Magdala English

Magdala English Magdala is a beautiful place people can visit for prayer, worship, learning, and spiritual growth.

The hometown of Mary Magdalene already provides pilgrims an authentic location to walk where Jesus taught and to connect with the first century life of Jesus’ followers. Magdala is a unique Holy Land site with a first century town where the Jewish residents gathered in a synagogue where Jesus visited and taught. It is home to the beautiful Duc In Altum, which provides a place for worship, mass, and prayer.

TODAY'S REFLECTION: THE DAY HAS COME WHEN YOU COME INTO MY LIFE.Luke 4, 14-22 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.”In thi...


Luke 4, 14-22 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me.”

In this Gospel, Luke tells us about Jesus' journey between Galilee and Nazareth, where he met with many in the synagogues. In Magdala we have a synagogue from the First Century, which could well be the synagogue mentioned in this Gospel.

Jesus goes around teaching and speaking about God in every place, where those who want to believe in him, who praise him and who follow him await him. Today's reading fulfills with his presence what was announced in this passage from the prophet Isaiah: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of the blind, to set the oppressed free and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.” On this occasion, the day arrives, as Jesus announces to us: “Today this passage of Scripture that you have just heard has been fulfilled.” Because it was he, the one who was about to arrive, who would receive the Spirit of the Lord.

And what does Jesus say? He speaks to us of healing, of liberation, of the grace of God. Jesus, the anointed one, the one filled with the Spirit of the Lord, brings with him humanity, hope, charity and announces to us that the Word of God has been fulfilled in him, that he is here, in flesh and blood so that we can believe in him, in his Word of love, in the voice of the Father. Jesus wants us to receive him in our hearts, to identify with him, to live with joy his arrival.

Jesus is a testimony of the Father, and we, by believing in him, are also a testimony of the Father. And it is with love that we can reflect the wisdom of God, it is through our works of charity that we denote a profound faith that is born from the trust we have in the Son of God. It is in the dedicated service that we offer to others, not as an obligation, but as part of the goodness that is in our hearts. Let us keep in mind that it is for our acts of mercy that we will be remembered, it is for the way we live without judging or criticizing others, it is for how we face our difficulties and move forward, and it is in our entire being that we bear witness to knowing ourselves to be children of God, when we walk hand in hand with Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Today's purpose: I thank God for sending Jesus Christ into my life. Amen.


Thank you for joining today’s live Mass from Duc In Altum📍Magdala, celebrated by the Legionaries of Christ in the Holy Land.

⏰ Live Mass Schedule:
English Mass: 6:30 p.m. (Holy Land) | 10:30 a.m. (Mexico) | 11:30 a.m. (Miami)
Spanish Mass: 4:50 p.m. (Holy Land) | 8:50 a.m. (Mexico) | 9:50 a.m. (Miami)

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📅 Daily Readings:

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© Copyright New Gate to Peace Foundation 2024



Mark 6, 45-52 “Take heart! It is I, do not be afraid.”

The words that Jesus constantly tells us, “do not be afraid.”

It is normal for human beings to be afraid when we do not know things, we are afraid of not knowing what something is, or what it means, it is natural. Let us imagine the episode where Jesus’ disciples are in their boat and the water begins to move tempestuous, with fog, in the dark and in the background they see a figure walking on the water. I think I would be scared too! And you?

And Jesus’ response is this: ‘do not be afraid, it is I’… I think I would still be scared anyway! And what Jesus does is invite us to trust in him. Yes! We must be of good cheer when we are confused and we must remember that He never turns away, He is there to protect us, we just need to see Him. Want to see Him! That is often the difficult part. We hope that Jesus appears when we need Him, only He is there and we do not see Him because we lack faith, we lack belief in God, to be able to see Him.

To be with Jesus, we must be born to a new life in commitment to ourselves, where we put the Word of God first, that which shelters us in the darkness. Walking with Jesus implies paying attention to our moral conduct, to our obedience to the rules of life, as I call them, the 10 commandments; do not kill even with the mind, do not lie, do not steal, respect others, do not want what does not belong to us, and above all love God with all of our heart. Try to be kind and helpful, be the first to ask for forgiveness, do not allow the distractions of the world, greed, revenge, hatred to take over our minds, because then we move away from the Father. And what distances us from the Father separates us from Jesus Christ.

