Pt.Rajendra Purohit

Pt.Rajendra Purohit Pt.RAJENDRA PUROHIT, a renowned astrologer, numerologist, and a great face reader.

He is serving people since 1982 with this invaluable gift of God named Astrology. He inculcated the feeling of faith in astrology among the people of India and for this he is being honoured and praised many a times by the people of India. Infect he got the membership in, "All India Federation of Astrologers society". He also started a newspaper of astrology in some areas of Rajasthan (India). Apar

t, he is also honoured by the title, "PRACHARYA" (Delhi) and he is also the master of great astrology named, "Krishna Murti Paddati", through which one can get his future know even without his horoscope. It is his the biggest achievement and honour ever received in this field. Today with the God’s grace, he is not stick himself to this limit only but spread his area all over the world in the fields of Vedic astrology, numerology, face reading, palmistry, stone therapy and color therapy etc. And today with the love and blessings of people, he is here to share his experience of 25 years with you all people and along with his sharing, he wishes to have a share in your problems, so he can help you people with his huge experience of predicting future through astrology and its various ways. It is his privilege to take all your problems upon himself and in return it will be his pleasure to give you all the happiness and joys in your life. So, come and lets begin your feet in the world of future with none other than, a great astrologer and the master of K.P. PADDATI, Pt.Rajendra Purohit and make the best use of his services. For Online Query :

आज का राशिफल -Pt.Rajendra Purohit Room No.12,Geeta Bhawan,Jodhpur-342003,Rajasthan,INDIATalk to Astrologers 9828128117- ...

आज का राशिफल -Pt.Rajendra Purohit
Room No.12,Geeta Bhawan,
Talk to Astrologers 9828128117- 9214028117

आज का राशिफल -Pt.Rajendra Purohit Room No.12,Geeta Bhawan,Jodhpur-342003,Rajasthan,INDIATalk to Astrologers 9828128117- ...

आज का राशिफल -Pt.Rajendra Purohit
Room No.12,Geeta Bhawan,
Talk to Astrologers 9828128117- 9214028117

आज का राशिफल -Pt.Rajendra Purohit Room No.12,Geeta Bhawan,Jodhpur-342003,Rajasthan,INDIATalk to Astrologers 9828128117- ...

आज का राशिफल -Pt.Rajendra Purohit
Room No.12,Geeta Bhawan,
Talk to Astrologers 9828128117- 9214028117
Aries : Quarrelsome day with disrespect and misbehavior, Stay focused. Stars want to test your level of patience. Spend time with family and loved ones and don’t let the useless arguments distract you. Pray to god and believe that every night will bring a beautiful day.

Ta**us : The luck of draw is with you today. Your hard work will result you happiness, wealth and good income. It is a good day as all phases will be at your side , but keep calm and think twice before making any decision.

Gemini : The day starts well. This is a great day for all good things. Fortune, family, romance, creativity, and all the zing that makes the day awesome are here. Self satisfaction and mental harmony will be make you feel happy and calm.

Cancer : The mood will be lighter and you will make events in your favor, there will be good earning. Your mind will be occupied by good things like money, good food, jewelry and fruitful journey

Leo : Sorrows and joys will be the warp and woof of your day. It is a restless day. Loss, disrespect can deter you but don’t allow them to do so. Care in relationship is must. Pray to God and be kind to yourself.

Virgo : A day of all kinds of communication and travel is highlighted, explore yourself. Family, selling- buying, home all likely issues will occupy your mind and heart. Good news will knock at your doors. Earning will be good.

Libra : A great day you are on the top of the pile, no situation will deter you. Children, hobbies and creativity are emphasized. Fame, victory, success like words will occupy your day. As you will be in public eye. Keep calm and enjoy.

Scorpio : There is spirituality; fulfillment, education, in-laws, and prestige are going to take your time today. It is a day with no free time, giving success. Benefits from governing sources.

