Yaron Reuveny - Guided Tours

Yaron Reuveny  - Guided Tours Private Tours in Israel. Heritage Tours and Bar-Mitzva Tours

I'm receiving many supportive messages from all around the world. Praying for the victims and the safe release of the ho...

I'm receiving many supportive messages from all around the world. Praying for the victims and the safe release of the hostages. Thank you brothers from all over the world your support and prayers are much needed these hard times for Israel 馃檹馃槩


讝讛 专拽 讗谞讬 讜讛讗转专讜讙 讛讻讬 讙讚讜诇 讘讗专抓 讞讞讞 讗讛讛 讻谉 讜讙诐 讛诇讜诇讘
It's only me there with the biggest Lulav in the land

All about Angel's Saints and prophets in the Galil

All about Angel's Saints and prophets in the Galil

I love this Galilee

I love this Galilee

Today I'm on official duty showing Israel to young tour bloggers from KAZAKHSTAN, We are touring Jaffa Old City and Tel ...

Today I'm on official duty showing Israel to young tour bloggers from KAZAKHSTAN, We are touring Jaffa Old City and Tel Aviv modern city. We are finding the most exciting spots and things to do.

New movie being filmed in the Old City, we were there to see the action. Everyday is an adventure 馃槑

New movie being filmed in the Old City, we were there to see the action. Everyday is an adventure 馃槑


Hava Nagila, Let's be Happy


Sailing in old traditional boat

讛诪砖拽讬注讬诐 讚讜讞讬诐 讗转 讛讛驻讞讚讜转 砖诇 注专讜爪讬 讛转讘讛诇讛. 讞讞讞讞讗诐 讗转诐 砖驻讜驻讬诐 讜讘诪爪讘 专讜讞 诇讗 讟讜讘 诪诪诇讬抓 注诇 谞讬拽讜讬 专注诇讬诐 诪转拽砖讜专转 讛转讘讛诇讛.

讛诪砖拽讬注讬诐 讚讜讞讬诐 讗转 讛讛驻讞讚讜转 砖诇 注专讜爪讬 讛转讘讛诇讛. 讞讞讞讞
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注讜砖讛 专讜砖诐 砖爪讬讘讜专 讛诪砖拽讬注讬诐 讚讜讜拽讗 讚讬 诪转讞讘专

Wonderful time with this happy family touring Israel in Style

Wonderful time with this happy family touring Israel in Style

COOL Things to do on a hot day in IsraelUnderground tunnels, walk the old city water ways,Ein Gedi SpringsSailing from O...

COOL Things to do on a hot day in Israel
Underground tunnels, walk the old city water ways,
Ein Gedi Springs
Sailing from Old Jaffa Port
Speed boat at Rosh Hanikra
And more cool experiences for the hot summer days

Thank you Rabbi Shimon and Congratulations Zak for you Bar Mitzvah on top of Mt Masada. 馃帀馃巵馃嚠馃嚤

Thank you Rabbi Shimon and Congratulations Zak for you Bar Mitzvah on top of Mt Masada. 馃帀馃巵馃嚠馃嚤







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