Express Entry Update - Draw # 229 Sees 2250 ITA’s Issued at a CRS cut-off of 525.
50% Increase in the Number of ITA’s seen as compared to the July 6th Draw, when all-programs Express Entry draws resumed after a gap of almost 18 months.
In the latest round of Express Entry draw held on August 17th, IRCC has invited 2250 candidates at a CRS score of 525 or above. This is 250 ITA’s more than the previous draw held on Aug 3, while the CRS score requirement also dropped by 8 points, from 533 to 525.
Since the resumption of the normal all-program Express Entry draws on July 6th this year, IRCC has issued 7500 ITA’s in all, and while IRCC invited only 1500 candidates in the July 6th draw, they have increased this number by 50% in just four rounds of invitation as they invited 2250 candidates in the latest draw held on August 17. Moreover, the CRS scores have also seen a steady decline from 557 on July 6 to 525 in the latest round.
Proposed Express Entry Changes – IRCC is already working on their plans to implement major changes in the way Express Entry draws will be held from 2023 onwards. According to proposed changes, IRCC will be able to conduct occupation and skills specific Express Entry draws in future, rather than simply going by a candidates CRS score. This will allow IRCC to target those candidates who are able to immediately contribute to the needs and requirements of the labour market as well as the community they are going to move to, while also setting up the candidates for success as soon as they land in Canada.
This clearly looks like a Win-Win formula for both the new immigrants as well as Canadian labour market, and it would be interesting to see how this positive development unfolds in the next couple of months.
If you are also interested in immigrating to Canada and looking for an experienced and trusted consultant, please get in touch with us at: +91 9310385606 | https://crosssettleimmigration.com/express-entry.php