The visionary and the chief architect of Sorokasoft is Mr. Sorokasoft was established by a professional team headed by Mr. Prem Chand with his several years of hands-on experience on RF / Microwave Communication Systems, ATE, EW, Embedded Systems & Software has setup a technical & management team, serving the needs of our clients. We are an ISO 9001:2008 Company. Our Process streamline provides us
a structured approach for revisiting, reviewing and improving the internal effectiveness and efficiency of a process while also evaluating and improving its value to our client. Understanding the needs of Clients and their expectations with regards to the service levels have helped us adopt a unique approach to cater to their requirements. Adopting Process oriented methodology helped us focus on the set of skills and mechanisms used to efficiently and effectively implement policy, planning and management activities that involve group of people interacting, often in decision-making thereby accomplishing desired outcomes. This phenomenon would help us realize CMM level accreditation very soon. For a company to maximize its operational efficiency and revenue growth it must be able to treat and leverage the data they have access to as a "strategic asset". SOROKASOFT has skilled information workers that concentrate on enabling all areas of the organization with intelligence. We adopt a "continuous improvement" philosophy that concentrates on maximizing the performance of customer’s operational functions, impacting customers in a positive way thus making appropriate making decisions that ensure higher ROI for the customer. We are dedicated to constant improvement and enhancement of our services. Each client is a valued customer, and an opportunity for us to improve the delivery of our services.