Well, " MakeAwishTrip.Com " follows a marketplace model that connects you directly with several large and small-scale trusted suppliers. So, you may choose between a well-known DMC* in India, that professional surfer on the coast of Kerala you did not know about, who offers a unique personal experience at half the price. Both of these are put on the same pedestal, in a competitive environment, whi
ch ensures you pay only for the best price and services. Customization: At " MakeAwishTrip.Com" there is only one boss: you! You choose, you create, you tweak, you accept, you reject, you demand. And we deliver... in real time, at any hour of the day! We firmly believe in a world that empowers you, the traveler, the explorer, the nomad, with flexibility of choices and options galore." MakeAwishTrip.Com" then, is a smart tool which allows you to make, modify, save, share, discuss, consult and, finally, book your dream vacation. All of this and more in one place, in one go!
>Booking with Ease: Not only will our destination experts assist you in booking your vacation, they will also act as your real-time holiday companions (only when you require them, of course!). Our special 'Live Chat' feature will be available to you for us to answer all your queries, anytime, anywhere, even during your holiday. Quite simply, we're always only a click away!