Not being afraid is facing life with a positive attitude, it is living the works of mercy, it is increasing our faith in prayer, reconciliation, in the Eucharist. It is looking ahead knowing that the strength of Jesus on the cross is ours too, that we can overcome the temptations that haunt us, that we should only want to see Jesus in the darkness, because he is the light that guides our steps.

Courage! We do not go alone, Jesus comes with us.

Today's purpose: May the love and company of Jesus live very present in my heart to realize that with him, I must not give way to fear, ever.

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: I FEED ON YOUR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.Mark 6, 34-44 “Give them something to eat.”I really like this p...


Mark 6, 34-44 “Give them something to eat.”

I really like this phrase that was used for a catechism meeting a few years ago. At that meeting, the phrase was directed to the children and young people who were receiving an education in the Catholic faith. In this Gospel of Mark, Jesus refers to the crowd that is gathered together, at least five thousand, and they had to be fed. With confidence, Jesus tells his disciples “give them something to eat.” And they gathered some loaves and some fish and they all ate until they were satisfied. We call it the day of the multiplication of the loaves and fish, because Jesus performs the miracle of multiplying food for all those who gathered around him to hear him speak of God.

We also met to hear about God, and more importantly, just like Jesus' disciples, we, the catechists, would return to our parishes to feed the Word of God to our students and to anyone willing to listen to the voice of God, his Word and his message. As Christians, we are obliged to talk about him. Yes, to share his teachings to grow in faith, to commit ourselves to follow his path through the steps of Jesus, imitating him.

We can approach others and bring the light of God to them, feed them the love of Jesus. We can sit down to listen to talk about him, about his mercy, about how he had compassion on so many people, because he knew that they were there for him, to see him, to believe, to follow his path.

We increase our faith when we approach the altar, when we talk to God, when we listen to the voice of Jesus. Nobody said that life was perfect, what Jesus has taught us is to be brave, to defend our ideology, to have a heart ready to serve, to forgive and to ask for forgiveness when we offend someone, to make it better. He has taught us with his example compassion, joy in pain, knowing how to accept what is written for us even when we do not understand. And we achieve all this because in Jesus is our strength, in that manger, he was born to live like us and so that we could see in him a great example of love, forgiveness and compassion and learn to imitate him.

Getting closer to Jesus is getting closer to others to feed them with his Word of eternal life.

Today's purpose: Allow Father, that I may see in Jesus everything that you give me, with the nourishment of your unconditional love.

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: MANIFEST YOURSELF IN MY HEART.Matthew 4, 12-17. 23-25 ​​“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at ...


Matthew 4, 12-17. 23-25 ​​“Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.”

The Kingdom of God is very near! Jesus tells us, and with his birth and resurrection he prepares us to receive him with love and full of hope, because it is in his Passion that he gives himself to us for our salvation.

Jesus invites us to convert, and it is nothing more than to follow him, to listen to him and to receive him with love in our hearts. Are you ready?

The Epiphany of the Lord means “Manifestation” in Greek, and it is in the birth of Jesus Christ that God manifests himself before all humanity, before his children created by him in his image and likeness so that we could do great things in life, with the gifts that he has given to each one of us. Jesus reveals himself to the world and is visited by the Three Wise Men, who recognize him as the King of the Universe, the Messiah, the Lord. Isaiah tells us: "Arise and put on light, for your light is coming." Jesus reveals himself as the light in the darkness, the light in the desert, the light of life.

And Jesus is nothing other than the light on our path, to get us out of the darkness that we sometimes fall into without thinking; he is the light of the desert of our soul when we feel alone or discouraged and he reminds us that he comes to us, that he has not abandoned us. Just like the Wise Men of the East, we must want to seek that light and when we find it, follow it with a new heart, because it is Jesus who is giving us signs to see it, to open our hearts to meet him and allow him to use our hearts as an inn, humble, surrendered at his feet, full of love and peace, where he can be born every day and we too can be born to a new life, every day, in his love.

Jesus is a message of joy, Pope Francis tells us: “God came to visit us in person, becoming man. He did not take on our human condition out of a sense of responsibility, no, but out of love. Out of love he took on our humanity, because one takes on what one loves. And God took on our humanity because he loves us and freely wants to give us that salvation that we alone cannot give ourselves. He wants to be with us, to give us the beauty of living, the peace of heart, the joy of being forgiven and feeling loved.”

