Siwan Bihar

Siwan Bihar This is informational page The closest airport is Muzaffarpur Airport with a distance of 59.1 mi (or 95.1 km) west of the centre of Siwan. viz.

Siwan in State of Bihar with its 119,181 habitants is located in India - roughly 468 mi (or 753 km) East of New Delhi, the seat of the Indian government. Bakhari is one of the village where you can go for ANAND MATH, which is one of the most popular MATH OF baba jagrnath Das, every year on Rakhsha bandhan you can visit this place to see JAG organised by the villagers, it is 22 Km far from Siwan di

strict head quarter,

According to our records, there are 3 airports in the nearby. Have a look at our dedicated image collection to get an idea of what this places is like. The same applies for local and videos.Siwan, situated in the western part of the State, was originally a Sub-division of Saran District.The present district limits came into existence only in 1972. The total area of the Siwan district is about 2219.00 Sq. Km with a population of 27,14,349 as per the 2001 census. The district is bounded on the east by the Saran district, on the north by Gopalganj district and on the west and south by two districts of U.P. Deoria and Balia respectively.


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मेक इन इंडिया मिशन के तहत स्वदेसी को आगे बढ़ाते हुए आप लोगो के लिए हमने लांच किया है ये डुग डुग एंड्राइड मोबाइल एप्लीकेसन जहा आप अपने विडिओ अपलोड कर सकते , शेयर कर सकते है। यह ऐप पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित है।


मेक इन इंडिया मिशन के तहत स्वदेसी को आगे बढ़ाते हुए आप लोगो के लिए हमने लांच किया है ये डुग डुग एंड्राइड मोबाइल एप्लीकेसन जहा आप अपने विडिओ अपलोड कर सकते है, शेयर कर सकते है। यह ऐप पूरी तरह से सुरक्षित है।


पकरीबरावां (नवादा) खुद पर विश्वास हो तो हर चीज मुमकिन हो जाती है। यह साबित कर दिखाया है जिले के पकरीबरावां प्रखंड के...


बागपत की बेटी को सिविल सर्विस परीक्षा में मिला 183वां स्थान


पीएससी सिविल सेवा परीक्षा 2019 परिणामों में कुल 829 उम्मीदवारों का चयन हुआ है। सिविल सेवा परीक्षाओं की तैयारी में जुटे लाखों छात्रों के मार्गदर्शन एवं प्रोत्साहन के लिए जागरण लेकर आया है चयनित उम्मीदवारों की 25 सक्सेस स्टोरीज। इन सक्सेस स्टोरीज में यूपीएससी सीएसई 2019 टॉपर प्रदीप सिंह (AIR 1), मिस इंडिया फाइनलिस्ट और मॉडल ऐश्वर्या शिवराण, 26वां रैंक हासिल करने वाले प्रदीप सिंह और अन्य शामिल हैं।


The Siwan is a place where no means of NRC . CAA & NPR . All we are together..

बिहार के लाल और महान गणितज्ञ बसंत सागर के सम्मान में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय फाउंडेशन की स्थापना

बिहार के लाल और महान गणितज्ञ बसंत सागर के सम्मान में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय फाउंडेशन की स्थापना


जब लालू जादव का नितीश कुमार से समझौता हुआ था तो इस समझौते की पहली शर्त थी कि बिहार पुलिस के डीजीपी अभयानंद को तुरंत हटाना होगा और अपनी साख से समझौता करते हुए नितीश ने इस पर तुरंत अमल किया क्यूंकि अभयानंद को लालू बिल्कुल पसंद नही करते थे और इसी कारण 1990-2005 तक अभयानंद को सीआईडी/होमगार्ड/अग्निशमन जैसे विभागों में ही पोस्टिंग दी।
कम ही लोग जानते हैं कि बिहार से जंगलराज को समाप्त करने में अभयानंद का सबसे बड़ा योगदान था।नितीश जब 2005 में सीएम बने तो उन्होंने अभयानंद को एडीजी(मुख्यालय)बनाया और हर तरह के प्रयोग की छुट दी।सबसे पहले अभयानंद ने रिटायर्ड आर्मी जवानों को बहाल करते हुए 'सैप' का गठन किया और उन्हें कानून-व्यवस्था दुरुस्त करने को कहा,नतीजा तुरंत मिल गया।अपराधियों और नक्सलियों में सैप जवानों का अलग ही खौफ दिखने लगा था।इसके बाद अभयानंद ने ही सरकार को अपराधियों को तुरंत सजा दिलाने के लिए स्पीडी ट्रायल करने का सुझाव दिया,जिससे हजारों अपराधियों को सजा मिली और कानून का राज का माहौल बना।
आज की हालत ये है कि सैप जवानों को भी बिहार पुलिस की तर्ज पर ठेले वालों से मुफ्त में केले लेते और ट्रेक्टर वालों से दस बीस रुपया तसीलते आसानी से देख सकते हैं,स्पीडी ट्रायल नामक पराक्रमी पदार्थ कहाँ विलीन हो गया ये किसी को नही पता।इसके अलावा अभयानंद वाले उस महत्वपूर्ण पद पर लालू जादव की रजामंदी से उस अधिकारी की तैनाती हुई है जिसके गया में एसपी रहने के दौरान बारा जैसा जघन्य नरसंहार हुआ था।
और इन हालातों के बाद भी श्रीमान नितीश कुमार अपने चेहरे की दुहाई देते हैं कि मैं हूँ न,अरे आप समाप्त हो गए हैं चन्दन जी,कहानी ख़तम है आपकी।