Saggitarius : The day is not so good for you today. Wait for tomorrow to make decisions if urgent think twice. Injury, accident, disharmony will try to make you discomfort. Be patient, because it is the dark before the brightness

Capricorn : Family, finances, food, buying and selling, functions and property will occupy your day fully. It is a busy but beneficial day on the whole. Income growth or any benefit from governing source can make your profit. It is a healthy and wealthy day.

Aquarius : The possibilities are endless and exciting. This is a period with romance, children and creativity. Good news is waiting for you. You are truly on a high

Pisces : It is a peaceful and normal day. You will be welcoming guests, new knowledge, good news and related issues. Wealth and happiness are in your side. Spend time for family, children and loved ones. The time is for love, romance and to show care. Keep calm and fly with love.

आज का राशिफल -Pt.Rajendra Purohit Room No.12,Geeta Bhawan,Jodhpur-342003,Rajasthan,INDIATalk to Astrologers 9828128117- ...

आज का राशिफल -Pt.Rajendra Purohit
Room No.12,Geeta Bhawan,
Talk to Astrologers 9828128117- 9214028117
Aries : दिन आपके और आपके प्रियजनों के लिए अच्छा है क्योंकि सितारे आपके लिए सुख, समृद्धि और अच्छी आय लाएंगे। परिवार और दोस्तों के साथ समय बिताएं, आनंद देने वाला रहेगा। एक स्वस्थ और समृद्ध दिन यहाँ है।

Ta**us : आपके द्वारा एक आत्म संतुष्टि और सद्भाव महसूस किया जाएगा। अपनों के साथ आप अपना समय बिताएंगे। परिचित लोगों से कोई शुभ समाचार मिलने के योग हैं। यह एक सामान्य लेकिन सामंजस्यपूर्ण दिन है क्योंकि यह आपको मानसिक सद्भाव और शांति देने वाली रात देगा।

Gemini : मूड हल्का रहेगा और आप घटनाओं को अपने पक्ष में करेंगे, अच्छी आमदनी होगी। धन, अच्छा भोजन, आभूषण और फलदायी यात्रा जैसी अच्छी चीजों में आपका मन व्यस्त रहेगा

Cancer : आप महत्वाकांक्षी होंगे, कभी-कभी निर्दयी भी। आपका विवेक धन, वैभव, आय, पारिवारिक यात्रा और अच्छे भोजन की ओर आकर्षित होगा। यात्रा और अच्छी कमाई के साथ अब दायरा चौड़ा हो गया है।

Leo : प्यार, दोस्ती, परिवार, बातचीत, यात्रा और अच्छी आमदनी आपका दिन बना देगी। कई और विविध चीजें घटित होंगी। लेकिन शांति से सब कुछ संभाल लें अति उत्साहित न हों। आपके लिए कमाई का दिन है।

Virgo : अच्छा समय आना शुरू हो गया है और इसलिए इसका भरपूर लाभ उठाएं। प्रयास करने के लिए विजय आपका इंतजार कर रही है। तनाव रहेगा, लेकिन धैर्य रखें और फोकस्ड रहें। किसी अधिकारी से लाभ मिलने के योग हैं।

Libra : आप आम तौर पर बहुत अधिक खर्च करते हैं और अच्छी तरह से जीने की संभावना रखते हैं और उसी के लिए दिन समर्पित करेंगे। बड़ी रकम खर्च करते समय सावधान रहें। दिन अच्छा है और आपके लिए अधिक लाभ लेकर आएगा। आपके मन और आत्मा में आध्यात्मिकता का संचार होगा। सितारे कहते हैं शांत रहो।

Scorpio : स्वास्थ्य, करों, दुर्घटनाओं, कानूनी मामलों, ऋण आदि पर प्राथमिक जोर देने से यहां कुछ परेशानी होती है। परिवार के साथ समय बिताएं और उन चीजों से दूर रहें जो आपका ध्यान भटकाती हैं। सावधान रहें और शांत रहें।

