Wishes for a peaceful Easter /Resurrection Sunday from Capernaum.
#Hiking in the Golan Heights #travelujah #holyland #israel
Winter brings a unique beauty to the ancient #Korazim valley where Jesus likely walked down to the Sea of Galilee. In winter you can enjoy the wild stream flowing after a much needed rain. #holyland #israel #pilgrimage
We love our soldiers. Thank you for helping us feed them healthy refreshments. #bringthemhomenow🇮🇱 #amyisraelchai
Stand up - it’s never been more important!
Stand up people. #bringthemhome
Birds migrating in the footsteps of #Jesus -over the Sea of #Galilee, Capernaum and the Jordan River. #israetour #holylandtour
Travelujah checks out Morocco for future tours.
Visit #Kursi, where Jesus sailed across the #SeaofGalilee and performed the miracle of exorcizing demons from a man and transferring them into a herd of swines which then ran into the sea and drowned. #newtestament