Luke 4, 14-22 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.”
In this Gospel, Luke tells us about Jesus' journey between Galilee and Nazareth, where he met with many in the synagogues. In Magdala we have a synagogue from the First Century, which could well be the synagogue mentioned in this Gospel.
Jesus goes around teaching and speaking about God in every place, where those who want to believe in him, who praise him and who follow him await him. Today's reading fulfills with his presence what was announced in this passage from the prophet Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of the blind, to set the oppressed free and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.” On this occasion, the day arrives, as Jesus announces to us: “Today this passage of Scripture that you have just heard has been fulfilled.” Because it was he, the one who was about to arrive, who would receive the Spirit of the Lord.
And what does Jesus say? He speaks to us of healing, of liberation, of the grace of God. Jesus, the anointed one, the one filled with the Spirit of the Lord, brings with him humanity, hope, charity and announces to us that the Word of God has been fulfilled in him, that he is here, in flesh and blood so that we can believe in him, in his Word of love, in the voice of the Father. Jesus wants us to receive him in our hearts, to identify with him, to live with joy his arrival.
Jesus is a testimony of the Father, and we, by believing in him, are also a testimony of the Father. And it is with love that we can reflect the wisdom of God, it is through our works of charity that we denote a profound faith that is born from the trust we have in the Son of God. It is in the dedicated service that we offer to others, not as an obligation, but as part of the goodness that is in our hearts. Let us keep in mind that it is for our acts of mercy that we will be remembered, it is for the way we live without judging or criticizing others, it is for how we face our difficulties and move forward, and it is in our entire being that we bear witness to knowing ourselves to be children of God, when we walk hand in hand with Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Today's purpose: I thank God for sending Jesus Christ into my life. Amen.