Let us receive the light of Jesus in our hearts, as the Three Wise Men did, and let us be a reflection of that light in our lives, and let us share it with those we love.

Today's purpose: I want to follow that star, which leads me to the heart of that child who was born in Bethlehem and let him be part of my life as a manifestation of hope and infinite love.

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: I SEEK WITHIN MY HEART YOUR LIGHT OF LOVE.Matthew 2, 1-12 "We have come to worship him."Let us al...


Matthew 2, 1-12 "We have come to worship him."

Let us all worship him!

Let us worship the Living King who comes to be born in our hearts! Let us seek the path that leads us to him, as the Kings of the East did, following the light of the star of Bethlehem, which announces the Good News of God.

A King has been born to us!

We can imagine the emotion of the kings who walked until they found the Messiah, and we can also live that emotion every day of our lives in our own journey. Did you know? Yes, the continuous search for the Son of God allows us to increase our faith. We find Jesus in the Eucharist, where he makes himself present to live in us. We find him in our actions of love, mercy and charity; because let us remember that a faith without actions is an empty faith.

To adore the Son of God is to open our hearts to hope, because we place our trust in the Lord, we open our minds to his truth and we commit ourselves to meeting Jesus at the altar. He is the light that illuminates our steps and removes the darkness that sometimes blinds us and does not allow us to see that it is in Christ that we live fully.

Let us not be afraid, let us go to meet Jesus, because it is an encounter of love. Let us leave aside all those who want to distance us from God, the Herod that we face every day. Let us follow the voice of the angels, as the Three Wise Men did, and let us turn away from the path of all those who do not believe in the Son of God.

Let us learn to live our faith against all temptation, because the reward of adoring Jesus will take us to the Father's house, where he awaits us with his infinite love.

Today's purpose: Father, I want to live a true encounter with Jesus Christ, which will lead me to have a life abundant in the fruits of love that you sow in my heart.


Thank you for joining today’s live Mass from Duc In Altum📍Magdala, celebrated by the Legionaries of Christ in the Holy Land.

⏰ Live Mass Schedule:
English Mass: 6:30 p.m. (Holy Land) | 10:30 a.m. (Mexico) | 11:30 a.m. (Miami)
Spanish Mass: 4:50 p.m. (Holy Land) | 8:50 a.m. (Mexico) | 9:50 a.m. (Miami)

📖 Listen and share the daily homily:

📅 Daily Readings:

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© Copyright New Gate to Peace Foundation 2024


Thank you for joining today’s live Mass from Duc In Altum 📍 in Magdala, celebrated by the Legionaries of Christ in the Holy Land.

⏰ Live Mass Schedule:
English Mass: 6:30 p.m. (Holy Land) | 10:30 a.m. (Mexico) | 11:30 a.m. (Miami)
Spanish Mass: 3:00 p.m. (Holy Land) | 7:00 a.m. (Mexico) | 8:00 a.m. (Miami)

📖 Listen and share the daily homily:

📅 Daily Readings:

💝 This Livestream is made possible thanks to the support of our media ministry. Want to support us? Subscribe to our YouTube channel or donate here: 👉

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© Copyright New Gate to Peace Foundation 2025

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: I FIND YOU IN MY HEART.John 1, 35-42. "We have found the Messiah."John's disciples listen attenti...


John 1, 35-42. "We have found the Messiah."

John's disciples listen attentively when he tells them: "Behold the Lamb of God" and they follow Jesus because they know who they are following, they know that he is the Son of God, they have faith and trust in the words of the Baptist.

When we believe in Jesus Christ, we bear witness to our faith. We accept that his Word will lead to a personal encounter with God and we are excited to know that we are loved by him.

And you, have you found the Messiah? Surely you have, because Jesus Christ is in your heart. He is part of our life, he accompanies us, he consoles us, he encourages us to move forward, to make decisions that benefit us all, he invites us to prayer and repentance. Jesus transforms our life when we give him the opportunity to be part of it.

It is in Jesus that we find answers, he is the one who leads us along the path of truth, he is the one who forgives us when we nail him to a cross. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.

Today's purpose: Thank you Father, for allowing me to find your Son, the Messiah, within my heart.