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बिहार: सीवान में एक गांव ऐसा भी, जहां पैदा हुए 27 स्वतंत्रता सेनानी

बिहार के सीवान जिले के महाराजगंज में एक गांव ऐसा है जहां एक-दो नहीं, बल्कि 27 स्वतंत्रता सेनानी हुए। यह गांव है बंगरा, जहां के स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों ने देश की आजादी के लिए अपनी जान न्यौछावर कर दी।
महाराजगंज मुख्यालय से ठीक सटा है गांव बंगरा। स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के गांव के रूप में चर्चित। गांव के कई योद्धाओं ने मातृभूमि की आजादी के लिए अपने को कुर्बान कर दिया, तो कई ने अंग्रेजों की प्रताड़ना के बावजूद अपना सिर नीचा नहीं किया। फिरंगियों के दांत खट्टे करने वाले अमर शहीद देवशरण सिंह अंग्रेजी हुकुमत की गोली का शिकार हो गए। यही कारण है कि भारतीय स्वतंत्रता संग्राम के इतिहास में बंगरा गांव का नाम स्वर्णाक्षरों में अंकित है।
लोगों के बीच चर्चा होती है कि देश का शायद ही कोई ऐसा गांव होगा जहां 27 स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों की लंबी लिस्ट होगी। देवशरण सिंह के अलावा रामलखन सिंह, टुकड़ सिंह, गजाधर सिंह, रामधन राम, रामपृत सिंह, सुंदर सिंह, रामपरीक्षण सिंह, शालीग्राम सिंह, गोरख सिंह, फेंकु सिंह, जुठन सिंह, काली सिंह, सूर्यदेव सिंह, बमबहादुर सिंह, राजनारायण उपाध्याय, रामएकबाल सिंह, तिलेश्वर सिंह, देवपूजन सिंह, रघुवीर सिंह, नागेश्वर सिंह, शिव कुमार सिंह, झूलन सिंह, राजाराम सिंह, सीता राम सिंह, मुंशी सिंह व सुरेन्द्र प्रसाद सिंह ने देश की आजादी की लड़ाई लड़ बंगरा गांव की मिट्टी को धन्य कर दिया था।
गिरफ्तार नहीं कर सके, तो घर जला दिए
गोरख सिंह, सीताराम सिंह व राजाराम सिंह को अंग्रेज गिरफ्तार नहीं कर सके तो इनके घर फूंक डाले। बावजूद इनकी देशभक्ति में कोई कमी नहीं आई।
तीन आज भी हैं जीवित
सीताराम सिंह, मुंशी सिंह व सुरेन्द्र प्रसाद सिंह आज भी जीवित हैं। 96 वर्षीय सीताराम सिंह अंग्रेजों के जुल्म की कहानी सुनाते हैं तो रोंगटे खड़े हो जाते हैं। वे बताते हैं कि देशभक्तों ने अपनी कुर्बानियां देकर देश को अंग्रेजों के चंगुल से मुक्त कराया। हालांकि देश की मौजूदा परिस्थिति को देख जीवित स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के दिलों में टीस भी है। सीताराम सिंह कहते हैं कि आज देश में भ्रष्टाचार व घोटाला चरम पर है। राजनीतिक रोटी सेंकने के लिए नेता लोगों को आपस में बांट रहे हैं। देश में साम्प्रदायिकता का जहर घोला जा रहा है। बिजली, स्वास्थ्य, शिक्षा, कृषि, सड़क, पेयजल आदि के लिए लोग तरस रहे हैं। क्या ऐसे ही दिन के लिए अपनी जानों की बाजी लगा लोगों ने देश को आजादी दिलाई थी।
उमाशंकर बाबू ने किया था नेतृत्व
महाराजगंज में जब अंग्रेजी हुकूमत का विरोध शुरू हुआ तो नौजवानों की टोली का नेतृत्व उमाशंकर प्रसाद ने किया। नमक बनाओ आंदोलन, सत्याग्रह और अपने स्कूल में छात्रों को अंग्रेजों से लड़ने की शिक्षा देने के कारण अंग्रेजी हुकूमत ने उन्हें 1942 में देखते ही गोली मार देने का आदेश जारी किया था। इस आदेश के बाद उमाशंकर बाबू भूमिगत हो गए। भूमिगत होने के बाद उमाशंकर बाबू ने आंदोलन में लगे लोगों की आर्थिक सहायता देनी शुरू कर दी। 1928 में महाराजगंज पहुंचे महात्मा गांधी को 1001 रुपये की थैली उमाशंकर प्रसाद ने दी ताकि देश को आजाद कराने में धन की कमी न हो। इस राष्ट्र प्रेम को देखकर अंग्रेज सैनिकों ने उमाशंकर प्रसाद हाई स्कूल में आग लगा दी और उनकी दुकान लूट ली। आजादी के बाद देशहित में मुआवजा लेने से इंकार कर दिया।

