Häfele appliance brings about panache, sophistication and above all great functionality to your daily chores. It augments flexibility, co-ordination within the kitchen and can be completely compatible with the overall look and design of your kitchen cabinets. Häfele introduces path breaking kitchen innovations in the form of designer hobs, cooker hoods, ovens, microwaves, deep fryers, barbeque gri
lls, wine cellars, refrigerators, dishwashers and a host of laundry solutions like washing machines and dryers. Häfele’s range of appliances can be categorized under two parent brands - Häfele’s ICONIC and NAGOLD by Hafele. Häfele brings to you leadership and authority in reigning technologies from around the world through its collection of ICONIC appliances. The Häfele ICONIC series simply symbolizes the ‘Best of the best’ and only the most exclusive and advanced products strategically procured from global leaders in the appliance technologies have been included in this range. The NAGOLD series of home appliances constitutes the trademarked Häfele excellence in quality and functionality and is backed by a strong value proposition for the customers. Every appliance from the Nagold range is ‘future ready’ and has been carefully selected to provide you with the latest trends and technologies prevalent in the international market.