Magdala English

Magdala English Magdala is a beautiful place people can visit for prayer, worship, learning, and spiritual growth.

The hometown of Mary Magdalene already provides pilgrims an authentic location to walk where Jesus taught and to connect with the first century life of Jesus’ followers. Magdala is a unique Holy Land site with a first century town where the Jewish residents gathered in a synagogue where Jesus visited and taught. It is home to the beautiful Duc In Altum, which provides a place for worship, mass, and prayer.


Thank you for joining today’s live Mass from the Duc In Altum📍 in Magdala, celebrated by the Legionaries of Christ in the Holy Land.

⏰ Live Mass Schedule:
English Mass: 6:30 p.m. (Holy Land) | 10:30 a.m. (Mexico) | 11:30 a.m. (Miami)
Spanish Mass: 3:00 p.m. (Holy Land) | 7:00 a.m. (Mexico) | 8:00 a.m. (Miami)

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📅 Daily Readings:

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© Copyright New Gate to Peace Foundation 2024

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: I THANK YOU LORD, FOR YOUR LOVE.Luke 6, 27-38 “Be merciful, as your Father is merciful.”Jesus Chr...


Luke 6, 27-38 “Be merciful, as your Father is merciful.”

Jesus Christ expects a lot from us! In the same way, God the Father expected a lot from his only Son, whom he sent to be like us, he became Man and allowed us in this dimension, to touch him and listen to him as one more equal to you and me. And to everyone who listens to him and follows his Word, he gives the grace of love. And it is with the grace of love that we are witnesses of faith, that we believe in God and that we follow the steps of his Son Jesus. Only in this way do we have the ability to be like him, because without love, we are not at all witnesses that God is part of our life, nor that the love of Jesus lives in our hearts.

It is in this Gospel of Luke that Jesus invites us to strip ourselves of ourselves. “Love your enemies,” but if he hurt me, how can I love him? “Do good to those who hate you,” but if he hates me and only wants my harm, why can I be good? Bless, do good, pray, if they take your cloak, give them the whole suit, if they hit you, turn the other cheek. Give to the one who asks you without expecting anything in return, and if he takes your things, do not demand anything from him, bless him because he has less than you. And he questions what we do that is extraordinary if we only love those who love us, or if we do something good only for those who do good to us and then compares us with sinners, because they do the same, nothing extraordinary. When we act like this, we are equal to the sinner and not to the Son of God, who loved us to the cross, who asked for our forgiveness, who left us Mary, his mother, as our mother… out of love.

Jesus asks us to be more like him: “But you, love your enemies, do good and lend without expecting a reward. In this way you will have a great reward and will be children of the Most High, for he is good even to the evil and the ungrateful. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” He is good even to the evil and the ungrateful. Let us imagine how good he is to us when we imitate the actions of Jesus, when we forgive, when we love, when we want to give the best of ourselves, not because someone is watching us, but because we can do it, when we do not judge or condemn. He reminds us that by giving we will receive, and by forgiving we will also be forgiven because we will be measured by the measure with which we treat others.

Today's purpose: I want to be grateful to God and to those who walk with me, who help me reach holiness and love me despite all my weaknesses. Thank Jesus for being the one who leads me to be a better human being.

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: LOVE IS THE KEY TO YOUR KINGDOM.Matthew 16, 13-19 “I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of hea...


Matthew 16, 13-19 “I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven.”

Jesus continues to ask us who we say he is? And Peter answers him: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” And Jesus says to him: “Blessed are you, Simon son of John, for no man has revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I say to you, that you are Peter and on this rock I will build my Church.”

God has his way of revealing his truth to us; yes, of making us see that the reason for being of Jesus Christ has a profound meaning in each one of us. In the face of Simon Peter’s faith, Jesus names him pillar of his church as the rock that supports the Word of God before humanity, as is now his successor Pope Francis, for whom we unite in prayer for his health.

God reveals himself to us as well. We all receive from God a grace, or more, a gift, or a talent to develop for the benefit of others and he does this to remind us that he loves us, that we are his creation and that it is he who will give us the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is up to us to carefully attend to these gifts that we have, to use them for the common good and not as a weapon against our fellow men. May our intelligence not be arrogant, may our heart not serve to hurt, may our will be to serve with joy and may we live in the grace of love that comes from God, just as he asks us: to embrace those who are desolate, to feed the hungry, to visit those who are imprisoned or alone, to respect our parents, not to take what belongs to others, not to offend even with our thoughts.

It is through Christ Jesus that we will reach the Father's house, because when he became Man he allows us to get closer to him, we can see him as we see ourselves, of flesh and blood, who suffers, who heals and who is happy. It is in his Passion that we will understand what it means to reach the Kingdom of God. It is in his sacrifice for us that we find our reason for being, a Man who came to die for you and for me; who came to speak to me of love and as I was not prepared: I did not understand.

The doors of Heaven need keys of mercy, of kindness, of good will; the doors will open when we learn that being like Jesus must be our goal. Forgive, forgive and forgive again, because it is in forgiveness that we can most resemble him; and forgiveness comes from the love of God.

