Sun set at Alma Beach Tel Aviv
Start of the new week in Tel Aviv
When the sun sets, a new day starts, thats how it works in Judaism.
When the sun sets at Shabbat, a new weeks starts.
You can join the new week celebration every week at Alma Beach, close to Neve Tzedek in Tel Aviv.
Need a beach guide?
Check out our website and feel free to contact us.
Shalom, Salam, Cheers! 😎
3000 years of Jews is a lot of options for street names.
Diehard Zionist Bezalel Yafe got a little street named after him in Tel Aviv.
He did many things for the Jewish people and as director of the Geulah Land Company was responsible for the growth of Tel Aviv from just a few streets into a city.
Menno de Vries - tour guide in Israel takes a detour from Rothschild Boulevard, through Bezalel Yafe street, to the picturesque King Albert I Square, with the Pagoda House and beautiful Bauhaus style hotel The Norman Tel Aviv
It is a 360 video so you have to look to the right and left your self.
You can watch the complete (12 minute) video on
More 360 videos of Tel Aviv:
The Saxum Emmaus Trail is a hiking experience starting at Saxum Visitor Center, in Abu Ghosh, and ending at Emmaus Nicopolis Byzantine ruins. Enjoy 20 kilometers of nature and history while walking on Jesus' footsteps.
People that enjoy hiking, nature and history will find this plan interesting and attractive.
Saxum Visitor Center
+972-2-622-4100 | [email protected]
Temple Mount 360 visit
Join an online tour to the Mount of Olives! (donation based)
Register on
Today's tour: the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem
July 5th, start at 10PM Israel time which is:
9PM Amsterdam
8PM London
3PM New York
12PM Los Angeles
You can leave your donation for the tour guide via
On this video, glance to our new feature at online tours. Now we are also sharing 360 videos, that will be narrated live by your tour guide!
Enjoy this 1 minute 360 video walking from the Al Aqsa to the Dome of the Rock, place of the Temple with tour guide Amit Musaei Tour Guide in Israel
Correction: Holy Sepulcher not open for everybody.
Yesterday we posted a photo of worshipers waiting to enter the church with the text of the church leaders that the church would open again, for max 50 persons.
Because the church is shared by the Armenians, Greeks and Franciscans, there is no space for ordinary folks.
In the video you see the Armenians entering the church and after that the doors stayed close.
Join our online Jerusalem tour for free, sign up at
Rare whale shark spotted this morning in the Gulf of Eilat.
These sharks can reach 15 meters (50 feet) in length, weigh up to 34 tons (68,000 pounds) and reach 80 years.
They are supposedly not dangerous to humans.
Video taken by the Israel Parks Authority