Tour of historical Jaffa before sunset and photography. Thursday 6 August 2020 from 17:45. Contact me if interested to join.
#jaffa #jaffaport #oldjaffa #telaviv #telavivyafo
Tour in el-Ahwat, the alleged stronghold of Sisera, commander of the Canaanite army that the prophetess Deborah defeated by the river Kishon, near Megiddo, in the 12th century before Common Era. To know about this extraordinary story, read the Bible, Judges chapters 4 and 5. Archaeologist Adam Zertal dug in el-Ahwat for several seasons before his death and concluded this site was Horeshet ha-Goyyim, the stronghold of Sisera and his mercenaries (Judges 4:2). Because the site has no feature of anything known in the Levant and the land of Israel, the theory is that these peoples' ancestors came from Sardinia in the waves of Sea Peoples who landed in the coasts of the Levant before or when the Israelites also settled in the region. The Sea Peoples included what became known as the Philistines. Sisera's people were called the Sherden, who fought as mercenaries in the armies of Ramses II and Ramses III, and then, later, served as mercenaries in the Canaanite coalition led by the king of Hatzor, against the Israelites in the period of the Judges. The site of el-Ahwat is in a strategic location, commanding views over the coastal plain towards the Mediterranean sea and in the Wadi Ara valley (Nahal Irun) leading to the pass of Megiddo and the Jezreel valley (later known as the plain of Armageddon).
Le point de vue du président Bourguiba sur la création de la Jordanie par les Britanniques en retirant 2/3 du territoire prévu pour la Palestine mandataire...
Jeep tour at moonlight in Nahal Sodom riverbed
Waterfall "massage" at Ein Gedi, Judean Desert
Family of Ibex in Ein Gedi
#eingedi #eingedinaturereserve #judeandesert #israel🇮🇱
Pentecost-Shavou'ot festival in Yad HaShmona
The community of Messianic Jews (aka Jews for Jesus) organised a festival for Pentecost and Shavu'ot, thus gathering groups from all over the world including my group of Evangelists from Ivory Coast
The bells of Pentecost
Hearing the bells of the Dormition, on the traditional site of the Pentecost
Bethlehem, the grotto of the Nativity
Inside the grotto where Tradition says Jesus was born. Next to it the manger where he was placed after birth.
National anthem of Ivory Coast on the Sea of Galilee
Taking my pilgrims from Ivory Coast on a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. We started by raising the flag and playing their anthem.