Saggitarius : परिवार, वित्त, भोजन, दृश्य-विक्रय, कार्य और संपत्ति आपका दिन पूरी तरह से लगे रहेंगे। कुल मिलाकर जुड़ा हुआ है लेकिन फ़ायदेमंद दिन है। आय में वृद्धि या सरकारी स्रोत से कोई लाभ आपका मुनाफ़ा कर सकता है। यह एक स्वस्थ और समृद्ध दिवस है।

Capricorn : दिन लाभ लेकर आ रहा है, धनवान होने के साथ-साथ स्वस्थ भी रहेंगे। आप प्रसिद्धि, प्रचार और गतिविधि के बवंडर में शामिल होने जा रहे हैं, बस ज्वार के साथ चलें।

Aquarius : एक मिश्रित बैग निश्चित रूप से। आप आत्मविश्वास और आकर्षण से ओतप्रोत हैं, और हिट हो रहे हैं। अच्छा समय आ गया है। प्रगति आपके जीवन में प्रवेश करने के दिन की प्रतीक्षा कर रही थी। आपका तन-मन परिवार, घर और प्रियजनों के लिए समर्पित रहेगा।

Pisces : स्वास्थ्य, धन और सुख के लिए दिन अच्छा रहने वाला है। आपके ज्ञान में कुछ नया जुड़ेगा। मेहमान आपसे मिलने आ सकते हैं और आनंद दे सकते हैं। कुल मिलाकर दिन सामान्य और शांतिपूर्ण है


General Introduction: This Rudraksha is said to be the incarnation of lord Shiva. It renders Bhukti and Mukti both. The person, who wears it, becomes pious and free from sins and gets the blessings of God. It is very rare and helps the person succeed in his undertakings. He will have all

Hindu calendar is lunar based, i.e, it depend

Hindu calendar is lunar based, i.e, it depends on the phases of the moon. In it, the day starts with local sunrise. It is allotted five "properties", called angas. They are:
Tithi (one of 30 divisions of a synodic month) active at sunrise
Vaasara, vaar (ravi-vaar, som-vaar, etc.) or weekday
Nakshatra (one of 27 divisions of the celestial ecliptic) in which the moon resides at sunrise
Yoga (one of 27 divisions based on the ecliptic longitude of the sun and moon) active at sunrise
Karana (divisions based on tithis) active at sunrise.
Together these are called the panchangas.
It is the one of the 12 zodiac constellation. All the objects of the solar system pass through these. There are twelve rashi names, there are twelve lunar month names. When the sun transits into the Mesha rashi in a lunar month, then the name of the lunar month is Chaitra. When the sun transits into Vrishabha, then the lunar month is Vaishakh. So on.
A lunar day. Named in sanskrit, amavasya and purnima and prathama, dvitiya, etc . As tithi changes the phase of the moon also changes
Paksha: A lunar month is divided in two pakshas. Shukla paksha size of moon increases. Tithi changes from Amavasya to Purnima. Waxing phase. Krishna paksha size of the moon decreases. Tithi goes from Purnima to Amavasya. Waning Phase.
Visti (Bhadra)

