STOP KILLING AND . Eating meat can result into & can result into your death. See What happens, is that while Animal is killed by Butcher, animal starts to develop and secrets dangerous hormones in his body, due to fear of death. This dangerous hormones stored and remains in animal body even after animal is killed and cut. Those dangerous hormones that were present in animal cells and body, transmits to your body when you eat the meat of that animal. And then those dangerous hormones entered in your body develops carcinoma cells in your body that results in Cancer, which majority of time is medically not curable and definitely results in your death.
That's the reason, many Butcher houses in makes animals senseless even before killing them so that animals don't enter in fearful conditions and starts secreting those dangerous cancer creating hormones. But those Butcher houses don't understand that this animals secreates enough cancer causing hormones inside their bodies due to fear, even in the state of senseless drowsiness.
Therefore, eating meat is calling .
Even You can research on internet on meat, processed meat and cancer and you will understand.
The best way to avoid cancer is by eating means Lab grown meat, which is produced by culturing animal cells in vitro lab. As this meat is developed in laboratories and do not need killing of animals. So no question of animal body developing dangerous hormones due to fear and creating cancer in your colon.
We hope you have understood and you will share and circulate this information to your near and dear one's for their good life and health.
Thank you,
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Article by Health Desk,
Voice of the People International