TechBhubaneswar is an independently organized event, founded and inspired by Mindfire, in the year 2016. This has been designed to empower software professionals to explore new technologies and meet techies from a diversity of organisations. We are putting forward a baby step towards creating a bigger platform to celebrate the joy of sharing knowledge by connecting tech fanatics of varied ideologi
es to explore the ocean of technology and to give them a foresight of the expansive scope of technology. First impression of TechBhubaneswar was held on Sunday, 16th October, 2016 at Hotel Mayfair Convention, Bhubaneswar, which accomplished its aim with great success and pride. This year TechBhubaneswar2.0 has a lot more in store along with the technical and non-technical tracks. An exciting new technical track has been introduced this year with the theme of “Futuristic Technology”. This theme revolves around the fact that the world continues to be invaded by new technology everyday and how this may drastically bring in a change in our viewpoint of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and Mobile and Web Technology. We are thrilled to announce that we also have an “Expert Panel Discussion” on Futuristic Technology and its possibilities which comprises of a gripping discussion with the dynamic experts on the aspects of many interesting technologies. An avid team of core members have already begun the spadework to make TechBhubaneswar 2.0 an unparalleled opportunity to flaunt your technological skills and share your wisdom. With this note, we hope that TechBhubaneswar will evolve in its glory and will spread its wings in its future imprints. Following are the event details:
Date : 10th December 2017 (Sunday)
Time : 09:00 AM
Venue : Hotel MAYFAIR Convention, Bhubaneswar
For more details visit the page