Hindu calendar is lunar based, i.e, it depend

विजयादशमी पर्व (विजय मुहूर्त्त 14:20 से 25:07

विजयादशमी पर्व (विजय मुहूर्त्त 14:20 से 25:07, बुद्ध जयंती, आयुध पूजा, अपराजिता व शमी पूजा, नवाश्व पूजा) की शुभकामनाये (18 अक्टूबर 2018 - राजस्थान)
18 अक्टूबर 2018 :-
जम्मू-कश्मीर का पश्चिमार्ध (कठुआ, अनन्तनाग, राजौरी, ऊधमपुर, जम्मू, श्रीनगर, बारामूला आदि), हिमाचल प्रदेश का पश्चिमार्ध (शिमला, सोलन, डलहौजी, ऊना, नंगल, नालागढ़, मण्डी, कुल्लू, मनाली, बिलासपुर, चम्बा, धर्मशाला, कांगड़ा, हमीरपुर आदि), पंजाब, हरियाणा, चण्ड़ीगढ़, दिल्ली, राजस्थान, मध्य प्रदेश का पश्चिमार्ध (उज्जैन, इन्दौर, भोपाल आदि), गुजरात, पूर्वस्थ कुछ भाग के अतिरिक्त सम्पूर्ण महाराष्ट्र, दमन, दीव, गोवा, कर्नाटक, केरल, आन्ध्रप्रदेश का पश्चिमार्ध तथा लगभग सम्पूर्ण तमिलनाडू आदि।
19 अक्टूबर 2018 :-
महाराष्ट्र में नागपुर, चन्द्रपुर, गोण्डिया, गढ़चिराली आदि, बंगाल, बिहार, उड़ीसा, असम, अरुणाचल प्रदेश, नागालैण्ड, मणिपुर, मिजोरम, म्यांमार, त्रिपुरा, बांग्लादेश, मेघालय, भूटान, नेपाल, सिक्किम, बिहार, छत्तीसगढ़, देहरादून, हरिद्वार, बरेली, अलीगढ़, कासगंज, महोबा, खजुराहो, जबलपुर, विजयवाड़ा, गुंटूर, चेन्नई आदि।

विजयादशमी पर्व (विजय मुहूर्त्त 14:20 से 25:07

*06 - Oct - 2018 *Jodhpur, India *Panchang

*06 - Oct - 2018
*Jodhpur, India

* Tithi Dwadashi 16:42:04
* Nakshatra Magha 17:10:49
* Karana :
Tetil 16:42:04
Gar 27:22:47
* Paksha Krishna
* Yoga Subha 23:48:30
* Day Shanivara

*Sun And Moon Calculations
* Sun Rise 06:32:14
* Moon Rise 28:23:59
* Moon Sign Simha
* Sun Set 18:19:39
* Moon Set 16:38:59
* Ritu Sharad

*Hindu Month And Year
* Shaka Samvat 1940 Vilambi
* Kali Samvat 5120
* Day Duration 11:47:25
* Vikram Samvat 2075
* Month Amanta Bhadrapada
* Month Purnimanta Ashwin

*Auspicious/Inauspicious Timings
*Auspicious Timings
* Abhijit 12:02:22 - 12:49:31
*Inauspicious Timings
* Dushta Muhurtas :
06:32:14 - 07:19:23
07:19:23 - 08:06:33
* Kantaka/Mrityu 12:02:22 - 12:49:31
* Yamaghanta 15:11:01 - 15:58:10
* Rahu Kaal 09:29:05 - 10:57:31
* Kulika 07:19:23 - 08:06:33
* Kalavela 13:36:41 - 14:23:51
* Yamaganda 13:54:22 - 15:22:48
* Gulika Kaal 06:32:14 - 08:00:39
*Disha Shoola
* Disha Shoola East

*Chandrabalam And Tarabalam
*Tara Bala
* Ashwini, Bharani, Kritika, Mrigashirsha, Punarvasu, Ashlesha, Magha, Poorva Phalguni, Uttara Phalguni, Chitra, Vishakha, Jyeshta, Moola, Poorva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha, Dhanishta, Poorva Bhadrapada, Revati
*Chandra Bala
* Mithuna, Simha, Tula, Vrishchika, Kumbha, Meena

*06 - Oct - 2018 *Jodhpur, India *Panchang

RAJENDRA PUROHIT is the UK best, top and spe

RAJENDRA PUROHIT is the UK best, top and specialist Astrologer, Palmist, Face READER , love problem Spiritual Healer & black magic removal expert. He specializes in bring back individual and family members connections and introducing shed love back into your life. RAJENDRA PUROHIT can reunite you with your shed love & he could reunite your broken partnership. Everyone is interested to recognize exactly what is entering their life and just what visiting be happen in future, for this Uk good astrologer RAJENDRA PUROHIT is always there to with you solutions to all your query .

