Aurangabad city had limited population in1950s and photo studios were on the finger count. Manual and time consuming practices like plate loading, exposing, developing, printing, film drying, glazing had no better alternatives. Over the period of time, Aurangabad started growing rapidly and simultaneously, the number of photo studios also increased. Every studio was operating individually and serv
icing the needs of Clientele. There was no united forum having organized and integrated approach which the profession was demanding. Photographers were facing lot of difficulties, professional & technical problems in there day to day working which use to remain unsolved due to lack of such common platform. Realizing the need of such integrated forum for photographers, who were striving individually for betterment in their services, some senior photographers conceived an idea of uniting all photographers to offer a common platform for discussions on the various aspects, and for exploring the prospects of photography and there by achieving professional excellence in their career. With this vision, a meeting was arranged in Parik hall on 2/9/1985.
74 photographers were present in this meeting which was presided by Colonel Modak. The objective of encouraging the photographers for developing their profession as an art was the subject with prime focus in the discussions. It was also decided to organize the workshops on various topics, to invite well known photographers for their valuable guidance and professional demonstrations and to arrange short tours to build a foundation for film society and art gallery. The Aurangabad Photo Club was founded. The following executive members were elected with the consent of all photographers. Nathprasad Dixhit, - President
Mr. Avinash Parmar - Vice president
Mr. Nandkumar Parik, - Secretary
Mr. Kumar Khekale - Joint Secretary
Mr. Dulipchand Sahuji - Treasurer
Mr. Colonel Modak - Adviser
After the establishment, Aurangabad Photo Club arranged various activities in the following year as decided in meeting. A visit to well known table top photographer Late Mr. Muse from Chalisgaon was arranged. His collection was a great visual treat enriched with thorough discussion on photography. photography at Jaikwadi Dam. A tour to Banglore was arranged on the occasion of 12th Photographers meet. Various activities are organized every year to motivate and inspire the photographers. In the course of time Aurangabad photo club was registered as Aurangabad Photographers Association now it is being recognized as APA
Today Aurangabad Photographers Association is striving continuously to promote, protect and fight for the rights of the member professionals. The APA offers its members a variety of membership benefits, including education, qualifications and informative regional seminars, meetings for the betterment in their career and to achieve the professional excellence.