A few insights on Rosh Hashana:
Yesterday, as I was prepping for our New Year's dinner, I was peeling a pomegranate and thinking of the fact that each pomegranate has 613 seeds inside it. Yes, exactly that number! Just like the 613 commandments of do and don't that make up Judaism.
One of the more important commandments is that of redemption of prisoners/hostages which made me think of the 101 hostages that are still kept in the hands of Hamas.
In the 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur we tend to say to each other that we wish for them to be filled with blessings like the pomegranate, meaning 613 blessings. This year, I want to wish everyone many blessings but particularly that we all see the return of the hostages, the end of the ongoing war in our area of the world and lots of health to all those that I care about
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