बिहार: सीवान में एक गांव ऐसा भी, जहां पैदा हुए 27 स्वतंत्रता सेनानी

बिहार के सीवान जिले के महाराजगंज में एक गांव ऐसा है जहां एक-दो नहीं, बल्कि 27 स्वतंत्रता सेनानी हुए। यह गांव है बंगरा, जहां के स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों ने देश की आजादी के लिए अपनी जान न्यौछावर कर दी।


बिहार में बना बिना जोड़ का पहला तिरंगा

भारत की शान तिरंगा का मान बचाने के लिए स्वतंत्रता संग्राम में महान योगदान करने वाले बिहार ने आजादी के 67 वर्ष बाद एक और मील का पत्थर गाड़ दिया है। यदि इसपर संवैधानिक मोहर लग जाती है तो यह भी बिहार की महान उपलब्धी होगी। राजधानी पटना में पहली बार बिना जोड़ का तिरंगा बनाया गया है। मोतिहारी जिले के मधुबनी गांव में रहने वाले बुनकर सियाराम महतो ने यहां चल रहे शिल्पोत्सव में इस नायाब तिरंगा को आकार दिया है। उनका दावा है बिना जोड़ का तिरंगा इससे पहले कभी नहीं बना।

48 घंटे में हुआ तैयार

तीन फुट लंबे और दो फुट चौड़े तिरंगे की हरी, सफेद और केसरिया पट्टी तैयार करने में 130 ग्राम सूत और 48 घंटे की मेहनत लगी है। इस तिरंगे में 42-42 ग्राम हरा, सफेद और केसरिया सूत है। आकाशीय नीले रंग का अशोक चक्र चार ग्राम सूत से बना है। सियाराम महतो ने यहां उपेंद्र महारथी शिल्प अनुसंधान संस्थान में गत 14 दिसंबर से शुरू ‘शिल्पोत्सव-2014’ के पहले दिन यह तिरंगा बुनना शुरू किया था। प्रतिदिन छह घंटे बुनाई करने के बाद आठवें दिन तिरंगा तैयार हुआ। इस तिरंगे को बनाने की पहली कोशिश उन्होंने अगस्त 2013 में की थी। इस बार पूरी तरह कामयाब रहे।