John 1, 29-34 "I bear witness that this is the Son of God."

Bear witness to the Son of God! John the Baptist tells us, through the Gospel of John, that he saw the dove of the Holy Spirit descend on the head of a man and announced to the others: "I saw the Spirit descend from heaven in the form of a dove and remain on him. I did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water said to me: 'The one on whom you see the Holy Spirit descend and remain, this is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.' Well, I saw him and I bear witness that this is the Son of God."

Many people need to see to believe, but it applies more to believing in God and in his Son Jesus Christ; And we know that many people believe everything that others say even though they know it is not true. Believing in God is an act of faith that we nourish with prayer. This brings us closer to knowing who God is and teaches us his Word through the Gospels, the Bible, the Catechism, prayers and many books that tell the story of the eternal life of Jesus Christ. There are even movies that help us to know more about God and his creation, of which we are a part.

John gave testimony of the Son of God because he saw the dove on Jesus' head; in the same way, we can give testimony of Jesus through our actions of faith and charity.

When we imitate the things that Jesus did, such as healing, listening, preaching the Word of God, visiting the sick or the imprisoned, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, forgiving with the heart and loving, among many other actions, we give testimony that we believe in the one who gives us life. We believe in the Messiah, in the Savior who came to forgive our sins and to teach us to speak of love. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and we give thanks for his infinite love, which is always there, accompanying us, and helps us not to get lost along the way.

Today's purpose: Today I want to give testimony that I know Jesus, the Son of God and for that I will try to be helpful to the people who are by my side and grateful for the blessings that there are in my life.


⚪ TODAY'S MASS - January 3 | Holy Land | Mass Live from Magdala

Thank you for joining today’s live Mass from Duc In Altum📍Magdala, celebrated by the Legionaries of Christ in the Holy Land.
⏰ Live Mass Schedule:
English Mass: 6:30 p.m. (Holy Land) | 10:30 a.m. (Mexico) | 11:30 a.m. (Miami)
Spanish Mass: 4:50 p.m. (Holy Land) | 8:50 a.m. (Mexico) | 9:50 a.m. (Miami)
📖 Listen and share the daily homily:
📅 Daily Readings:
💝 This Livestream is made possible thanks to the support of our media ministry. Want to support us? Subscribe to our YouTube channel or donate here: 👉
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© Copyright New Gate to Peace Foundation 2024

REFLECTION OF THE DAY: I WANT TO BE THE VOICE IN THE DESERT.John 1, 19-28 "I am the voice that cries in the desert."I lo...


John 1, 19-28 "I am the voice that cries in the desert."

I love this phrase from John: "The voice that cries in the desert," and that brings the announcement of the one who will come to baptize with fire, of whom he is not worthy to untie even the straps of his sandals.

John speaks to us of the one who is with us and whom we do not know how to recognize, of the Messiah, who comes behind him. John shouts to the desert of our life, of our heart so that we straighten the path towards the things of God. He announces to us the hope that comes with Jesus who will baptize us with the Holy Spirit to be reborn in him; John is preparing us to accept the arrival of the Son of God, and I say "accept" because Jesus is already in our hearts! But, the things of the world, temptations and sin do not let us see or recognize.

"I am the voice that cries in the desert" ... answers John to the priests who long to know why this man feels he has the authority to baptize in the name of God, all those who want a conversion in their lives. John is the prophet of the Most High, who comes to announce his arrival and to whom we listen full of faith.

Let us be the voice that cries in the desert, with the humility of John the Baptist. Let us bring the Word of the Lord to the hearts that are lost in the desert, who do not know which is the way to reach the Son of God. Let us seek the way to be that voice that brings Jesus alive to the life of those who are dejected, without a voice, to all those who have moved away from him. Let us allow Jesus to act in us to believe in that voice in the desert, which leads us to the ways of the Lord.

The love of Jesus turns every desert into a fertile garden, which blooms and is filled with abundant fruit. Let us allow him to enter into the desert of our soul to fill us with mercy, forgiveness, faith, joy and especially with the infinite love of God. Let us allow our desert to become a path of service and love.

Today's purpose: I want to welcome Jesus into my life every day to straighten the path that leads me to the house of the Lord.


Migdal Junction

Opening Hours

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00
Saturday 08:00 - 18:00
Sunday 08:00 - 18:00


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