Luke 6, 27-38 “Be merciful, as your Father is merciful.”
Jesus Christ expects a lot from us! In the same way, God the Father expected a lot from his only Son, whom he sent to be like us, he became Man and allowed us in this dimension, to touch him and listen to him as one more equal to you and me. And to everyone who listens to him and follows his Word, he gives the grace of love. And it is with the grace of love that we are witnesses of faith, that we believe in God and that we follow the steps of his Son Jesus. Only in this way do we have the ability to be like him, because without love, we are not at all witnesses that God is part of our life, nor that the love of Jesus lives in our hearts.
It is in this Gospel of Luke that Jesus invites us to strip ourselves of ourselves. “Love your enemies,” but if he hurt me, how can I love him? “Do good to those who hate you,” but if he hates me and only wants my harm, why can I be good? Bless, do good, pray, if they take your cloak, give them the whole suit, if they hit you, turn the other cheek. Give to the one who asks you without expecting anything in return, and if he takes your things, do not demand anything from him, bless him because he has less than you. And he questions what we do that is extraordinary if we only love those who love us, or if we do something good only for those who do good to us and then compares us with sinners, because they do the same, nothing extraordinary. When we act like this, we are equal to the sinner and not to the Son of God, who loved us to the cross, who asked for our forgiveness, who left us Mary, his mother, as our mother… out of love.
Jesus asks us to be more like him: “But you, love your enemies, do good and lend without expecting a reward. In this way you will have a great reward and will be children of the Most High, for he is good even to the evil and the ungrateful. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” He is good even to the evil and the ungrateful. Let us imagine how good he is to us when we imitate the actions of Jesus, when we forgive, when we love, when we want to give the best of ourselves, not because someone is watching us, but because we can do it, when we do not judge or condemn. He reminds us that by giving we will receive, and by forgiving we will also be forgiven because we will be measured by the measure with which we treat others.
Today's purpose: I want to be grateful to God and to those who walk with me, who help me reach holiness and love me despite all my weaknesses. Thank Jesus for being the one who leads me to be a better human being.