Designing Success
We are a premium industrial design and develop studio with over 15 years of experience.
Here in arkit, we provide a complete solution for every step of the product developing process
from industrial design, through engineering, prototyping, package design to production and
beyond. We believe the key factor to your product success lies in the combination of high quality
engineering and fine design including usability and innovation thinking.
Est. in 2007, Studio Arkit is an industrial design and engineering house specializing in managing and leading projects according to the needs of the various respective industries.
We specializes in developing products from the idea development stage through the product design and engineering and on to production.
We have substantial experience in the areas of consumer products, medical instruments, and diverse high-tech enterprises,
all of which are supported by a high-quality team of experts providing a unique and effective solution for the customer’s needs and result in a focused, winning product.
We blend a unique business and creative culture to achieve the best possible results, to promote inspiration, and to ensure growth and success of enterprises and careers.
Our most valuable asset for every organization is our talented and committed employees, intent on being part of a winning team.
Our abilities lie both in locating a product, still in its conceptual phase, and developing it into an innovative, high-quality finished product. We provide solutions for all of the development and manufacturing phases, always setting a clear and uncompromising goal of producing a winning result.
Welcome To ARKIT
Our new website welcome video, enjoy!
Photography & Edit: Yossi Ben Elisha
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