Founder @14 The Hub Priyanka Ramani featured in the blog Kitchen Therapy by Kamini. Get a sneak peek to her recipe for superfood fudge bars on this vegetarian recipe blog filled with such fun ramblings on life, love and everything in general @kitchentherapyindia
#Repost Kitchen Therapy India
In Your Kitchen: Cooking with Priyanka⠀
Meet the very pretty Priyanka Ramani, digital marketer and founder of @14thehub, a cool shared co-working space geared towards freelancers and start ups. A fabulous creative writer with a background in fashion as well, Priyanka is multi-talented. Furthermore, she has a passion for food and travel. Today she shares her awesome recipe for healthy fudge bars, filled with superfoods to satisfy your sweet tooth. ⠀
Read more about Priyanka on the blog now! ⠀
Click on profile link.⠀
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