Ronen Vahav Tour Guide

Ronen Vahav Tour Guide Licensed tour guide in Israel

Food - Wine - History - Legacy - Archeology - Nature - Beaches - Cities

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Some more queens photo dump because I cant get over it馃摳 :

Some more queens photo dump because I cant get over it

馃摳 :

A dream come true.Got to work with amazing Drag Race queens that came here to give a BLACK EXCELLENCE show, and guuuurl,...

A dream come true.

Got to work with amazing Drag Race queens that came here to give a BLACK EXCELLENCE show, and guuuurl, they did.

After a tasting tour on Friday we went to the Dead Sea. Some went swimming, some are still in Jordan waiting to be rescued ;). But jokes aside, this weekend reminded me of the gift of love, laughter and kindness, and how great it is with people who only care about that.

Thank you for an amazing show and a perfect weekend 馃挏

You know, its been really tough couple years in tourism... but what a way to kick off the beginning of tourism season. I genuinely couldn't ask for better.

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Spent the past 10 days with the most incredible group of students from Columbia university. Got to explore the entire la...

Spent the past 10 days with the most incredible group of students from Columbia university. Got to explore the entire land through geo-political glasses; talk, debate and ask tough questions about the complex reality in Israel. Sad to say goodbye, but trully inspired from what we experienced. Thank you a thousand times. 馃挒

What do we know about the end of the story of Jesus's mother, Virgin Mary? Actually, the story isn't told at the New Tes...

What do we know about the end of the story of Jesus's mother, Virgin Mary?
Actually, the story isn't told at the New Testament but in a book that was written in the 2nd century called "Mary's Dormitio", and already spoilering us her verdict. The tradition says that Mary fall asleep and never woke up, and ascended to the sky to be with her son. Dormitio in Latin = sleeping.
And where did it all happen? On mt. Zion, Jerusalem. From there her body was moved for burial at the foot of mt. Olives, where her tomb lies nowadays.
The latest church that holds the story was built at the beginning of the 1900's by the German Benedictines. So beatiful and spiritual feeling inside but also... wait for it... SO FEMINIST! The entire krypt is dedicated to women from the old and new testament; such as Sysra, Yael, Eve, Tamar, and so on. @ Abbey of the Dormition

It's the story of the not-so-shy Portuguese dude who met his talented American husband in Indonesia who met their not-sh...

It's the story of the not-so-shy Portuguese dude who met his talented American husband in Indonesia who met their not-shy-at-all-Yemenite-American-Israeli Tour guide and had such a fun and spiritual day at the holy city!! Even got to have some meaningful conversations during Hummus lunch and chant on Via Dolorosa. Thanks for teaching me some lessons too, Matt and Andre. Was a pleasure 馃挌馃А馃挌馃А

Had such an amazing time today with the smartest and cutest, Doug. We got to walk and visit the entire old city of Jerus...

Had such an amazing time today with the smartest and cutest, Doug. We got to walk and visit the entire old city of Jerusalem including a special visit to Temple Mount! What a pleasure. 馃挋馃挍馃挋馃挍


Tel Aviv





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