List of Recently Appointed Heads of Important Organizations
1. President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee appointed Narendra Modi as Prime Minister of India.
2. Nripendra Misra appointed as Principal Secretary to PM Narendra Modi
3. Mukul Rohatgi appointed as 14th Attorney-General of India
4. Ajit Doval appointed as new National Security Adviser
5. R.M.Lodha: New Chief Justice of India. He is the 41st Chief Justice of India. He succeeds Justice P. Sathasivam.
6. Lt Gen Dalbir Singh Suhag: appointed new Army Chief. He succeed Gen Bikram Singh.
7. R Gandhi appointed Deputy Governor of RBI. He replace Anand Sinha
8. Robin K Dhowan: appointed New Navy Chief.
9. Arup Raha: New Air Chief Marshal. He succeeded NAK Browne.
10. Retired Air Chief N A K. Browne appointed new Indian envoy to Norway.
11. K Natarajan took over as 21st Command of Coast Guard Region (A&N)
12. A.B. Pandya appointed as the Chairman of Central Water Commission
13. Rajiv Mathur took over as the new Chief Information Commissioner in the Central Information Commission.
14. Hiroshi Naka appointed as Vice President and Auditor General of World Bank
15. Kavery Banerjee appointed as Secretary, Department of Posts.
16. Arvind Mayaram: Appointed new Finance Secretary. He replace Sumit Bose
17. Saurabh Chandra: New Oil Secretary.
18. Rajiv Takru: appointed Revenue Secretary
19. Sudhir Gupta: appointed new TRAI Secretary
20. Rajeev Kher: appointed new Commerce Secretary. He replace S R Rao
21. Ashok Lavasa: appointed Civil Aviation Secretary. He replace K N Srivastava.
22. Justice G. Rohini: become the first woman Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court.
23. Ila Patnaik: appointed as Principal Economic Advisor
24. Justice BS Chauhan appointed as the Chairman of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal as a successor of Justice NP Singh.
25. Rahul Kulshreshth appointed new Indian envoy to Turkey
26. Sunil Gavaskar: interim President of BCCI
27. G. Gopalakrishna: joined as director of Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning (CAFRAL).
28. Suresh Kumar Reddy appointed as the First ambassador to ASEAN
29. Ms. Lakshmi Swaminathan became the first Indian to become president of Administrative Tribunal of the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
30. Lalit Modi elected president of Rajasthan Cricket Association.
31. Arundhati Bhattacharya: SBI’s first woman Chairman
32. Akhilesh Gupta: elected as President of the Indian Meteorological Society
33. Tom Albanese: New CEO of Mining conglomerate Vedanta Resources:
34. Soma Mondal appointed first Women director of National Aluminium Company Ltd (NALCO).
35. Amitabh Kant, CEO and Managing Director of the Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation, take charge as Secretary, Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion.
36. Thomas Mathew: New Chairman of MCX Stock Exchange
37. D K Pathak: new Director General of the Border Security Force (BSF).
38. Sheila Diksh*t: New Governor of Kerala.
39. Dinesh Sarraf: appointed as Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC). He replaced Sudhir Vasudeva.
40. Gautam Bambawale: new Indian ambassador to Bhutan
41. Jude Felix: appointed coach of the National mens hockey team.
42. Yaduvendra Mathur : appointed as Chairman and Managing Director of Export-Import Bank of India (Exim Bank)
43. Rakesh Maria: appointed as a new Police Commissioner of Mumbai. He replace Satyapal Singh.
44. A L Banerjee. New DGP of UP (Uttar Pradesh): He succeeds Rizwan Ahmad.
45. Aditi Khanna became first women President of Indian Journalist’s Association
46. Mukul Mudgal: appointed as the new chairperson of Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC)
47. R.K.Tiwari: appointed as the new chairman of Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). He succeed Chairperson Sudha Sharma.
48. N. Srinivasan to be new Chairman of ICC from July 2014 onwards
49. Poonam Khetrapal Singh: appointed as Regional Director of World Health Organisation (WHO) South-East Asia Region
Note: i. SEARO is one of the six regions of World Health and its headquarters is in New Delhi.
ii. SERO has 11 countries namely India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Timor Leste and DPR Korea.
50. Justice Ashok Kumar Mathur: appointed Chairman of the 7th Pay Commission
51. T. Nanda Kumar: new Chairman of the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), replace Amrita Patel
52. Akhilesh Das Gupta re-elected president of the Badminton Association of India (BAI)
53. P. Madhusudan: appointed Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) of Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Ltd (RINL)
54. N Ramachandran: New President of Indian Olympic Association (IOA)
55. Ratan Tata appointed member of China-backed Board of Boao Forum for Asia (BFA)
56. Arvind Ranjan :appointed new Chief of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF)
57. J N Choudhury : appointed new Chief of National Security Guard (NSG).
58. Vinod Kumar Duggal: appointed as the Governor of Manipur. He replace Ashwani Kumar.
59. Siddarth Birla: New President of FICCI (Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry). He succeeded Naina Lal
60. Usha Sangwan appointed first woman managing director of Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC)
61. Sushma Singh New CIC (Chief Information Commissoner). She is the second woman to become CIC after Deepak Sandhu.
62. Harsh Bhanwala: New Nabard Chairman. Bhanwala succeeded Prakash Bakshi.
63. Krish Iyer named CEO of Walmart India. He replace Ramnik Narsey.
64. P.H. Parekh elected as the President of Supreme Court Bar Association.
65. Devendra Kumar Pathak: appointed as the Special DG, Border Security Force (BSF)
66. Justice B.S. Chauhan, a Judge of the Supreme Court appointed as the Chairman of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal. He succeed Justice NP Singh.
67. Narendra Kumar Verma selected as MD of ONGC Videsh Ltd
68. Harish Rawat: New Chief Minister of Uttarakhand
69. Anandiben sworn-in as first woman Chief Minister of Gujarat
70. Naveen Patnaik sworn-in as Chief Minister of Odisha for fourth consecutive term.
71. Pawan Chamling sworn-in as the Chief Minister of Sikkim for record 5th term
72. Jitan Ram Manjhi took oath as the Chief Minister of Bihar
73. Nabam Tuki sworn-in as the Chief Minister of Arunachal Pradesh
74. Rajeev Suri appointed as President and CEO of Nokia Corporation.
75. Financial Planning Standards Board India (FPSB) appointed retired Justice BN Srikrishna as its Chairman.
76. Rakesh Sethi appointed as CMD of Allahabad Bank
77. Jatinder Bir Singh appointed CMD of Punjab and Sind Bank
78. Satya Nadella appointed as CEO of Microsoft
79. Usha Ananthasubramanian appointed as CMD of Bharatiya Mahila Bank
80. Justice Ajit Prakash Shah appointed as Chairman of Law Commission of India.





