Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty

Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty The Gurjara-Pratihara dynasty was an imperial power during the Late Classical period on the Indian s History

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मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियों ने भारत के धर्म व संस्कृति को नष्ट करने और यहाँ पर अपनी इस्लामिक संस्कृति को थोपकर जबरन हिन्दुओं क...

मुस्लिम आक्रमणकारियों ने भारत के धर्म व संस्कृति को नष्ट करने और यहाँ पर अपनी इस्लामिक संस्कृति को थोपकर जबरन हिन्दुओं को मुस्लिम बनाने की प्रक्रिया को लागू करने के उद्देश्य से भारत पर आक्रमण करने आरम्भ किए थे । भारत पर सबसे पहला आक्रमण इस्लाम की ओर से 638 ईसवी में किया गया । सन 712 में किए गए मोहम्मद बिन कासिम के आक्रमण से पहले इस्लाम के 9 ख़लीफ़ाओं या आक्रमणकारियों ने भारत पर 15 आक्रमण किए थे , जो कि सारे के सारे असफल रहे थे। जब भारत में गुर्जर प्रतिहार शासक शासन कर रहे थे तो उन्होंने बहुत ही मजबूत इच्छाशक्ति के साथ अपने पूर्ण पराक्रम , शौर्य और वीरता का प्रदर्शन करते हुए इन विदेशी इस्लामिक आक्रमणकारियों को भारत की सीमाओं पर ही रोकने का सराहनीय कार्य किया था ।

प्रतिहार , परमार , चालुक्य ,चौहान , तंवर , गहलौत आदि वंशों को पूर्ण गुर्जर तथा गहरवार , चंदेल आदि वंशों को ( गुर्जर पिता व अन्य जातियों की माताओं से उत्पन्न ) अर्द्ध गुर्जर मानने वाले प्रसिद्ध इतिहासकार श्री आर.डी. बनर्जी ने अपनी पुस्तक ‘प्रीहिस्ट्रीक, एनशिएंट एंड हिंदू इंडिया’ के ‘दी ओरिजिन ऑफ दी राजपूतस एंड द राइज ऑफ़ जी गुर्जर एंपायर’ – नामक अध्याय में गुर्जर प्रतिहार सम्राटों द्वारा देश व धर्म की रक्षा में अरब आक्रमण के विरुद्ध किए गए संघर्षों का उल्लेख करते हुए लिखा है कि ‘गुर्जर प्रतिहारों ने जो नवीन हिंदुओं अर्थात राजपूतों के नेता थे , उत्तर भारत को मुसलमानों द्वारा विजय करके बर्बाद किए जाने से बचाया तथा इसी प्रकार सारी जनसंख्या को मुसलमान बनने से बचा लिया।’

इस टिप्पणी में डॉ आर.डी. बनर्जी द्वारा जो कुछ कहा गया है उसमें दो बातों पर विशेष रूप से ध्यान देने की आवश्यकता है – एक तो वह कहते हैं कि राजपूत नवीन हिंदू थे और उनके नेता गुर्जर थे । दूसरे वह हमें यह भी बताते हैं कि गुर्जरों के शौर्य और पराक्रम के कारण इस्लाम के आक्रांता उत्तर भारत में अपनी योजना में सफल नहीं हो पाए । जिसका परिणाम यह निकला कि उत्तर भारत की जनसंख्या मुसलमान होने से बच गई । जहाँ तक उनके द्वारा राजपूतों को ‘नवीन हिन्दू’ कहे जाने की बात है तो इससे राजपूतों के प्राचीन होने का भ्रम समाप्त हो जाता है और यह बात फिर पुष्ट हो जाती है कि मध्यकाल में राजपूत हमारे सभी क्षत्रिय वर्ण के लोगों का एक प्रतिनिधि शब्द बन गया था। जबकि उत्तर भारत का इस्लामीकरण न होने देने में गुर्जर शासकों के महत्वपूर्ण योगदान को श्री बनर्जी द्वारा स्पष्ट किए जाने से गुर्जर शासकों की वीरता , शौर्य और पराक्रम का हमें पता चलता है । साथ ही साथ गुर्जरों के इस महान कार्य से उनकी देशभक्ति और संस्कृति के प्रति समर्पण का भाव भी स्पष्ट होता है । जिसके चलते इस्लामिक आक्रमणकारी भारतवर्ष में भारतीय लोगों के इस्लामीकरण करने की अपनी योजना को क्रियान्वित नहीं कर सके। सचमुच गुर्जर शासकों का यह कार्य बहुत बड़ा है । जिसके लिए भारत की आने वाली पीढ़ियां भी उनकी ऋणी रहेंगी ।

