!! Protect your hard earned money by staying away from “5 Crores in 5 years business’’!!
Have you ever received call from your friend / close relative / not so close relative / office colleague about some business opportunity? Then you must read it, it will help you in saving your hard earned money and 1 or 2 or may be 3 years of your precious life.
These guys are QNet IRs (Individual representatives); Basically QNet is a Network Marketing / Multi Level Marketing (MLM) / Pyramid Scheme / referral marketing / Binary scheme / Chain Marketing company. In India QNet is registered under Vihaan Direct Selling Pvt Ltd.
You cannot directly call it a scam; it might legally be a MLM or direct selling company. But If you ask me, its actually a scam / fraud / Get rich quick / Ponzi Scheme type Company but you can’t prove it because they have played smartly with law, They pretend to be like every other network marketing companies like AMWAY, HERBALIFE, ORIFLAME etc who sells daily use products.
In actual QNet IRs are fraud, they create hype about their E-commerce business and earnings and will never tell you that you will have to sell their product to earn commission (10-14% commission on product sell). And if you are not able to sell their even single product average priced 5-6 Lacs (product range is from 30k to 11 Lacs) vacation package / product then you can’t even earn a penny.
I will tell you (In short) basically how they cheat or fool Innocent people or find BAKARA,
1) Firstly after your Signup (means after starting business), they will tell you to make a name-list of minimum 500 people whom you know (Prospects), then divide name-list in to three type HOT, WARM and COLD, google more for same. Also tell you to write your 20 dreams.
2) Then they will force you to sign up your parents, spouse by taking loan, so that they will also earn some commission. They will tell stories about why you should sign up your parents. You are CEO of your company so you should give important positions to your dear ones.
3) Then they will give you 3-4 scripts, teach how to talk on phone call, how to get attention of people. They will conduct weekly trainings / meetings for this. They will tell you to buy new cloths, shoes, behave and talk like you are rich business person.
4) Then they will tell you to call your close relatives / friends (hot zones who trust you blindly) to send money for sign up, without telling them what this business is about. They even teach you how to talk on phone call for getting money. They will tell you to emotionally blackmail your hot zones for money and signup.
5) Then they will tell you to call daily to your WARM and COLD zones (daily 20 calls), they are mostly your not so close relatives, school friends, college friends, office colleagues.
6) In every call you will have to tell your friend how this business has changed your life, how you have achieved your dreams, how much happy and excited you are, you are earning handsome money; you are frequently travelling to foreign for business, how busy you are. They will tell you to lie on phone call (“Fake till you Make” is their mantra) that you are earning a lot; you can be millionaires within few years. Basically you will have to create hype about business, get your friend’s attention, and when he shows interest in business then call them on table (so called plan with senior business partner or Upline), In plan upline will show them big dream of earnings 5 crs in 5 years, make false promises. They will tell you to invest money in business based on your financial capability, but they will never tell you that in actual you are buying their one of useless vacation product worth 4-6 Lacs (up to 11 Lacs) or useless watch worth 2 Lacs. Investment amount varies for everyone, senior partner decides amount based on your salary and savings, and make sure that you take loan to start business. Because they know if your ass is on fire then only you will work for them and become their slave. Suppose if you can comfortably arrange 2-3 lacs then they tell you to invest minimum 6 lacs (up to maximum 11 lacs).
7) And once you signed up then continue same process of fooling people to recover your invested money. And at last you end up being unethical to your loved ones or friends.
8) Beware of this scam and protect your hard earned money, also tell your friend relatives about this fraud business.
For more details please visit my Facebook home page posts and photos or just google “QNet scam”, you will get 100s of stories of peoples who got duped / cheated for lacs of rupees.
If you need any further detail / help / have any query / you are also fooled by someone then just drop me message I will surely help you. I will also share my mobile no. in my profile soon.