In the vast expanse of the Himalayas, amidst the rugged terrains of Pithoragarh lies a sacred sanctuary revered by pilgrims and seekers alike. The Holy Mountain Aadikailash, also known as "Chota Kailash," stands proudly among the Panch Kailash, symbolizing the abode of Lord Shiva, the divine dweller of the Himalayas.Nestled in the tranquil embrace of nature, Aadikailash shares an uncanny resemblance with its renowned counterpart, Mount Kailash
Uttrakhand the heaven on earth. Uttrakhand Tourism
Sujal Sarovar a high altitude lake on panpatiya col trek, and in the back drop we can see Mighty Chawkhambha.
Mountains beckon the adventurous spirit, whispering tales of challenge and triumph. In their majestic heights, we find not just peaks to conquer, but the profound discovery of our own resilience." #mountainscape #adventure #travel
Embracing the vibrant hues of Kashmir in autumn 🍁 Nature's masterpiece painted in shades of gold and crimson. #KashmirDiaries #AutumnSplendor
How do you feel when you see such serene place surrounded with giant mountains ?
Blessings to all of you from Baba kedar ! 🙏
Prakateshwer Shiv Gufa
Today on the way to Uttarkashi, we visited Prakateshwer madev, a beautiful under ground limestone cave, where we can see various figures related to Lord Shiva are formed naturally.
Magnificiant Budamadhyamaheswer
I thought, just 1 photo is not enough to capture the beauty of this magnificent place Budha Madhyamaheswer(3,476m). So here is a short video.
The magnificence and grandness of Chaukhamba massif can be felt closely here. In the backdrop other peaks are Mandani , karchkund and kedarnath.