डॉ. एल. मुखर्जी ने ‘भारत के इतिहास’ में लिखा है कि ”गुर्जर प्रतिहार वंश भारत का अंतिम साम्राज्यवादी हिंदू राज्य वंश था , जिसने अरब आक्रान्ताओं का डटकर मुकाबला किया और अपने जीते जी उन्हें भारत में घुसने नहीं दिया।”

Muslim invaders started invading India with the aim of destroying the religion and culture of India and imposing their Islamic culture here and forcibly implementing the process of converting Hindus to Muslims. The first invasion of India was done by Islam in 638 AD. Before the invasion of Mohammed bin Qasim in 712, 9 caliphs or invaders of Islam had made 15 attacks on India, all of which were unsuccessful. When the Gurjara Pratihara rulers were ruling in India, they did a commendable job of stopping these foreign Islamic invaders from the borders of India, showing their full might, valor and valor with a very strong will.

The famous historian Shri R.D. In the chapter titled 'The Origin of the Rajputs and the Rise of the Gurjar Empire' of his book 'Prehistoric, Ancient and Hindu India' - the struggles made by the Gurjara Pratihar emperors against the Arab invasion in the defense of the country and religion are mentioned. While writing that 'Gurjara Pratiharas, who were the leaders of the new Hindus, ie Rajputs, saved North India from being conquered and ruined by the Muslims and thus saved the entire population from becoming Muslims.'
In this comment, Dr. R.D. In what Banerjee has said, two things need special attention - one is that the Rajputs were new Hindus and their leaders were Gujjars. Secondly, he also tells us that due to the bravery and might of the Gurjars, the invaders of Islam could not succeed in their plan in North India. The result of which was that the population of North India was saved from being a Muslim. As far as he called Rajputs 'New Hindus', this dispels the illusion of Rajputs being ancient and confirms again that in medieval times Rajput became a representative word for all our Kshatriya Varna people. went. Whereas we come to know of the valor, valor and valor of the Gurjar rulers by clarifying by Shri Banerjee the important contribution of the Gurjar rulers in not allowing the Islamization of North India. At the same time, this great work of Gujjars also shows their sense of patriotism and devotion to culture. Due to which the Islamic invaders could not implement their plan to Islamize the Indian people in India. Truly this work of Gurjar rulers is very big. For which the coming generations of India will also be indebted to him.
Dr. L. Mukherjee has written in the 'History of India' that "Gurjara Pratihara dynasty was the last imperialist Hindu state dynasty of India, which resolutely fought the Arab invaders and did not allow them to enter India while they were alive."

The Gurjara Pratihara Empire (Hindi: गुर्जर प्रतिहार) formed an Indian dynasty that ruled much of Northern India from th...

The Gurjara Pratihara Empire (Hindi: गुर्जर प्रतिहार) formed an Indian dynasty that ruled much of Northern India from the 6th to the 11th centuries. At its peak of prosperity and power (c. 836–910 CE), it rivaled the Gupta Empire in the extent of its territory.
Pointing out the importance of the Gurjara Pratihara empire in the history of India Dr. R. C. Majumdar has observed, "the Gurjara Pratihara Empire which continued in full glory for nearly a century, was the last great empire in Northern India before the Muslim conquest." This honor is accorded to the empire of Harsha by many historians of repute but without any real justification, for the Pratihara empire was probably larger, certainly not less in extent, rivaled the Gupta Empire and brought political unity and its attendant blessings upon a large part of Northern India. But its chief credit lies in its successful resistance to the foreign invasions from the west, from the days of Junaid. This was frankly recognized by the Arab writers themselves.
Historians of India, since the days of Eliphinstone, has wondered at slow progress of Muslim invaders in India compared to their rapid advance in other parts of the world. Arguments of doubtful validity have often been put forward to explain this unique phenomenon. Now there can be little doubt that it was the power of the Gurjara Pratihara army that effectively barred the progress of the Muslims beyond the confines of Sindh, their first conquest for nearly three hundred years. In the light of later events this might be regarded as the "chief contribution of the Gurjara Pratiharas to the history of India”.

Puranas and inscriptions or what they wrote in Sanskrit, read about Gujjar or Gurjara caste. Only two Kshatriya castes a...

Puranas and inscriptions or what they wrote in Sanskrit, read about Gujjar or Gurjara caste. Only two Kshatriya castes are mentioned in the Puranas. Gurjar (Gurutara) and Yadav (Ahir) In the Puranas, Gurjars and Yadavs have been described as the real Kshatriyas of India. Brahma Vaivarta Purana puran in page 373 line 9 describes the battle of Gurjara caste kings with Parashurama ji.

