Join Free Photography Contest 3.0 of 414 Travels.
Standard Rules of 3.0 ;
Below are some standard rules that you can tweak as needed:
Photographer Must Be 14+ In Age & Resident of Kashmir Div. , However there is a relaxation for a Professional Photographer.
All photos must be original work, taken by the entrants.
No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
The photo must be in its original state and cannot be altered in any way, including but not limited to removing, adding, reversing, or distorting subjects within the frame or you can use the normal filter in your photos.
Violators will be removed from the contest, stripped of any prize(s), and banned from entering future contests.
Entries will not be accepted unless submitted via the official contest Form.
Entries not submitted through the proper channel will be deleted.
Entries will be judged by the Facebook or Instagram Users & Mainly By the 414 Travel Officials.
414 Travels reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform to stated contest rules.
By entering the contest, entrants agree that photos submitted can be used by the [414 Travels] for advertising purposes.
Submissions will not be accepted once the deadline lapses.
The prize must be collected by the winner and is nontransferable.
The winner will be contacted via the email address provided during entry.
If no response is received after [3] business days, a new winner will be selected and the previous winner will forfeit all rights to the prize.
Registration Link : Download The 414 Travels App / Register Directly On Below Url:
Play Store Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=app414.travels&hl=en_IN&gl=US
Mirror Link : https://414technologies.in/careers/
Note; All Further Information / Updates Will Be Shared With You Via Our Official YouTube Channel Namely 414 Travels / Official page Viz 414 Travels & Instagram Respectively.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/414Travels
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/414Travels
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/414Travels/
Contact Number; 9999123531 / 9149572760
WhatsApp: https://Wa.Me/+919999123531
WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LEcVQxsksBDBUoaca29kZO
Telegram: https://t.me/Official414Travels
Sponsored By : ©414Technologies
Thanks & Regards !
414 Team Officials