What can be more peace-giving than associating with a spiritual guru who not only offers help in finding out the best solutions for numerous problems faced by a person in life but also acts as a pillar of strength who can be relied upon in any situation. Many people get completely devastated with problems in life such as personal and family relationships that are at breaking point, losses in business, black magic removal services etc. Various other spiritual healer services offered by RAJENDRA PUROHIT are yearly predictions; new company launch desires evaluation, specialist in k.p.astrology , and Vastu consultation.
A whole lot of peoples face numerous issues in life that such as task, wellness, marriage and love. Exactly what could be more peace-giving compared to linking with a spiritual expert which not only provides aid in locating out the finest remedies for many issues faced by a person in life yet also acts as a pillar of toughness that could be relied upon in any kind of circumstance. Lots of folks obtain totally ruined with problems in life such as individual and household relationships that are at breaking point, losses in business, negative energy and black magic removal services etc.

RAJENDRA PUROHIT is the UK best, top and spe


Ek mukhi
General Introduction: This Rudraksha is said to be the incarnation of lord Shiva. It renders Bhukti and Mukti both. The person, who wears it, becomes pious and free from sins and gets the blessings of God. It is very rare and helps the person succeed in his undertakings. He will have all round happiness and prosperity.
• Those, who are sinners or who indulge in evil acts, become free from sins if they wear this Rudraksha.
• A person, who wears it, becomes ambitious and all his plannings and projects are accomplished.
• All the gods and goddesses become propitiated with the person and fulfill all his desires.
Mantra: Om Aing Hang Oum Aing Om. offers 1 Mukhi rudraksha at affordable rate so hurry up and buy now 1 Mukhi rudraksha.


Mobile Phones were invented by Martin Cooper in 1973 but the mobile phones were brought into the market in the year 1983. A mobile phone is a device which connects you with people even if you are far away from them.
It has become one of the most common thing which almost everyone of us possess nowadays. It has become an essential device for us. It’s not just a mobile phone but it has also become a shopping device, a wallet, a business tool for many of us. Now we can handle most of our work with just a tap.
Have you ever thought that does our mobile number can influence our day-to-day life?
Yes! it does.
Numerology(the branch of knowledge that deals with the occult significance of numbers.), when we say every number leaves impact then the mobile number is one which becomes very important as very much related to our life and influence it.
So many times we have seen people talking about lucky numbers and they do specific work on specific days. This device mobile is always with us when we are in a meeting, business deals, interview, job, office, home, etc.
So why not we make is fortunate for us ?

What we have to do –
Add your mobile number to a single digit.
Example if your number is 9123456789,
then add it 9+1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 54 = 9

So let us see what does your Mobile Number signify
Number 1 – This is a strong number which speaks about power and , authority, command. This is a number of success and fame.
Number 2 - This is the perfect number for people who love art and music and are romantic. This number depicts emotion, care, and of course fluctuating mind.
Number 3 – Is a number of expansion, ambition, management. It is good for people who are writers, teacher, adviser, spiritual leaders.
Number 4 – A smart mind but restless and .in stable. People who are scientists, politicians associated with media can use this number.
Number 5- This number represents change, busy life, generally good for businessman and people who like an adventure.
Number 6- This is the best number for home makers, people who are family oriented or interested in music and art, actors. If you are in love try this number.
Number 7- This is the strongest mystical number. Perfect for research oriented people, thinkers. One may have to work hard to achieve goals.
Number 8- A number is good for people who work for masses. This number may attract wealth if you work hard. Suitable for people who are in business, educationist, lawyers.
Number 9 – It can be a fortunate number. People with health issues should not keep this number. This can be good for people who are associated with healing and healthcare job, publishing and printing. It can be beneficial for Leaders.
Q. What should we avoid ?
Ans. Avoid too much repetition of any digit in your mobile number.
Birth Date Should avoid
1, 10, 19 & 28 (Should avoid 2, 3, 4, 9)
2, 11, 20 & 29 (Should avoid 1, 5)
3, 12, 21 & 30 (Should avoid 1, 2, 9)
4, 13, 22 & 31 (Should avoid 6, 8)
5, 14 & 23. (Should avoid 1, 6)
6, 15 & 24 (Should avoid 4, 5, 7, 8)
7, 16 & 25 (Should avoid 6, 9)
8, 17 & 26 (Should avoid 4, 5, 6)
9, 18 & 27. (Should avoid 1, 2, 3, 7)

Many businessmen, actors, singers, cricketers, and many more famous personalities have used this science of numbers to improve and boost their prosperity and harmony.
Some of my clients have also used this and made changes, like Mr. Abhinav, Mr. Virat, Miss Monica, Priyanka, Baba, and many more other from Bombay, Delhi, Banglore, Pune, etc.


