approved guide plz call on this no. +919829465506
"Amber Fort is located in Amber (Jaipur), which used to be the capital of the Kachhwaha clan, till Jaipur was made the official capital in 1727 Amber Fort is located in Amber (Jaipur), which used to be the capital of the Kachhwaha clan, till Jaipur was made the official capital in 1727. The crystal mirror image of the Fort, on the still waters of
the lake, seems to be a beautiful illusion. Amber Fort is usually pronounced as Amer Fort. In 1592, construction of the Fort was started by Raja Man Singh I. However, the Amber Fort took its present form during the reign of Raja Jai Singh I. The outer appearance of the Fort, being rough and craggy is totally different from its core. The interior of the Fort provides a soothing and warm ambience, which is least expected from its outer appearance. The marvelous decoration of the Amer Fort is influenced by both, the Hindu and Muslim manner of ornamentation. Exquisite paintings of hunting scenes on the walls depict the temperament of the Rajputs, who were adventurous, revolutionary and self-indulgent. The intricate carvings on the walls and ceilings simply astonish the visitors. The minute mirror work adds to the grand appearance and royalty of the halls. The Amer Fort undoubtedly captivates the tourists with its artistic quality of delicate work. The mighty walls guarantee the protection of the Fort against the invasion of the enemies. The Fort is divided into four subparts. Kali Temple, which is also known as Shila Devi Temple, forms the part of the Fort. It is renowned for its glorious past, huge silver lions and silver doors. The Hall of Public Audiences, Diwan-I-Aam is a pavilion with double row of columns. Ganesh Pol, another feature of the Fort, directs the way to the inhabited apartments of the King. The Hall of Victory, Jai Mandir has a stunning ceiling comprised of mirror work and an inlaid panel. The Fort has numerous other halls and pavilions with their own specific attraction. The best part of this tourist attraction situated on a crafty hill, is the royal elephant ride. The flawless beauty of the Fort can be enjoyed royally with an elephant ride. Amber/Amer Fort is the part of Jaipur and its royalty. A trip to Jaipur would be definitely incomplete, without the visit to this imperial Fort of Amber." Amber is located at a distance of 11 kilometers from Jaipur and was the old fort of the Kachhwaha clan of Amber, which used to be the capital, till it was moved to Jaipur. The construction of the Amber Fort began in the year 1592 and was started by Man Singh I, but it was finished by his descendant Jai Singh I. The exterior of the Fort is not in the least like its interiors. The outside is very imposing and rugged looking whereas the inside is a comforting and warm interior which is influenced by both Hindu and Muslim style of ornamentation. On the walls, are paintings depicting various hunting scenes, and there is also a lot of work on walls,
which are covered with intricate carving, mosaic and minute mirror work that make the halls look very majestic and imperial. The fort is built with white marble and red sandstone and look even more attractive because of the Maota Lake in the foreground. The fort in itself is a beautiful sight to behold but as one looks on the fort with its clear reflection on the lake in the front, one cannot help but wonder if it is a dream or a beautiful illusion. Amber Fort also called the Amer Fort is a must-see if you are visiting Rajasthan. The tourists to this fort can either approach the fort by road or take an elephant ride, which though is quite slow yet is a lot of fun.
''आमेर''' [[जयपुर]] नगर सीमा मे ही स्थित उपनगर है ,इसे [[मीणा]] राजा आलन सिंह ने बसाया था,कम से कम ९६७ ईस्वी से यह नगर मौजूद रहा है ,इसे १०३७ ईस्वी मे [[राजपूत]] जाति के [[कच्छावा]] कुल ने जीत लिया था। आमेर नगरी और वहाँ के मंदिर तथा किले राजपूती कला का अद्वितीय उदाहरण है। यहाँ का प्रसिद्ध दुर्ग आज भी ऐतिहासिक फिल्मों के निर्माताओं को शूटिंग के लिए आमंत्रित करता है। मुख्य द्वार गणेश पोल कहलाता है, जिसकी नक्काशी अत्यन्त आकर्षक है।यहाँ की दीवारों पर कलात्मक चित्र बनाए गए थे और कहते हैं कि उन महान कारीगरों की कला से मुगल बादशाह जहांगीर इतना नाराज़ हो गया कि उसने इन चित्रों पर प्लास्टर करवा दिया। ये चित्र धीरे-धीरे प्लास्टर उखड़ने से अब दिखाई देने लगे हैं। आमेर में ही है चालीस खम्बों वाला वह शीश महल, जहाँ माचिस की तीली जलाने पर सारे महल में दीपावलियाँ आलोकित हो उठती है। हाथी की सवारी यहाँ के विशेष आकर्षण है, जो देशी सैलानियों से अधिक विदेशी पर्यटकों के लिए कौतूहल और आनंद का विषय है।
नाम का स्रोत:
कुछ लोगों को कहना है कि अम्बकेश्वर भगवान शिव के नाम पर यह नगर "आमेर" बना, परन्तु अधिकांश लोग और तार्किक अर्थ अयोध्या के राजा भक्त अम्बरीश के नाम से जोड़ते हैं। कहते हैं भक्त अम्बरीश ने दीन-दुखियों के लिए राज्य के भरे हुए कोठार और गोदाम खोल रखे थे। सब तरफ़ सुख और शांति थी परन्तु राज्य के कोठार दीन-दुखियों के लिए खाली होते रहे। भक्त अम्बरीश से जब उनके पिता ने पूछताछ की तो अम्बरीश ने सिर झुकाकर उत्तर दिया कि ये गोदाम भगवान के भक्तों के गोदाम है और उनके लिए सदैव खुले रहने चाहिए। भक्त अम्बरीश को राज्य के हितों के विरुद्ध कार्य करने के लिए आरोपी ठहराया गया और जब गोदामों में आई माल की कमी का ब्यौरा अंकित किया जाने लगा तो लोग और कर्मचारी यह देखकर दंग रह गए कि कल तक जो गोदाम और कोठार खाली पड़े थे, वहाँ अचानक रात भर में माल कैसे भर गया।
भक्त अम्बरीश ने इसे ईश्वर की कृपा कहा। चमत्कार था यह भक्त अम्बरीश का और उनकी भक्ति का। राजा नतमस्तक हो गया। उसी वक्त अम्बरीश ने अपनी भक्ति और आराधना के लिए अरावली पहाड़ी पर इस स्थान को चुना, उनके नाम से कालांतर में अपभ्रंश होता हुआ अम्बरीश से "आमेर" या "आम्बेर" बन गया।
How to Reach Amber Fort
Amber fort and palace is a 10-minute steep climb through Jai pol (Gate of Victory) from Amber/Ambar/Amer, 11 km from Jaipur on the Delhi- Jaipur Road. Facilities available for elephant back ride up to Amber fort. By Air: Jaipur is connected to Delhi (300Km), Mumbai, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Aurangabad, Calcutta and Varanasi by domestic flights. By Train: The train service to Jaipur is available from all the major parts of the country. By Road: Jaipur can be accessed from all the major places in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Delhi and Mumbai by bus. for jurney n tour treval n hotel for amer and jaipur so plz contct us Anil jha 09829465506