District- Siwan

Siwan district is one of the district of Bihar State, India. Siwan town is the administrative headquarters of this district. Siwan district is a part of Saran division since 1972. The town is known for its great past especially for First President of Indian Republic who belonged to Jeeradei.

Administrative divisions-

· Sub Divisions: Siwan, Maharajganj

· Blocks: Mairwa, Pachrukhi, Raghunathpur, Andar, Guthani, Maharajganj, Darauli, Siswan, Daraunda, Husainaganj, Bhagwanpur, Hat, Goriyakothi, Baraharia, Habibpur, Siwan Sadar, Basantpur, Lakari, Nabiganj, Jiradei, Nautan, Hasanpur, Firozpur.

Nomenclature- Siwan derived its name from "Shiva Man", a Bandh Raja whose heirs ruled this area until Babar's arrival. As per Dr. Hoi the name is derived from the word “Shav-yan" connected with the period of Lord the Buddha, who in his way to Kushinagar from Vaishali at the fag end, stayed in village Pawagram now Papaur and felled seriously ill and lastly passed through this route. Still another view is that the word Siwan is derived from the word “SIMANT”. In hurry passed the boundaries of Magadh, Kaushal and Nepal Kingdoms touched the area. Maharajganj, which is another subdivision of Siwan district, may have found its name from the seat of the Maharaja there. Siwan is also known as Aliganj Sawan after the name of Ali Bux, one of the ancestors of the feudal lords of the area.

History- There is no trace of the history of Vedic Era but in Post Vedic Era it is said to be a part of Koshal Mahajanapada during 5th century BC and was one its sixteen Maha Janpads. In the sixteenth century this area was conquered by ruler of Magadh and it was after the demise of Ajat Shatru that Sishunag dynasty extended its route over Magadh including this area and Gupta Dynasty rulers. During 650 to 750 A.D. the area of Siwan as said went under Chinese rulers and when Pal Dynasty wielded power in Bengal, King Dharampal brought Siwan under his Empire. Siwan was a part of Banaras Kingdom during 8th century. Some times thereafter this area was ruled by Gujjar Pratihar Kings and around 1116 A.D. It came under the rule of Garhwal King of Kannauj “Govind Chandradeo”. During 12th to 14th century when major portion of India was ruled by Muislim rulers, Siwan continued to be under Hindu rulers but for during the rule of Tughlak Emperors it came under the rule of Muslim King of Bengal. Sikandar Lodi brought this area under his kingdom in 15th century. In 1526 Babar defeated Ibrahim Lodi. He evaded Bengal and reached upto Guthani some 30 Kms. Away from Siwan but under the district of Siwan. Babar crossed Ghaghra River near Siswan in his return journey. During the reign of Moghul emperor Akbar, area of Siwan was covered under Saran, which was one of the six Sarkar for collection of land revenue. Akbar did consolidate but after him again gradually Siwan went under the rulers of Bengal.

As the legend goes, Dronacharya of Mahabharat belonged to village ‘DON’ in Darauli Block. At the end of 17th century, the Dutch came here first followed by the English. After the battle of Buxar in 1764, Siwan (Saran) became a part of Bengal in 1765. Around the period foreign companies started coming in India, East India Company was one of them. In 1757 King of Bengal Sirajuddaula lost to East India Company was allowed tax free business in Bihar, Bengal and Orissa and after the war of Buxar in 1734 the entire area of Siwan went under the rule of company and it was christened as “Sarkar Saran” with its headquarter at Chapra. Siwan played an important role during first independence movement. Since ancient times, the region was famous for the stalwart and sturdy ‘Bhojpuries’, who have always been noted for their martial spirit and physical endurance and from whom the army and police personnel were largely drawn. A good number of them rebelled and rendered their services to Babu Kunwar Singh during movement of 1857. The anti pardah movement in Bihar was started by Sri Braj Kishore Prasad who belonged to Siwan in response to the Non Co-Operative movement in 1920. A big meeting was organised at Darauli in Siwan District on the eve of the Kartik Purnima Mela under the leadership of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, who had thrown away his lucrative practice as an advocate in the Patna High Court at the call of Gandhiji. In the wake of this movement Maulana Mazharul Haque, who came in Siwan to stay with his maternal uncle Dr. Saiyyad Mahmood, had constructed an ashram on the Patna-Danapur road, which subsequently became Sadaquat Ashram.