19.09.2018 बुधवार भाद्रपद सुदी दषमी पूर्वाषाढा नक्षत्र- सोना, चाँदी, ताँबा, जस्ता, लैड आदि धातुओं में उतार-चढ़ाव देखने को मिलेगा। किराना में गेहूँ, गुड़, चीनी, जीरा, धनिया, हल्दी, काली मिर्च, मूंग, मोठ, चना, अरहर में तेजी रहेगी। लोंग, इलायची, कपूर, मैंथोल, चावल, पाट-पटसन, बारदाना आदि स्थिर रहेंगे। क्रूड आॅयल व पेट्रोलियम पदार्थो में तेजी देखी जा सकती है। शेयर मार्केट में मन्दी दिखेगी।
(((कृपया ध्यान देवे यहाँ दिया गया आकलन केवल ज्योतिष गणना के आधार पर हुवे लाभ हानि की हमारी कोई जिमेदारी नहीं होगी )))


Saturn in the 9th house:
The ninth house is an auspicious house and called as the dharma bhava and shows that what good acts were performed by the native in his past life and how much fruits of those deeds will he get in present birth in the form of reward or punishment. It’s the house of luck. long distance journey, higher education, philosophy, religion, intuition, the way the soul progresses in the spiritual evolution, degree of knowledge one may develop, the pure and higher thoughts, father of the native etc. In kalpursha’s kundali it is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Being 12th from 10th house, this house is also related to retirement, resignation, loosing job etc.It is 6th from the 4th house [mother] so illness of mother also judge from this house. According to Lal Kitab Native having Saturn in 9th house will have three houses .He will be a successful tour operator or civil engineer. He will enjoy a long and happy life and parents also will have a happy life, The three generations of native will be protected from the bad effects of Saturn. If the native is helpful to others Saturn will always give good results.The native will have a son, though he will be born late in life by dr n.l.purohit


