6 reasons why new immigrants performing better in Canadian labour market ?
The report suggests six reasons for the general improvement in the labour market performance of new immigrants:
-More immigrants had university degrees;
-The strong labour market of the late 2010s may have benefitted immigrants more than Canadian-born workers;
-Federal and provincial programs aimed at immigrant workers, such as the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP), likely helped labour performance;
-Support services could have enhanced integration into the labour market; and
-Foreign credential recognition could have improved
Improved labour market information may have better helped immigrants prepare for the Canadian job market.
Room for improvement :-
There were also two reasons for the slower gains in relative wages compared to other labour market indicators:
challenges faced by immigrants in Canada such as discrimination, language barriers, and smaller social networks may have affected earnings more than employment; and job mismatching, where university-educated people work in a job that is unrelated to their studies, did not improve, which could explain why the relative wages of highly-educated immigrants did not improve.