Let us not lose the opportunity to ask God to increase our faith, to trust and learn that without love, we will lead a very difficult life and I am not talking about the difficult life of Jesus Christ, no, because he never stopped loving us.

Today's purpose: I want to always keep in mind that, to reach the Kingdom of Heaven, I need to include in my daily actions the key of love. Love for everyone and for all that I do, without complaining.


Thank you for joining today’s live Mass from the Duc In Altum📍 in Magdala, celebrated by the Legionaries of Christ in the Holy Land.

⏰ Live Mass Schedule:
English Mass: 6:30 p.m. (Holy Land) | 10:30 a.m. (Mexico) | 11:30 a.m. (Miami)
Spanish Mass: 3:00 p.m. (Holy Land) | 7:00 a.m. (Mexico) | 8:00 a.m. (Miami)

📖 Listen and share the daily homily:

📅 Daily Readings:

💝 This Livestream is made possible thanks to the support of our media ministry. Want to support us? Subscribe to our YouTube channel or donate here: 👉

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© Copyright New Gate to Peace Foundation 2024

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: I HAVE ALSO BEEN ASHAMED OF YOU.Mark 8, 34, 9-1 “If anyone is ashamed of me and of my words befor...


Mark 8, 34, 9-1 “If anyone is ashamed of me and of my words before this idolatrous and sinful people, the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him.”

Do you know someone who is ashamed of God? Surely you do. And perhaps at some point in our lives we have also been ashamed. But how is that? Yes, perhaps it has been unconsciously or yes, very consciously.

In our society, just as in the time of Jesus, when his disciples denied knowing him, it was because of the fear of the consequences of believing in God. Not wanting to be judged and mocked often stops us from being a witness to God's love, and it is because we give more importance to "what will they say" than to our own truth regarding the love we feel towards God, we are not willing to raise our voice in his favor. However, there are others who defend God with their lives, we see it in the martyrs, who have died defending God and whose life has been to proclaim the Good News of God, which is Jesus Christ.

And we ask ourselves again, why do we deny God? Well, because we lack faith! We still do not trust enough in the truth of the Word of God. We doubt, we question, we even let ourselves be convinced by others that Jesus Christ is a story to distract us from reality. So we should ask ourselves, what is this reality from which they want to distract us?

When we talk about God, we must raise our voice, so what if they laugh at us? Each one knows what he keeps in his heart, without forgetting that each one lives his own Calvary and sows his own happiness and if in that sowing we are harvesting good fruit of God's love, what does it matter if they laugh at us! Each one carries his conscience, and we must not interfere between their reality and ours, as Jesus tells us: "What good will it do for someone to gain the whole world, if he loses his life? And what can he give in exchange to get it back?"

Walking with Jesus will take us to the Kingdom of God. Let us turn a deaf ear to the idolatrous and sinful people who only seek to distance us from God, inviting us to their world of ephemeral pleasures that may take away the pain momentarily, but at the end of the day only lead us to the darkness where it is hard to meet again with the Son of God. Let us seek in prayer the strength that keeps us from the temptations that prevent us from following the path where the sowing is fertile, where the love of God bears abundant fruit, which prevents us from being ashamed of our moral values ​​and our faith.

Let us live the love of God, giving testimony that his Son Jesus Christ guides us in the midst of darkness until we reach where he awaits us without asking questions, always giving us the freedom to love him or reject him.

Today's purpose: I want to share the Word of God with my family, with my friends and get closer to others, by being an example that God is part of my life.

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: LOVE IS DEFINED BY YOUR PRESENCE, JESUS.Mark 8, 27-33 "And you, who do you say that I am?"When Je...


Mark 8, 27-33 "And you, who do you say that I am?"

When Jesus asks us this question, what is our response? "You are the Messiah," his apostles answered him, and what are you going to answer?

We see the divinity of God in his Son Jesus Christ, we see the Savior, the one who heals, the one who cures, the one who performs miracles, the one who loves above all things; in Jesus we see God made Man, the one who suffers, the one who cries when a friend dies, the one who serves with humility, the one who accompanies and consoles, the one who forgives, and we can also see the friend, the brother, the father, the one "who can do everything."

The response that is in the heart of each one of us is very personal, and reflects where the Son of God is, and God himself, in our life. How present is he in our daily actions? Do we only remember him on Sunday when we go to mass for an hour? Do we know he exists only because we ask him for miracles? Or is he always present in our life, in our walk, from the moment the day dawns and we bless him for another day?

What will you answer?

In response to any answer, it is very important that we consider that God's love is infinite and that Jesus is always watching over us; he never leaves. We are the ones who distance ourselves from him when we go against God's truth, when we violate the good moral conduct that the commandments teach us and that are as simple as the new commandment that Jesus brought us: "love one another as I love you." He only speaks of love!

But what is love? It is detachment from oneself. It is noticing that around us there are people who think differently than us and deserve respect. It is walking with good will helping those who walk beside us. It is accepting our decisions in a positive way without wanting to blame others. It is having common sense in the face of our brother's vulnerability. Love is everything that comes from God, although sometimes we do not understand it; it is wanting to imitate Christ in his humanity in the face of life's difficulties, knowing that even in suffering we find comfort and refuge in the Word of God.