The next phase of the Non co-operation movement known as the Civil Disobedience movement of 1930, was fully supported in Siwan. In connection with the Satyagrah Movement Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru made a whirlwind tour of the different parts of Bihar. One of the famous meetings he addressed was at Maharajganj. A few persons of present Siwan District played an important role in the attainment of independence and rose to the national level. Shaheed Sarai formally called Jublie Sarai in British Raj holds an important place in history of Siwan. The sarai was a hub for the pro independence ignited minds and it is the place where three soldiers of independence died in British firing. Hence, it was named Shaheed Sarai. One of the most prolific writers of India, Pandit Rahul Sankritayayana, started peasant movement here between 1937 and 1938. During visit to Champaran Mahatma Gandhi and Madan Mohan Malviya visited Siwan and Gandhiji even spent a night at Ziradei in the house of Dr. Rajendra Prasad. The chowki on which he slept then is still kept intact there.

The history of Siwan cannot be completed without referring to certain places and persons. Village Done, the place of Guru Dronacharaya, Suhagara giving the glimpse of the reign of Banasur in form of the ‘Shivling’ and temple established by the great King. Ziradei the birthplace of Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the Ist President of Independent India, Srinagar the place of Babu Braj Kishore Narayan, Kabirpur and Mohammadpur the birth places of two great patriots Maulana Mazaharul Haque and Dr. Syed. Mahamood. The most important name of Ras Bihari Lal alias Khaki Baba who in 1898 established ‘Arya Samaj’. The other luminary is Khudabaksha Khan of village Ukhai, the founder of Khudabux Oriental Public Library at Patna. A recently excavated marvelous statue of Lord Vishnu at Village Bherbania from underneath a tree indicates that there were large numbers of followers of Lord Vishnu in the area. Some believe Siwan to be the place where Lord Buddha died.

Creation of District & area- The major changes in the jurisdiction of the district were creation of Siwan as district and the changes resulting there from due to implementation of Trivedi Award on 10 June 1970. The award resulted substantial alteration of jurisdiction of the district. Siwan was being declared as a district in 1972 in which it was proposed to include 10 blocks of Gopalganj and 13 blocks of Siwan subdivisions. Two blocks Bhagwanpur and Basantpur of Siwan were declared to be added to the jurisdiction of proposed Marhaura subdivision. But after one year later in 1973 Gopalganj was made a separate district with its 10 blocks included in Siwan earlier and thus Siwan constituted its original 15 blocks including Bhagwanpur and Basantpur blocks. Trivedi Award was implemented on 10 June 1970. Thereby fourteen villages of Siwan having an area of 13,092 acres (52.98 km2) were transferred to U.P. and twelve villages of U.P. with an area of 6,679 acres (27.03 km2) were transferred to Siwan. The basis of this transfer was the position of Ghaghara River in 1885. After 1885, the course of the river changed from time to time resulting in intermixing the areas of U.P. with those of Siwan. Hence, the position of 1885 was taken to be the base and those transfer were made accordingly. Before the Trivedi Award, the boundary of Siwan with U.P. was flexible with the course of the river. After the Award, this boundary was fixed by installing pillars on the conspicuous points, the maintenance of which is done by Govt. of Utter Pradesh and the administration of Siwan as per the provisions of the Awards. Thus after this Awards, the so far flexible boundary of Siwan vis-a-vis U.P. on both banks of Ghaghara river was given a stability. Presently four more blocks have been created namely Lakri Nabiganj, Nautan, Jiradei and Hasanpura block. Out of these newly created blocks Lakri Nabiganj is functional and rests of the three are not functional. Thus, there are sixteen functional blocks in the district.

Geography- The global location of Siwan District is between 25° 53' to 26° 23' North latitudes and 84° 1' to 84° 47' East longitudes. Siwan covers an area of 2219 km². The district headquarter of Siwan, having same pronunciation, is located on the eastern bank of river Daha. Siwan is situated in the western part of North Bihar. It is bordered byGopalganj District in the north and by the river Ghaghara in the south beyond, which lies the Ballia district of Uttar Pradesh. In the east of Siwan lies Saran District while Deoria District bounds it from the west. According to the 2001 census the population of Siwan District is 27,14,349 out of which rural and urban population are 2,055,466 & 115,505 respectively. The Literacy Rate in the district is 51.65%. Siwan has distinction of having highest s*x ratio among districts of Bihar (1069 female/ 1000 male). The district forms a part of the alluvium of the broader Indo-Gangetic Plain. This region is marked by some typical geographical formations like 'Chaurs' and 'Draras'. The southern part of the district along river Ghaghara is marked by ‘Draras’, which are typical formation of the sand heaping with thin layer of clay and silt over them. Alluvium and dilution Rae the important works of river Ghaghara in this part, where by boundary problems are created leading to transfer of land to and from the district.