Saturn in 10th house:
10th house is the Karma Bhava in Vedic Astrology, relating to the work we do and the profession we are involved in. It is basically known as the“ house of career”. The tenth house stands for respect, prestige, fame, authority, name, and ego. Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius signs of zodiac, Capricorn is the 10th house of Natural Zodiac. Saturn is often misunderstood as a terrible planet that brings misery but it is wrong, Saturn is lord of Justice and gives the good and bad results on the basis of good and bad acts of the person. Saturn gives the best result for Tula (Libra) lagna, and second best for Vrishabha (Ta**us) lagna by virtue of becoming a Beneficial planet (Lord of Kendra and Trikona houses).It gives good result for Makar (Capricorn) and Kumbha ( Aquarius) lagna as lagna lord. Saturn gives mixed result for Mithuna (Gemini), Kanya (Virgo), Dhanu (Sagittarius) and Meena (Pisces) lagnas, and proves unfavorable for the remaining lagnas. If posited in the sign of Jupiter in 10th house and is not aspected by any malefic planet like Mars then such Saturn helps the person to attained Moksha. Saturn signifies Profession Career, hard Work, discipline, tradition, thinking ability, Justice, Law, Poor and Unprivileged person of the Society etc. The results of Saturn in 10th house depends upon the relation between the Saturn and lord of the 10th house, the relation may be permanent friendship or Tatkalik [ position of the planets in the birth chat] for example Saturn is in 10th house in Libra sign and Venus , a natural friend of Saturn is present in 5th house, this is the 6-8th position from each other so from Tatkalik point of view the relation is not friendly but as both are natural friend so 6-8 th position will not check the good results of Saturn. Take second example of Scorpio ascendant Saturn in 10th house and Sun the owner of 10th is in 3rd house, here both the planets are natural enemies to each other and are also Tatkalik enemies too so naturally it will be presumed that Sun will adversely affect good results of Saturn in the 10th house but normally Sun gives good results in 3rd house.. When Saturn occupies the 10th house it develops leadership and dominating nature to the native, however such persons face difficulties and hindrances in their life, spite of it these persons are hard working and are serious towards their responsibilities. These native take deep interest in spiritual studies. These people will receive favors from government and would possess pleasing relations with the people at higher levels. If the 10th house falls either in Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius and Saturn occupies this house then one of the Panch Mahapurush Yoga, Sasa yoga is formed which provides best career provided Saturn should not be weak, such Saturn elevates the person to head of the department, head of big corporation, on the post of higher judicial officer or make a person a Ruler or a Minister. These persons are serious to change the job or in search of place where they can earn more but this position of Saturn restrict the change. Even after very hard he gets the job in other organization, this Saturn will not allow him to avail the change and the native will remain where he is. Since Sasa yoga is caused by Saturn which is natural malefic, this Yoga also indicates questionable character of the native. But in case in Moon is well placed without any affliction then native will be noble and enjoy the benefit of Sasa yoga. From 10th house Saturn aspects 12th, 4th and 7th houses therefore placement of Saturn in 1oth house is not good for the happiness from mother side and also causes delay in marriage. There is also a chance for the native to go to foreign lands regarding their career because Saturn aspects the 12th house of foreign lands form the 10th house. but this can also mean that the native can be a police officer in a jail, doctor in a hospital or a spiritual guru who lives in isolated places which is all represented by 12th house. A debilitated or afflicted Saturn in 10th house can create troubles with higher authorities in work place and delay the progress. From the 10th house Saturn aspects the 7th house of marriage, this aspect can and does delay marriage due to career and professional life, also the spouse of the native would also be very career oriented. These natives destroy their enemy/ opponents very clever and ingenious way which they will never understand or be able to stop. Traveling job is not suitable for them. To remove the bad effects of Saturn the person must go to the temple regularly. Meat, wine and eggs are to keep away from. The individual must also offer food to 10 visually impaired .