Parashurama, the sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, destroyed the Kshatriyas 21 times. After all, what happened that Lord Parashuram had to destroy this dynasty, not once or twice but 21 times, there is a legend about it in the Puranas. In the battle, all the arms of Sahastrajun were cut and he was killed. Then Sahastrarjun's sons reprimanded his father Jamadagni in the absence of Parashurama. ... This terrible incident enraged Parashurama and he vowed - "I will die by destroying all the Kshatriyas dynasty".

This great caste originally derived its name from the word 'Gurutar' such as Pt. Chhot Lal Sharma (famous archaeologist and historian). 'Maharaja Dasaratha' was called 'Gurudar' in the Ramayana by Valmiki. It means "a very high-class king". Which was changed to Gurujan and later to Gurjar. Gurjars are one of the oldest castes in India Pandit Vasudev Prasad, a famous Sanskrit pandit from Banaras, has proved through ancient Sanskrit literature that the word "Gujjar" was spoken after the names of the ancient, Kshatriya other Sanskrit scholar Radhakanta believes that the Gujjar word for Kshatriya Were. Scientific evidence has proved that Gujjar belongs to Aryans Rana Ali Hussain writes that the word Gujjar is derived from the word Gurjar or Garjar, which is used in the Ramayana by Maharishi Valmiki. Valmiki has written in the Ramayana, "Gato Dasharat Swarggyo Gartaro" - meaning King Dasharat who was a Kshatriya among us, went to heaven. Puranas are said to be 6000 to 10000 years old, and the Puranas have written about the Gujjar caste.Gurjar was an Arya who lived in India for thousands of years Tanwar (Tungad), Pratihar, Parmar (Pawar), Chauhan, Chalukya, Chandel (Chandila), Bhati, Solanki, Rawal, Khatana, Bhadana, Kalchuri Like all these were branches of gujjar who ruled different kingdoms of India.

Jat Gujjar, Ahir, Yadav who together would naturally be a huge, mighty all-purpose united force in the country. The 4 castes' "barey-boorey" (elders) have agreed that yes, it is time for all 4 (above) castes to end inconsequential centuries old (barbaric) war of (inconsequential) superiority + battle for supremacy and be 1 in the spirit of united we stand and a big might, divided we instantly fall.

The Carved stone sculpture of goddess Ganga on vehicle is Makra. on Door Pillar. , , Pratihara dynasty Art Period., 10th...

The Carved stone sculpture of goddess Ganga on vehicle is Makra. on Door Pillar. , , Pratihara dynasty Art Period., 10th Century A.D., from North India. , Currently on display in National museum Delhi.

Thanks / Cr. Fb. Chu Alister 29 12 2013.



The bardic tradition of Rajasthan claims that theGurjara Pratiharas, Chalukyas, Parmaras, and Chahmanas were born out of...

The bardic tradition of Rajasthan claims that theGurjara Pratiharas, Chalukyas, Parmaras, and Chahmanas were born out of ayajna done at Mount Abu. Therefore, these four dynasties are also known asagnikulas(fire-clans). The four dynasties were created for the protection of the country from external aggressions.

The literary meaning of Pratihara is ‘door keeper.’ It is believed that their ancestor Lakshmana served as a doorkeeper to his brother Rama. Therefore, they were calledPratihara.

Nagabhata I(r. c. 730-760 CE)was an Indian king who was the real founder of the fame of theimperialGurjara Pratihara dynasty. During this period, Imperial Pratihara took the title of Maharajadhiraja of Āryāvarta (Great King of Kings of India).He ruled the Avanti (or Malava) region in present-day Madhya Pradesh, from his capital at Ujjain. He has extended his control over the Gurjara country, which includes parts of present-day Gujarat and Rajasthan. He repulsed an Arab invasion from Sindh, probably led by Junayd ibn Abd al-Rahman al-Murri or Al Hakam ibn Awana.


गुर्जर समुदाय को गुज्जर, गूजर, गोजर, गुर्जर, तथा गूर्जर इत्यादि नामों से भी जाना जाता है। संस्कृत के विद्वानों के अनुसार, गुर्जर शुद्ध संस्कृत शब्द है, जिसका अर्थ 'शत्रु का नाश करने वाला' अर्थात 'शत्रु विनाशक' होता है।

"Gurjar" is a sanskrit word which has been explained thus: Gur+Ujjar;'Gur' means 'enemy' and 'ujjar' means ' destroyer'. The word means "Destroyer of the enemy".







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