· Don: The Don village under Darauli block has remnants of a fort which is said to be connected with the famous Acharya Dronacharya, the guru of both Kaurav's and Pandav's. Dona's stupa is a lesser-known but popular Buddhist pilgrimage site, despite its isolated location. The Buddhist traveler Hiuen Tsang mentions a visit to Don in his account of his travels in India. He describes the stupa as being in ruins. The account of Dona's distribution of Buddha's ashes and being given the vessel is a mentioned in the end of the Mahaparinibbana Sutta, which is described in Maurice Walsh's The Long Discourses. Presently Dona's stupa is a grassy hill and has a Hindu temple built over it. Nearby is an exceptionally beautiful statue of Tara now being worshiped as a Hindu goddess. This statue was carved in the 9th century A.D. After the Buddha's cremation a dispute arose as to how his ashes should be divided. Eventually a Brahmin named Dona was given the task and he did it to the satisfaction of all the eight claimants. As a reward for his services, he was given the vessel in which the ashes had been collected and from which he had divided and he announced that he would enshrine this vessel in a stupa. This stupa later became a popular destination with pilgrims. When Hiuen Tsiang went there it was already in ruins but it still sometimes emitted a brilliant light. Don can be visited by road from Siwan, a major railway station on Gorakhpur–Guwahatiroute. Private vehicle is advised, as road condition beyond Siwan is very bad. Alternatively, this place can be visited by road in a day trip from Kusinara via Gopalganj.

· Mehandar: Mehandar (near by Birti village) is in Siswan Blcok has beautiful temples of Lord Shiva & Lord Vishwakarma. The place is visited not only by the people of the locality on the Shivaratri day & Vishwakarma Puja but also by the all over places. It is known for its temple and a pond scatted over an area of more than 500 bighas. It is said that one Nepal king built these and took his bath in the pond and got his leprosy cured.

· Amarpur: Amarpur village is situated at 3 km. West of Darauli. Ruins of the mosque of red bricks are still available in this village on the bank of river Ghaghara. This mosque was build during the reign of Mughal Emperor Shahjahan (1626–1658) under the supervision of the Naib Amar Singh but the work was left incomplete. The village derived its name from the builder of the mosque Amar Singh.

· Mahpur: Shaheed Baba Ki Mazar, Purab Tola Bazar, Mahpur settled on a planned way on the banks of River DAHA.

· Faridpur: Situated just near Andar, Faridpur is the birthplace of Maulana Mazharul Haque who played an important role during the freedom movement. Sadaquat Ashram in Patna originally belonged to him. He was a symbol of Hindu Muslim unity during freedom movement of India.

· Hussain Ganj:9 KM form Siwan, this is a historical resattlements of the Zamindars who escaped from the British annexures from Banda Dist(UP) to Hussianganj. settled on a planned way on the banks of River Gandak. The haveli which is a mini fortess like with its mediaeval construction using red bricks(Lahori Bricks) and massive walls and Structure is maintaind till date by its inhabitants.

· Darauli: A block headquarter now is said to be have been founded after the name of Dara Shikoh the elder son of the Emperor Shahjahan. Its name was Daras Ali, which later on was changed into Darauli. There is reminiscence of Mughal period ruins where a big mela is held every year on the Kartik Purnima.

· Hasanpura: It is a village in the Hussainganj block. It is said that Makhdum Sayyad Hasan Chisti, a saint who came from Arabia to India and settled here, found it. He founded a Khankhah too.

· Lakri Dargah: It is the place of pilgrimage for the Mohammedans. The village is so called because it contains the tomb (Dargah) of a Mohammedan saint, Shah Arjan of Patria, in which there is some good woodwork. The story runs that the saint, attracted by the solitude of the place, performed a Chila here, i.e., gave himself up to religious contemplation for 40 days. He also set up a religious establishment, which was endowed by the Emperor Aurangzeb. The anniversary of the saint's death is celebrated the 11th of Rabi-us-sani every year which attracts a large crowd.