We are saying what we believe Jesus Christ is in our lives, in a personal way, because it is in the heart of each one where we experience his presence and his true identity. Jesus is "the one who can do everything," let us approach him without fear, as he always has a word of love for our heart.

Today's purpose: I do not want to be distracted from what Jesus is for me, and I want to thank him today for the blessings and miracles he does in me, although sometimes I do not realize it, I want to be grateful for his love.

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: YOU ARE MY CONSOLATION.Mark 8, 22-26 “He was healed and saw everything clearly!”Another miracle! ...


Mark 8, 22-26 “He was healed and saw everything clearly!”

Another miracle! Another mystery to be discovered! We can imagine the blessings that the blind man must have felt when he approached Jesus Christ, asking him to heal him. And how, by making mud with the earth and his saliva, Jesus allowed him to see. How many times have we asked God to allow us to see beyond our eyes, our suffering, our pain? And surely he has granted it to us. Jesus tells the blind man: “Go home, and if you pass through the town, don't tell anyone.”

Would you remain silent before such a great miracle done in you? I don't think so. We would go out jubilantly to proclaim the miracle we have received, and surely this man did just that. But, many of us don't do it. And you might ask yourself, how is that? The truth of God is very difficult to prove and I have heard people who when they visibly receive a miracle, there is always a justification that has nothing to do with God. Have you thought about it? Here applies that we prefer to hear a lie than a truth and it is that when we talk about God, we talk about faith; and when we receive miracles and we say it out loud, there is always someone who laughs or mocks us, and what do we do? We keep quiet or we attribute God's help to something else.

Understanding what Jesus tells us requires listening with the heart. Sensitizing ourselves to the Word of eternal life that is God, which brings with it the consolation that we are always looking for, elsewhere. We are the example of the blind man. And how beautiful it is that when we do not see things clearly and we are blinded by what we have in front of us, we go to God to accept that which we do not understand well. Let us look for that safe place, full of mercy that welcomes us with love, sometimes in silence and other times through our brothers.

To see clearly, we must be a testimony of love. Increase our faith in prayer by asking God to fill us with his grace, by serving others as Jesus healed this blind man, so that we too can clearly see the fire of his Spirit born in us to live knowing that in God, is our glory. And to learn that God is a God of the living who forgives us again and again, healing our wounds and offering us a place to go to every day of our life.

Today's purpose: I know that I find my safe place in the commandments, in your Word of love and in the Eucharist. Increase my faith, to always recognize that it is you who allows me to see everything clearly.

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: I SEE AND LISTEN CAREFULLY.Mark 8, 14-21 “Why do you have eyes if you do not see, and ears if you...


Mark 8, 14-21 “Why do you have eyes if you do not see, and ears if you do not hear?”

Jesus constantly repeated things to his disciples, as he does with us because, just like them, we are unbelievers. We have the miracles of God in front of us and we do not see or hear them. In this Gospel of Mark, his disciples complained about not having brought bread to eat and Jesus says to them: “Do you not remember how many baskets of leftovers you picked up when I distributed five loaves to five thousand men?” They answered him: “Twelve.” And he added: “And how many baskets of leftovers did you pick up when I distributed seven loaves to four thousand?” They answered him: “Seven.”

And he says something like: What part of my ministry do you still not understand? In his eyes he multiplied the bread and the fish and his eyes remain blind to the miracles of God and deaf after hearing his Word so many times. Are we the same?

The will to see and hear the voice of God is personal. Let us remember that he always gives us the freedom to choose, to decide, to take what each one considers important for our own life. That many times we choose badly? true, that other times we make mistakes? true too, not to mention the times when our actions go against others and our moral values. But, within seeing and hearing Jesus Christ is forgiveness. God knows that we are going to make mistakes and allows us to do so when we are blinded to the truth of his word, in the hope that at some point we will open our eyes and reconsider; and the most important thing that we must take into account is that he does not stop loving us!

God does hear us when we approach him and ask him to heal our pain and he also sees us when we suffer and are having a bad time and he wants to console us, he wants us to find in him a refuge for our soul. Perhaps, on many occasions we do not understand why what happens happens, and it is difficult for us to trust in God when we feel abandoned, like Jesus on the cross; however, it is in the merciful love of God that we manage to accept our destiny. He helps us to understand the reasons, and yes, they can be very difficult to understand, but his consolation gives us the strength we need to face that pain.

That is why we must get closer to God, to listen to his word in the Gospels, to want to understand his Son Jesus in the parables of the sower, of the Samaritan, of the prodigal son, because it is there where he becomes human with us, where we are equal, where he also lives and suffers and teaches and feels. Let us therefore be imitators of Christ, having a loving devotion to our brothers and sisters, being bearers of the fruit of love, serving with joy those who need it and being thankful for all that we have in life, by the grace of God.

And let us not forget that: it is when we hear Jesus, that we see the face of God.

Today's purpose: May I never have deaf ears to the Word of God so that I can see the miracles that He performs in me, every morning.


Migdal Junction

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Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
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