There is no tourism in Israel at the moment and also for the past 18 months but our precious babies still have to eat. So I decided to make cute tiktok videos of our cuties and if you like it, please support our feed bill. It be so appreciated. Jacobs doesnt understand about politics pandemics or any of that. The paypal link is :
Please share our tiktok videos if you love them and please ask your friends to help our wooly friends and spread the love 🐑🐑❤❤
We didnt start the fire!!
Thanking G-d today for another opportunity to do this holy work. Its been a wild 6 years and so grateful for the opportunity to work with the Jacobs sheep and to see the redemption unfolding slowly in front of all of our eyes. Im just one person but when I took upon myself to do this holy work, quit my high powered job and dedicated my life to this mission, I knew that I dont need to be capable but just have a willing heart and G-d has the master plan and is in control. So I came along humbly to see what I can do thats in my limited power and hoping my small contribution will make an impact for the betterment and for the greater good. The fences are about to fall that is containing the jacobs flock. Its in moments like these that I wonder what did i sign up for! We are long overdue to have security fencing and not just rely on mezuza security on our doorposts. Im still crawling around in the dark in the house at night to find things and my work doesnt stop when the sun goes down. It actually only begins guarding the Jacobs sheep flock.Having no electricty can change your perception on the value of light.
Sometimes I have to work in the dark of the night praying no snakes to step on as I go to check the sheep in the barn or making baby bottles with a flashlight. I dont know what it is to flip a switch and have a light on. But what we do have is a happy home, blessed and kind son named David and beautiful Biblical animals of our Patriach Jacob. We have very little but we have what money cant buy and its enough for us. Most of the time I forget that I even have needs as my work here is based on passion and purpose. I do however need your help in this very important request
Im raising funds now for the sake of the Jacobs sheep and pleading on their behalf for their safety. Please help me to build security fencing before we lose the flock. Lets secure them from theft , jackals and other dangers that you can only comprehend when you read Psalm 23. Please help us to see wh
South Korean Visitors to the Jacobs Get In on the De-worming
There are some exciting days ahead for the Jacob Sheep living in the Land in their appointed place - there are 42 ewes expecting new Jacob lambs. 18 of these have milk already - so the time is short before we will be announcing new birth on the Migdal Eder Farm! And Jacobs are known for multiple births - even triplets!! So we are more than anxious to greet them and welcome them to a bright future ahead in fulfilling G-d's purpose, as without HIM making a way where there seemed to be no way, these new lambs would not have made it to their appointed place!
We need your earnest prayers during this time that the ewes would be at peace and accomplish these births with ease - that none be still born but all be born healthy and strong and ready to take on the world! We also would ask that you pray for their shepherdess, Jenna, during this time - considering that some may produce multiple births, so she will definitely have her hands full. And some may happen at identical times of delivery, which would also make for a very full labour/delivery room in the new barn. We thank G-d that we have that new barn for all this new life to come forth!! (Click on the photo to start slideshow of baby Jacobs!)
Shabbat Shalom - and stay tuned... Mimi 🙏🐑
Here is another slideshow presentation of the tree planting on Migdal Eder for Tu B'Shvat for the enjoyment and participation of each of you, as if you were there for the plantings - especially those of you who purchased trees but were unable to be present...
I am going ahead and create a slideshow presentation of the Tu B'Shvat tree planting without explanation on each of the photos. Perhaps Jenna will be able to go in and give description on each of the photos at another time. Her internet access is limited. It surely was an exciting time on Migdal Eder for the planting of a new grove - the Jacob Sheep Grove!!
Jacob Sheep shofars processed for the first time in Israel since Biblical times. Hear the beautiful sound.