· Mairwa Dham: A block headquarters now, there is a celebrated Brahma Asthan, locally known as Hari Baba ka Asthan, the shrine having been built over the relics of the saint. There is also a mound called Chananriyam Dih from an Ahirni woman who is now worshipped in a shed built in front of the Dak bungalow, which occupies the top of the mound. The shrine is on the bank of the Jharhi River and fairs are held in Kartik and Chaitra months. There is also a l***r home at Mairwa known as Kustha Sevasram, which is doing useful work.

· Ziradei: It is a village in the Hussainganj Block. Dr. Rajendra Prasad, the first President of the Indian Republic, belonged to this village.

· Maharajganj: A block headquarters now, it was also called Basnauli Gangar. It is the largest bazaar in the district. This was the place where great hero of Indian Independence Movement, Shri Phulena Prasad centralised his activity and fought against the British.

· Bhikhabandh: A village in Maharajganj Block, there is a big tree under the shade of which Bhaiya-Bahini temple is situated. The story runs that these brother and sister fought Mughal sepoys in the 14th century and died here in course of fighting.

· Famous shrines of Siwan Town: Baba Ajagaib peer, Hussain ka karbala, kali Mandir, Mehendra Nath mandir,

· Bagaura: Bagaura is village in Darundha police station were encestor of Shri Koslendra Prasad Sahi ruled from centuries.

· Piyaur:Piyaur is situated at a distance of 16 km.south of Siwan. This place is located on the bank of river Daha and comes under Raghunathpur constituency. Piyaur has its own panchayat which includes Deipur,Basantnagar,Jhaua,Kabilpura and Ujraha. According to Census 2001,TRU is Rural,total population is 3054.Census Village Code is 01665700. Piyaur's anchal karyalaya(Block) has been changed from Hussaingunj to Hassanpura.Now the block is Hassanpura and police station is M.H.Nagar(Mazhar-ul haque Nagar)Hassanpura.Mahatma Gandhi said,"India is a country of villages,one needs to see our country,visit to a village of this country".To my mind,Piyaur has become a bright dream of M.K.Gandhi.Indeed,Piyaur is being to be an ideal village and progressing by leaps and bounds.This village is known for their literacy rate growth. Piyaur has generated a number of persons who have been living abroad such as Canada, London, Iran, Kuwait, UAE and KSA etc.(Written by M.Minhajuddin).

· Bilashpur...Bilashpur is 16 km west far Siwan and 2.5 km east to Mairwa Dham. Near by railway line.

· Khalispur-A village,5 km from siwan town, must to visit. There is a very long minaret(13floor height), fully covered with tiles, and that village is having all facilities and maintain all standard which a small city possess.

· Punak The first Indian chief engineer of bihar's native village punak is one of educated and developed village ofSsiwan district.

· Pachlakhi:It is the birth place of Phulena Prasad and situated 10 KM far from the district headquarter

· Nadiyon:It is a village known for lala kamala laal, a renowed zamindar of british later came to support of indian movement.he is also known for his quarrel with benipuri and rahul sanskrityan

· Bhawrajpur:

· Sarari: It is the place of pilgrimage for the Hindus.where a big mela is held every year on the Dashhara (Navratra).which attracts a large crowd. and big mela is held every friday (Mohammad Alamgir, Kapia Hatta.

· Ukareri it village near 1 km from the Ghaghra river. A big fair is organized every year seven days after Diwali. This fair is called chhath pooja.


· Khuda Baksh Khan - Born on 2 August 1842 in Ukhai, 7 km from Siwan. His immense collection of books and manuscripts gave birth to Khuda Baksh Oriental Public Library in Patna.

· Dr. Rajendra Prasad - A close associate of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawahar Lal Nehru is the icon of Siwan. After independence, he became first president of India.

· Maulana Mazharul Haque - Veteran mass leader and Symbol of Hindu -Muslim Unity during independence movement of India.

· Shri Braj Kishore Prasad

· Allama Jamil Mazhari,Renowned urdu scholar.

· Padma Shri Prof. Hasan Askari, Historian.

· Paigham Afaqui, Urdu novelist. His novel Makaan is a landmark in Urdu literature. His other books Mafia, a collection of short stories and Darinda (collection of poems) are important contributions to Urdu Literature.

· Sant Kumar Verma : His books were, 'Babu' first biography on Dr. Rajrndra Prasad. Ghag aur Unki Kahawatein, and many more books and stories in Bhojpuri

· Baidyanath Pandey: "Rayees". The name "Rayees" was the love of Siwan which was been honored to Baidyanth Pandey.The legendary personality who ware always there to needy persons.He belong to Zamindar gharana where there was no lack of wealth.He contributed with his life to provide a better future for the people of Siwan. Some footmarks are still foundable in the form of "Baidyanath Pandey Sanskrit Mahavidyalay" an institute which is dedicated for Sanskrit Study affilited from "Darbhanga University"





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