Unlike any other cab operators we also provide cab services. But how, this is what we want to serve. We want our customers to step out of the cab with a satisfying, respected, dignified & professional travel experience and of course with that ALL SMILES. How it all started:
I am Vinod Kumaar V, C.E.O and founder of Vinod’s Cab Company’. I am an IT professional with 13 years of experience from dif
ferent domains. During the deserted period of my career, I decided to go with my passion. I always wanted to become an “Entrepreneur”. But in which field? Well, frankly speaking I did not make a big list and went straight ahead with travels business. From childhood I carried a big passion for travelling and driving. I was very clear not to take chances in this business as the chances of making the tiniest mistake could end my dream come true. So, I decided to by a cab and ended up as a driver. Drove hundreds of thousands of KMs for a vendor in an IT company. Started learning the pros and cons of this business. Observed the behavior of my co-drivers with staffs/customers. How the drivers were treated in turn. Made a note of all the scenarios and experiences. Made it a habit, I shouldn’t end up being treated like any other ordinary driver by my customers/staffs and vice versa. Well-ah, I saw an incredible transformation sooner than I expected. And it was more welcoming and rewarding as a driver. This behavior and understanding gave me the confidence to go ahead with my own set up. I did not make big profit or profit at all. From what I have learnt with my own experience of what I could do, I decided to start “Vinod’s Cab Company”. That is how it all started. I want to make that big difference to my career, to my cab operators and also to my customers. My motto:
I want to provide my services to firms who work on 9 – 5 timings and 5 days a week to begin with. It gives us both time and focus which is needed to grow successfully. I want to provide a very satisfying service to my clients. Just like I carry the responsibility to provide good service, I carry the responsibility to take care of my team as well who runs the show on my command. I want them to feel proud of their work environment and not just work, work and work. I want my team to make time for their families, time to take care of their health and needs and stay focused when then return to work. What are we trying to achieve as a start-up? Well, our target audience - SME’s / SMB’s. Our marketing strategy is simple - Social media networks. But we are not planning to depend on one source. We have plans to go viral with paper ads, flyers and any other means of marketing to spread our business. We are trying to keep the known circle informed of who we are? What we do? Taking the privilege in asking them to help us by sharing our business motto in their known circles, to their organizations and to others who are willing to use our cabs for transportation. How much do you have to pay? Our tariff is premium because I have the responsibility to provide you the service you will value. I can guarantee you with confidence we will make you feel - valued, happy, come again customer. What are we expecting as a start up? Give us the responsibility, we will do our responsibility. Give us an opportunity, we give dedication. All that we are asking for is an opportunity. We are selective in what we want to do and what best we can do in the chosen field. Unlike any other cab operators we are not interested in running a big show in this very beginning stage. We want to build our client base steadily with good reputation. We are pleased to offer our services in the following areas – Airport transfers, Client pick-up and drop, Point pick up and drop for staffs, cabs for event managers, consulting firms, hotels, and international tourists. If you are reading this – Hop aboard, let us do the driving, travel in peace and become a satisfied customer. Thank you very much! Don’t just stop with reading my passion. Please pass the word, give us business opportunity and help us grow and grow with us indeed. Yours Sincerely,
For Vinod’s Cab Company,
Vinod Kumaar V
C.E.O & Founder,