון חיים מקובי, ומבוסס על תיעוד ...

The mountain of wreaths and flowers, overflowing and continuing to pile up even now, is a small token of the appreciatio...

The mountain of wreaths and flowers, overflowing and continuing to pile up even now, is a small token of the appreciation from the thousands of people who have just accompanied the final journey of Israel’s hero, Arnon Zamora, may God avenge his blood.

Arnon did not just save the four hostages last Saturday.

On October 7, 2023, Arnon saved dozens and thousands of citizens by defending Yad Mordechai, Ashkelon, Kiryat G*t, and the entire coastal plain.

Amnon Zamora, of blessed memory, not only saved the people of Israel but also united us in his life and sadly, even in his death.

How much the people of Israel owe this great man.

A hero such as this, who comes with a cart full and overflowing with noble values of love for humanity, love for the land, love for the state, excellence, concern for others, self-sacrifice, and unfortunately, even his ultimate sacrifice.


A group of Israeli soldiers on tour at the Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem. The soldiers are informed about laws, jus...

A group of Israeli soldiers on tour at the Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem. The soldiers are informed about laws, justice, jurisdiction and how the Supreme Court operates.



Jerusalem on the Morning of April 14-2024   day                    da...

Jerusalem on the Morning of April 14-2024

Jerusalem future מי מזהה איפה הבור ומה הוא יאפשר בעתיד?   day

Jerusalem future
מי מזהה איפה הבור ומה הוא יאפשר בעתיד?


A real brave Israeli patriot speaks out: are so proud to have such hon...

A real brave Israeli patriot speaks out:

We are so proud to have such honorable soldiers with such high values ❤️
I salute 🫡🍻

Visegrad24 presents an in-depth series covering the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict. This comprehensive series features on-the-ground interviews, bringing firs...

The National library of Israel

The National library of Israel

Nova Festival massacre memorial for 364 killed teenagers by HAMAS gruel terrorists while dancing. They had nowhere to hi...

Nova Festival massacre memorial for 364 killed teenagers
by HAMAS gruel terrorists while dancing.
They had nowhere to hide when thousands of these gruel murderers slaughtered them and dismantled them on October 7, 2023 😢

Tel-Aviv tonight

Tel-Aviv tonight


Imagine 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩


This is what happens when we act according to ….
You know what I think about our false concept.

Powerful ‼️ Must watch to the end 👌

Powerful ‼️ Must watch to the end 👌


King David


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