Saturn in 10th house:
10th house is the Karma Bhava in Vedic Astrology, relating to the work we do and the profession we are involved in. It is basically known as the“ house of career”. The tenth house stands for respect, prestige, fame, authority, name, and ego. Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius signs of zodiac, Capricorn is the 10th house of Natural Zodiac. Saturn is often misunderstood as a terrible planet that brings misery but it is wrong, Saturn is lord of Justice and gives the good and bad results on the basis of good and bad acts of the person. Saturn gives the best result for Tula (Libra) lagna, and second best for Vrishabha (Ta**us) lagna by virtue of becoming a Beneficial planet ( Lord of Kendra and Trikona houses).It gives good result for Makar (Capricorn) and Kumbha ( Aquarius) lagna as lagna lord. Saturn gives mixed result for Mithuna (Gemini), Kanya (Virgo), Dhanu ( Sagittarius) and Meena (Pisces) lagnas, and proves unfavorable for the remaining lagnas. If posited in the sign of Jupiter in 10th house and is not aspected by any malefic planet like Mars then such Saturn helps the person to attained Moksha. Saturn signifies Profession Career, hard Work, discipline, tradition, thinking ability, Justice, Law, Poor and Unprivileged person of the Society etc. The results of Saturn in 10th house depends upon the relation between the Saturn and lord of the 10th house, the relation may be permanent friendship or Tatkalik [ position of the planets in the birth chat] for example Saturn is in 10th house in Libra sign and Venus , a natural friend of Saturn is present in 5th house, this is the 6-8th position from each other so from Tatkalik point of view the relation is not friendly but as both are natural friend so 6-8 th position will not check the good results of Saturn. Take second example of Scorpio ascendant Saturn in 10th house and Sun the owner of 10th is in 3rd house, here both the planets are natural enemies to each other and are also Tatkalik enemies too so naturally it will be presumed that Sun will adversely affect good results of Saturn in the 10th house but normally Sun gives good results in 3rd house.. When Saturn occupies the 10th house it develops leadership and dominating nature to the native, however such persons face difficulties and hindrances in their life, spite of it these persons are hard working and are serious towards their responsibilities. These native take deep interest in spiritual studies. These people will receive favors from government and would possess pleasing relations with the people at higher levels. If the 10th house falls either in Libra, Capricorn or Aquarius and Saturn occupies this house then one of the Panch Mahapurush Yoga, Sasa yoga is formed which provides best career provided Saturn should not be weak, such Saturn elevates the person to head of the department, head of big corporation, on the post of higher judicial officer or make a person a Ruler or a Minister. These persons are serious to change the job or in search of place where they can earn more but this position of Saturn restricts the change. Even after very hard he gets the job in other organization, this Saturn will not allow him to avail the change and the native will remain where he is. Since Sasa yoga is caused by Saturn which is natural malefic, this Yoga also indicates questionable character of the native. But in case in Moon is well placed without any affliction then native will be noble and enjoy the benefit of Sasa yoga. From 10th house Saturn aspects 12th, 4th and 7th houses therefore placement of Saturn in 1oth house is not good for the happiness from mother side and also causes delay in marriage. There is also a chance for the native to go to foreign lands regarding their career because Saturn aspects the 12th house of foreign lands form the 10th house. but this can also mean that the native can be a police officer in a jail, doctor in a hospital or a spiritual guru who lives in isolated places which is all represented by 12th house. A debilitated or afflicted Saturn in 10th house can create troubles with higher authorities in work place and delay the progress. From the 10th house Saturn aspects the 7th house of marriage, this aspect can and does delay marriage due to career and professional life, also the spouse of the native would also be very career oriented. These natives destroy their enemy/ opponents very clever and ingenious way which they will never understand or be able to stop. Traveling job is not suitable for them. To remove the bad effects of Saturn the person must go to the temple regularly. Meat, wine and eggs are to keep away from. The individual must also offer food to 10 visually impaired .


13 - Sep - 2018
New Delhi, India Daily Panchang

Tithi Chaturthi 14:53:18
Nakshatra Swati 24:53:42
Karana :
Vishti 14:53:18
Bhav 26:33:11
Paksha Shukla
Yoga Indra 24:35:28
Day Guruvara

Sun And Moon Calculations
Sun Rise 06:04:47
Moon Rise 09:31:59
Moon Sign Tula
Sun Set 18:29:16
Moon Set 21:11:00
Ritu Sharad

Hindu Month And Year
Shaka Samvat 1940 Vilambi
Kali Samvat 5120
Day Duration 12:24:29
Vikram Samvat 2075
Month Amanta Bhadrapada
Month Purnimanta Bhadrapada

Auspicious/Inauspicious Timings
Auspicious Timings
Abhijit 11:52:12 - 12:41:50
Inauspicious Timings
Dushta Muhurtas :
10:12:56 - 11:02:34
15:10:44 - 16:00:22
Kantaka/Mrityu 15:10:44 - 16:00:22
Yamaghanta 06:54:24 - 07:44:02
Rahu Kaal 13:50:05 - 15:23:08
Kulika 10:12:56 - 11:02:34
Kalavela 16:50:00 - 17:39:38
Yamaganda 06:04:47 - 07:37:50
Gulika Kaal 09:10:54 - 10:43:57
Disha Shoola
Disha Shoola South

Chandrabalam And Tarabalam
Tara Bala
Ashwini, Kritika, Mrigashirsha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Moola, Uttara Ashadha, Dhanishta, Satabisha, Poorva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada
Chandra Bala
Mesha, Vrishabha, Simha, Tula, Dhanu, Makara


12, Geeta Bhawan
Jodhpur City


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